Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Florida Voters Turn Thumbs Down On Scott

Florida voters disapprove 57 - 29 percent of the job Rick Scott is doing, the worst score of any governor in the states surveyed by Quinnipiac University and down from a 48 - 35 percent disapproval in an April 6 survey, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.

Jim Hightower On FSU

For only $1.5 million,
(Charles) Koch bought a big chunk of the economics department of Florida State University. His donation gives him control of a new "academic" program at this public institution to indoctrinate students in his self-serving political theories. The billionaire gets to screen all applicants, veto any he deems insufficiently ideological, and sign off on all hires. Also, the department head must submit yearly reports to Koch about the faculty's speeches, publications, and classes, and he evaluates the faculty based on "objectives" that he sets.

What Stogie Had For Lunch

With Rice and Yuca.
$4.99 @ Huracan
Northwest corner of Sligh and Central in Seminole Heights
(Where the poor locals eat.)
How Much Was Your Last Value Meal?
Eat Local!

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Tommy
He is a local. He has been homeless 3 years.
Tampa Bay Homeless

Congratulations To Congresswoman Kathy Hochul

For her victory in New York's 26th Congressional District.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tampa Residents Commemorate Anniversary Of Death Of Jose Marti

On this day in 1895, Cuban revolutionary José Martí died in battle against the Spaniards. Today on a tiny chunk of Cuban soil in Ybor City, a small group of Tampa residents of Cuban descent commemorated the anniversary. 89-year-old Al Arteaga of Cuba Vive Tampa Bay brought flowers to the Friends of José Martí Park.

Happy 70th Birthday

Bob Dylan

In Florida, Walk At Your Own Risk

A report by the group Transportation for America says the four deadliest metro regions for pedestrians in the U.S. are all in Florida. Orlando tops out the list, followed by Tampa/ St. Petersburg,
Jacksonville and Miami/ Fort Lauderdale.

Yoga, Rare Plants, Bamboo and Organic Eggs

Meet Kevin Hurley

Cheers Ireland

"We feel very much at home."......President Obama

Monday, May 23, 2011

WMNF Funding

We thought you should know Rick Scott is reviewing the final State budget and is considering eliminating funding public broadcasting stations in Florida. If this happens,
WMNF would lose more than $72,000 in our upcoming fiscal year.
Please contact Scott today to let him know how you feel about State funding for public broadcasting.
Please call or write today.

You may also call (850) 488-7146

Bend and a Twist

Hand made sterling silver wire wrapped jewerly man made and natural stones.
1808 Lakeview Drive, Brandon
813.833.5983 or 833.0192
Mon - Sun: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

What Stogie Had For Breakfast

Two Eggs
With Homefries And Ham.
$4.75.....At Three Coins Diner, Nebraska and Broad in Tampa.
How Much Was Your Last Value Meal?
Eat Local!

Three Coins on Urbanspoon

Tatiana "Personal Chef of Tampa Bay"

Tatiana (Center), with Gaby Perham and Manny Potter of Mace Multimedia.
At the Riverview Spring Fest.

Doing My Part

In Largo

Master Gardener Allan Bednar

We Sell Green Thumbs

TakeOut Butler

TakeOut Butler is the premier restaurant delivery service for
the greater Brandon area and beyond.

Tomboy Gardening Tools

Tomboy Tools is an official sponsor of the
Avon Walk for Breast Cancer
Contact: Cora Simon 813.741.0413
or visit her website here

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011

What Stogie Had For Lunch

A typical dish in Ecuadorian cuisine. Its main ingredient is fried pork. It is a traditional dish, and its origins date back to the colonial era, to the beginning of the 19th century. The pork is cooked in boiling water with various spices and then is fried with pork fat in a brass pan over flames. It is generally served with Llapingacho or whole boiled potatoes, mote or cooked corn, pickled onions and tomato, and fried ripe plantains......
$8.95.....Amazon Ceviche bar & Grill, 4810 E. Busch blvd Tampa

Amazon Ceviche bar & Grill on Urbanspoon

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Melanie Ware From Mississippi

An article and photographs about hookah smoking in the Mitchell High School yearbook has drawn the ire of a parent who says the feature is inappropriate for a yearbook. (Melanie) Ware, who has lived in Pasco County for four years, said she attended public schools in her native Mississippi and wants to support the public schools here. Mitchell High's decision to feature hookah in the yearbook is making her rethink that view, though.
She could always pack her family and go home.

Tampa Bay Progressive

Hillsborough PDA Meeting
Sat, May 21, 3:30-5pm
John F. Germany Public Library
900 N. Ashley Dr. Tampa

Spotlight Tampa - Waterwise Award Winner

Nanette O'Hara

The Secret Garden Of SOG City

One of the first things I did when I got back from the Persian Gulf War was to kill off the lawn, shit-can the mower, and mulch both the front and back yards. My next move entailed planting flowers, vegetables, fruit trees, and colorful ornamentals. Going green was one of the best decisions I ever made.

Now, while the mowers are fuming around the neighborhood,
I just kick back in the shade and toss back a couple of ice cold brewskis.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Rock On Maria!

Maria Shriver
The Republican Sperminator Is History.
Hasta la vista, baby!

Townhall Meetings: Allen West Style

At U.S. Rep. West's 5/16/11 Town Hall, GOP congressman & Tea Party favorite is circled by security forces, but still gets confronted by small business owner from his district who publicly takes issue with West talking points on deficit, gets "police escort" out of the meeting, then hits home run with his own simple common sense comments in parking lot.
Via....Pushing Rope

Jacksonville Voters Put Tampa To Shame

The big news out of a Jacksonville this morning is that it's very possible a black Democrat will win the mayor's race, though the race is officially too close to call. But more interesting to this reporter from a Tampa-centric aspect is the voter participation. The turnout, according to the Supervisor of Elections Jerry Holland, was 36.81 percent. In Tampa last March in the race between Rose Ferlita and Bob Buckhorn, it was a paltry 22.3 percent.

Update: Congratulations to Mr. Brown

Extreme Right-Wing Americans for Freedom

Website Attacked
NO WORRIES - Our web team is working on getting the site restored. They will get it back up soon, and off we go with more news articles to help clean up our government. Such computer attacks are a "Felony" in the USA. They hope not to get caught?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hillsborough Needs Your Ideas and Input

The Hillsborough County City-County Planning Commission is in the process of updating plans that impact your quality of life as we move towards a more prosperous and sustainable future. In this brief survey, please weigh in on what you think are the most important issues and opportunities for improvement in Tampa,
Temple Terrace, Plant City, and Unincorporated Hillsborough County.
Take The Survey

9th Annual Tampa Elvis Festival

July 16, 2011 - 11:00 am-9:00 pm
All Peoples Life Center
6105 E. Sligh Ave. Tampa

Who Is Our Next Bogeyman?

Two weeks after the world's most infamous terrorist was buried in the North Arabian Sea, there's a central, lingering question in the sanctums of intelligence and military planning: Who are the new terrorist leaders causing U.S. counterterrorism officials to lose sleep?

A bogeyman is an amorphous imaginary being used by adults to frighten children into behaving.....Wikipedia
The guy on the left looks like The Jewel Of The Nile.

The Ybor City Shoe Licker

What Is This All About?

The James Tate Prom 2011


You Are Not Welcome Illinoisans

As a resident of Illinois, I just thought it would be rude of me not to pass along my heartfelt "thanks.” When you elected Rick Scott, he promised to oppose President Obama's evil socialist agenda. And in February, he put his – I’m sorry: YOUR – money where his mouth was. Thanks to him,
and by proxy, to you (for electing him),
most of that money was reallocated to build that corridor from St. Louis to Chicago instead of Tampa to Orlando.

Florida's Bestiality Law

Florida Democratic Senator Nan H. Rich
Logic time: Premise A: Humans are animals. Premise B: Florida banned having sex with any animal. Conclusion: it is illegal to have sex in Florida.........@fleetadmiralj Josh Chambers

Sunday, May 15, 2011

What Stogie Had For Lunch

With Fries
$4.99......At Brooklyn Express, 7502 N Florida Ave, Tampa
How Much Was Your Last Value Meal?
Eat Local!

End The War On Drugs

Since the declaration of a "war on drugs" 40 years ago:

•America has spent at least $1 trillion on the drug war. It cost U.S. taxpayers at least $51 billion in 2009 at the state and federal level. That’s $169 for every man, woman and child in America – and that’s not counting opportunity costs or costs at the local level.
•Millions of people have been incarcerated for low-level drug law violations, resulting in drastic racial disparities in the prison system.

•More than 1 of every 100 American adults is behind bars. In 1980, the total U.S. prison and jail population was about 500,000 – today, it is more than 2.3 million.