Saturday, April 1, 2017

Int'l Trans Day Of Visibility Rally & March In Ybor

Centennial Park - Ybor City, Florida

Marco Rubio Looking For Tampa Home

 It's been two months since a landlord kicked Marco Rubio out of his Tampa office because of weekly demonstrations staged there. The Miami Republican is still looking for a Tampa Bay home base. here

 His staff has been meeting constituents at libraries and coffee shops.

Spotlight on Government: Bob Henriquez, Hillsborough County Property Appraiser

The Tampa Theatre

Visit them here

Florida GOP Union Buster Scott Plakon Of Longwood

Scott Plakon's legislation meant to target Florida public school teachers passed the Republican-led House. here
The bill targets teachers, state and local government employees, nurses, bus drivers and many others who serve us and care for us every day.

Friday, March 31, 2017

Solidarity With Aramis Ayala In Tallahassee

Pastor Russell Myers

Ingrid M. Delgado

Mark Elliott

Donna Davis

Patrica A. Brooks

Glen Eich

Truth Teller

Fight For 15

Great job comrades
Florida State Capital

Ybor Paparazz

Local Artist on 7th Ave

Florida GOP Carlos Curbelo and Mario Diaz-Balart Vote Against Internet Privacy

 Carlos Curbelo and Mario Diaz-Balart, voted this week to lift restrictions on internet providers from tracking and sharing personal data without consent, joining a Republican majority that sent the legislation to Trump's desk. here

Local Treasure

Britton Plaza - Tampa

Tampa Hoods: Ybor City

7th Ave

Thursday, March 30, 2017

March and Vigil for Human Rights from Publix to Wendy's In Tampa

wendy's on Kennedy Blvd.

Publix - Hyde Park

The Incredible Sparkle-Pony

John, Wayne and Susan







Chris and Norwood





The Mel Sembler Medical Marijuana Act

The Florida House just held its first vote on legislation to implement Amendment 2 the way Mel Sembler, Calvina Fay and the Drug Free America Foundation see fit. The folks who spent 4 years and over $10 million dollars to deny sick and suffering Floridians access to medical marijuana is now helping draft the language to implement the law that over 71% of us approved. 
Ben Pollara was at the committee meeting in Tallahassee yesterday where the bill was being heard. When it came time for public comment, the first person to stand up was Calvina Fay, the longtime head of the Drug Free America Foundation. She expressed her support for the bill, thanked the sponsor for taking so many of her recommendations, and suggested it could be a model for legislation across the country.
Folks, this bill is bad. If passed, it would basically cancel out the vote we had last fall, if not make the situation worse.
Here's just some of what HB 1397 proposes:
  • Bans smoking, vaporizing and eating medical marijuana.
  • Patients have to wait 90 days to certify.
  • Patients must recertify every 90 days.
  • Creates numerous, new criminal penalties for even minor violations.
  • Patients must sign an "informed consent" document warning them of all the dangers of marijuana use and reminding them it is federally illegal.
This IS NOT what we voted for. This WILL NOT help patients. This IS NOT what the constitution says.
Help Florida for Care fight back today. We need your support to educate members of the legislature so that we can actually pass meaningful implementing legislation. here