Friday, February 15, 2013


Sen. Marco Rubio has a vision for America that's out of step with our middle class values. is dedicated to shining a spotlight on Sen. Rubio's extremist positions, numerous ethical lapses, and the “wrong way” he’s trying to lead our nation.

Local Environmental Hero Honored

Keep America Beautiful (KAB) presented Ruskin, Fla., resident Jim Igler with its top volunteer accolade when he was presented the Iron Eyes Cody Award during KAB’s 60th anniversary National Conference, which recently took place in Washington, D.C. The Iron Eyes Cody Award was created in honor of KAB’s landmark public awareness campaign of the 1970s, which is credited with awakening the environmental consciousness of an entire generation of Americans.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Friends Of Stogie

In Temple Terrace

Tell Rep. Castor: Help Rep. Alan Grayson and Rep. Mark Takano

 take Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security benefits off the chopping block.
Over the next few weeks, we'll be in the fight of our lives to save Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security benefits. House Democrats can help take these programs off the chopping block by co-signing a letter written by progressive champions Rep. Alan Grayson and Rep. Mark Takano that draws a line in the sand on benefit cuts.
Sign The Petition

FL Gov. Rick Scott Commercial

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Marco Rubio's Water Break

Why is he drinking water from Maine, whats wrong with Florida water?
 Zephyrhills Water
Drink Local!

Tampa Theatre will screen Oscar-nominated short films

The Tampa Theatre is offering audiences a chance to see the 10 short films that will be vying for Oscar statuettes at the Academy Awards ceremony on Feb. 24.

Free The Vote, Awake The State Rally

Voting should be fair and accessible for all. But ask 102-year-old Desiline Victor, who waited three hours to vote at her precinct in North Miami if Florida’s elections are fair and accessible. She’ll likely tell you “no.” It’s time to eliminate the unnecessary barriers imposed by Gov. Rick Scott and his legislative allies that prevented an estimated 201,000 Floridians from casting a ballot in 20121. Enough already. Ms. Victor joined First Lady Michelle Obama at last night’s State of the Union address to lend her voice to the call to fix Florida’s broken elections. Will you join us at a rally on March 5th during Gov. Scott’s State of the State address to lend your voice to this rising chorus?
Sign up for a Free The Vote, Awake The State rally near you today, or organize one in your community.
 Gaslight Park, Downtown Tampa
410 N. Franklin Street, Tampa
Sen. Jeff Brandes' District Office
3637 4th Street North, St. Petersburg

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Mary Mulhern at Mise en Place

Mary Mulhern for Hillsborough County
Wednesday, February 20, 2013 - 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Mise en Place
442 W. Kennedy Blvd.. Tampa
Suggested minimum contribution $25, maximum $500

Connect Tampa Bay

Connect Tampa Bay, a new transportation education and advocacy organization, was launched Tuesday. Connect Tampa Bay will engage citizens across Tampa Bay who want to invest in more viable transportation options to improve economic development and quality of life. "Connect Tampa Bay aims to bring people together to understand the challenges we face from the lack of transportation options and advocate for solutions from the bottom up."
more   Join them here

The State Of The Tampa Bay Blogosphere

Still Going Strong
Madfloridian - Litbrit - Tampa Do-Gooder - Tiny Little Dots
St. Petersblog - The Spencerian - SOG City Oracle - Finding Tampa
Bartlett Park - Pushing Rope - R/CT - Alan Snel - Clark Brooks
The Ybor City Stogie
We Miss You
The State Of Sunshine - Out In Left Field - Tampa Backdoor Ways
Deep Something

When Something Isn't Working - Try Something Else

Fla GOP's breath-taking hubris and entitlement hardly limited to Jim Greer
The whole sorry story of the Florida Republican Party under Jim Greer is exhibit A on how near-absolute power, combined with astronomical campaign accounts, can and did breed breathtaking arrogance and entitlement, if not outright corruption, among party leaders professing conservatism.
Traffic tickets, fraud probes deaths — and state Rep. Daphne Campbell
She’s a Democratic state representative who has another way to deal with future red-light tickets: file legislation to ban the traffic-surveillance cameras that shot video of her husband’s Honda Odyssey breaking traffic laws.
Stogie likes this party. Florida Greens

Monday, February 11, 2013

Gasparilla Arts Month

Friends Of Stogie

In Temple Terrace

Florida Man Nation’s Worst Superhero

You know all those stranger-than-fiction news headlines detailing the bizarre exploits of someone identified only as "Florida man"? Imagine that all of those headlines referred to a single person, and that this person is superhero who causes mayhem wherever he goes.

Mary Mulhern for Hillsborough County Commission, District 7

Sign Up for Campaign Updates

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Tampa Streetcar

Gulfport Waterfront

Dancing Everyday

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Burger and Fries
At Gaspar's Patio in Temple Terrace


A groundbreaking investigative documentary about one of America's most shameful and best kept secrets: the epidemic of rape within the U.S. military.
Wednesday, Feb. 13 @ 7:00pm. Free 
The L Train, 900 Central Ave, St. Petersburg

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Sweetbay Closings And Charities

Tampa Bay area organizations that assist the homeless and impoverished had come to depend on Sweetbay's donations of thousands of pounds of expiring produce, meats and baked goods from neighborhood stores.

Friends Of Stogie

At Gaspar's Patio in Temple Terrace

The Bass Pro Giveaway

14 people spoke against a proposal by the Hillsborough County Commission to dole out more than $6 million to a land developer for road improvements around a proposed Bass Pro Shops.

Local Views: The Cuban Advantage

Let me get this straight. Marco Rubio, current darling of the Republican Party, is going to be an authority on immigration? Isn't it a little ironic? As a son of Cuban immigrants, Cubans only need get to our shores and are granted full "amnesty." No evidence of moral character (whatever that means); no English as first language.We should start by addressing this arcane and unfair favoritism.
Leslie Sisto, St. Petersburg

Friday, February 8, 2013

Tampa Bay Rays

We Have No Money Over Here
Stay at the Trop where you belong. Ken Hagan will be out of a job soon and won't be able to help you.
We are not Miami-Dade or Arlington, Texas. If you get it on the ballot it will be defeated.

The Everglades Seafood Festival

Revenue Checkpoints Come to Florida

Get Well Mindy

Troubled country singer (Ft. Myers native) Mindy McCready has been committed to rehab for alcohol and mental health issues in the wake of her boyfriend, David Wilson’s, death last month. Addtionally, the 37-year-old’s two young sons have been removed from her Arkansas home. According to E!, a judge ordered McCready to treatment following an emergency hearing on Wednesday.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Marco Rubio Not Concerned About Climate Change

Higginbotham, Hagan, Murman, and Crist

The goal, is for Hillsborough County to “stop embarrassing us, and embarrassing itself.
“To stop a bully is really easy. But silence to a bully is encouragement. And right now there are too many people who feel the way we do, who are very silently shaking their head at the County Commission.
And we need them to be vocal and visible.”
Those were the words of Nadine Smith, executive director of Equality Florida, speaking at a town hall meeting in Ybor on Tuesday night. The meeting was a response to the controversial 4-3 vote last month by the Hillsborough County Commission, rejecting creation of a domestic partner registry.

The Fix and the Best of Florida

Cillizza and the team from The Fix are back again, and they want nominations for best state political blogs:
Now, I certainly wouldn't complain if some generous reader out there wanted to nominate The Spencerian. It would be a genuine honor, and I would be grateful. However, there are a lot of great blogs in this state, and I think they and their writers (and readers, for that matter) deserve a shot. So I am asking you think about other Florida blogs first. Go ahead.You can do it.

What Stogie Had For Lunch

With a Bloody Mary
At Beef o'Bradys in Temple Terrace.

Ashley Judd for Kentucky

A Hollywood Liberal?

Or This Guy? remember This?
Mitch McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President. 
 Karl Rove (This guy is still in business?) must be worried.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Friends Of Stogie

At Gaspar's Patio in Temple Terrace

Sue Carlton: Tampa is not such a bad city after all

At last, someone who gets us.
Like me, maybe you found yourself a little irked at how Tampa was portrayed nationally as the Bayshore backdrop to a scandal that took down a CIA director. If you too were a tad offended by jokes of us being Jacksonville south, and also hotter and uglier than the surface of the moon, take heart.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Tampa Personal Chef

My name is Cristian Feher, I am the head chef at Tampa Bay Chef Services here in sunny Florida.
 I love to write about food and invite you to visit my blog!

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Hot Cuban
I stopped at Excel Food and Fuel at Bay and S. Dale Mabry in Tampa last week and had some great tacos.
I came back to try a Cuban.

Tampa Receives Federal Grant for Transit

Tampa was awarded $234,281 from the Federal Transit Administration's (FTA) Innovative Transit Workforce Development Program to implement "Meeting Today's and Tomorrow's Job Needs in Mass Transit," a recruitment and training partnership between the Corporation to Develop Communities of Tampa, Inc. (CDC of Tampa) and HART.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Schnitt Gets What He Deserves

Who is going to sue him for all the hate he spews on that right-wing talk show of his?

Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary

Needs A Miracle
Opened in 1971, the haven is not accepting any new sick or injured birds for rehabilitation because of financial problems. While it is unclear if the sanctuary is closing, a board member says it will take a miracle to save it.
Help Them Out

LegiCamp 2013

Florida Progressives
Orlando City Hall
400 South Orange Av
Saturday, February 9, 2013 from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM

Tampa, Meet Your New Recycling Bin

Melissa PersoniusTampa's Honey Trapper

Just before lawyer Campbell got popped midtrial for DUI, turns out this pretty woman showed up at Malio's, bought him drinks and ultimately asked him to drive her car, the allegations went. And the cutie turns out to be a legal assistant with opposing counsel Diaco's firm. And the head DUI cop (Ray Fernandez) is big pals with a lawyer in opposing counsel's firm.
Tampa Police Department says Sergeant was 'manipulated.
Only In Tampa!