Sunday, July 30, 2017

Florida Utilities, Were Warned Of Climate-Change Risks Since 1970s

Florida Power & Light:  The third-largest utility in America routinely brags about how responsive it's been to the impacts of climate change, a new report outlines that it has known about the effects of climate change since the 1970s.
They along with Duke Power and the Panhandle's Gulf Power have for decades been funding PR campaigns to discount climate science as untrustworthy and untrue. The report also hits Gulf Power for funneling hundreds of thousands of dollars to climate-denying scientists.

Rick Scott's Wolfe: Pete Antonacci

You remember “The Wolfe.” He was the character played by Harvey Keitel in the Quentin Tarantino movie, Pulp Fiction. “I solve problems,” was how The Wolfe described his many-faceted job working for a powerful, but unseen boss. Florida’s Winston Wolfe is Pete Antonacci, who fixes things for Gov. Rick Scot. here

Florida Trump Supporter Lynn Aronberg

 The former Miami Dolphins cheerleader is a staunch Republican and supporter of Trump.  here

The Solar City of South Miami

South Miami 4th City In the country that will now mandate solar power be  installed in newly built homes or those subject to material renovation. here
Developers and builders expressed ‘concern’ over the mandate adding costs to homes and that leading people to not be able to afford to buy from them. The good news is that that is not a very valid concern.
First, the local real estate market in South Miami (and South Florida) is robust. People love living here and are paying record prices for homes, homes often filled will all sorts of costly technology, kitchens or bathroom fixtures that you’ve never heard a builder suggest impacted their ability to build or sell a home. But they are somehow against solar and residents having free power from the sun?  FP&L’s concern over the proposed new law and my guess is that they will work hard to fight it and do almost anything to protect their business. You need only look at FP&L’s shameful attempt to mislead voters last year on Amendment 1 here in Florida, and in the process reportedly spent millions of dollars trying to deceive voters on before losing. The ordinance won final approval Tuesday on a 4-1 vote with Commissioner Josh Liebman voting no. (Pic)

Rick Scott's Price-Tag For Losing Legal Battles Continues To Grow

Since Scott took office the state has paid at least $19 million to cover expenses and fees for opposing lawyers. here

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Times Gone Mad

"The world is taking notice of our great city. None of it is an accident"
 Benjamin Kirby's thoughts on the unfortunate recommendation from the Tampa Bay Times here 

Florida Koch Heads

The Florida chapter of the 
Americans for Prosperity (AFP) released its 2017 
"Economic Freedom" scorecard. 
Check out who gets an A+ here

The People In Charge Of The Public Buses In Hillsborough County

Mass transit in the Tampa Bay area is, by most measures, the worst among the nation's top 20 metro areas.  We have far fewer buses here, 360 compared to 600 or more elsewhere. The people at HART COULD CARE LESS.
The bus system holds little appeal for the broader segment of people like them — busy, successful professionals. they seldom if ever ride the bus. HERE

The Hillsborough PTC Is Dead

After years of tormenting ridesharing companies Uber and Lyft, as well as their customers, with burdensome regulations designed to prop up area taxi cab companies, the Hillsborough County Public Transportation Commission is set to be dissolved later this year by an act of the Legislature.  here

Public VS Chris's Plumbing In Tampa

Monday, September 18 at 6 PM

Friday, July 28, 2017

Stogie's HART Ride

11.10 am: #6: Busch and 56th St. 
Temple Terrace
11:39 am: Net Park (Pic)

Marion Transit Center
12:10 pm #6 Arrive
12:30 #4 To my destination.


12:50 pm: Bay To Bay and Concordia St. 

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Kung Pao Chicken
With Fried Rice
At Ming Garden
Colunbus Dr. amd Tampa St.
Eat local

Falafel Fundraiser at Zaytoon Grill: Meet Akilé and Jesse

8.7 - 4 PM
Zaytoon Grill - St. Pete

Transit Now Tampa Bay‎ In Ybor City


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Our Friend Liam From DC

Is raising money for 

Our Local Hero Dane Powell

On January 20th thousands of protesters from across the country descended upon Washington D.C. to protest the inauguration of Donald Trump. Several hundred of these protesters participated in an anti-fascist anti-capitalist march that resulted in the arrests of over 230 people. Dane was one of them. On july 7th he was sent to prison and could face decades there. more

Florida Trump Supporters

What Stogie Had For Lunch

with Lentil soup
At Petra Restaurant in Tampa
Eat Local

Boycott Wendy's Picket in Orlando!

8.6 - 2 PM
2201 E Colonial Dr, Orlando

Dane & J20 Solidarity In Tampa

7.28 - 8 PM
6420 N Central Ave, Tampa

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

The Left Can Win In The South

Bernie Sanders may be the most popular politician in the country today, but his defeat across the South should have been a wake-up call for the left. Future candidates must learn from his missteps if they’re serious about winning.
“You’re not gonna win people over in the South with a tweet or a Facebook post. It’s getting out there and pressing the flesh and listening to people’s hopes and dreams…. we have to work and have stronger efforts to not just say people need decent wages or a decent place to live, but good wages and a good place to live.” Our Revolution’s newly appointed president, Nina Turner, a former state senator from Ohio and 
a prominent Sanders surrogate.

MPO Public Meeting "TampaBayNext" and "The Boulevard"

8.1 - 9 AM
Hillsborough County, Florida Government

Ybor City Chickens

Next Generation
Ybor City, Florida

1.5 Million Floridians Could Lose Their Health Coverage

The healthcare replacement bill that Senate Republicans are intent on pushing toward a vote this week, despite being declared dead a few days ago for lack of support within their own party, would mean the loss of health coverage for almost 1.5 million Floridians. here

The Democratic Environmental Caucus of Florida - Tampa Chapter

Join them here

Monday, July 24, 2017

Florida 's Culture Of Corruption: Charter-Schools

Richard Corcoran

Manny Diaz
Legislators who profit from the charter-school industry in private life and have been actively involved in pushing — and successfully passing — legislation to fund for-profit private schools at the expense of public education. here

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Cajun Wings
At Gator Dockside in Temple Terrace
Eat Local!

Ybor City Before I-275 Destroyed Tampa's Urban Core

St. Pete Rally for Racial Justice & Reparations

7.25 - 6:30 PM
Williams Park
Hosted by Jesse Nevel for Mayor of St. Petersburg

Help Bring "An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth To Power" To Tampa

To determine how widely to release the film, Paramount Pictures has scheduled "An Inconvenient Sequel" to open in *limited release* on Friday, July 28The more tickets that are sold on opening weekend, the more cities and towns will be able to see the film once it is widely released in the weeks that follow. 

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Domino Table in Ybor City

Tampa FNB August Gathering

8.7 - 8:30 PM
Seminole Heights Community Acupuncture

Project Up-Start In Miami

The homeless education program serving 
all of Miami Dade County Public Schools.
Visit them here - Like them on Facebook

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Bistec en Cazuela
With Black Beans, Rice and Yuca
At Food Town Meat Market in Tampa
Eat Local!