The Jefferson Bible
The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth Extracted Textually from the Gospels by Thomas Jefferson
Tuesday, July 4, 2006
Bush's Assaults on Freedom
Bush assumed the war criminal's mantle when he illegally invaded Iraq under false pretenses. The US itself established the Nuremberg standard that it is a war crime to launch a war of aggression. This was the charge that the chief US prosecutor brought against German leaders at the Nuremberg trials.....more
Bush assumed the war criminal's mantle when he illegally invaded Iraq under false pretenses. The US itself established the Nuremberg standard that it is a war crime to launch a war of aggression. This was the charge that the chief US prosecutor brought against German leaders at the Nuremberg trials.....more
Monday, July 3, 2006

Jefferson’s 4th of July
On this Fourth of July, we Americans would do well to embrace Jefferson's last words and the American ideals that, though battered by the current tyranny, will outlast the King George of the moment....more
Bush Directed Cheney To Counter War Critic
Bush told the special prosecutor in the CIA leak case that he directed Vice President Dick Cheney to personally lead an effort to counter allegations made by former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV that his administration had misrepresented intelligence information to make the case to go to war with Iraq.....more
Bush told the special prosecutor in the CIA leak case that he directed Vice President Dick Cheney to personally lead an effort to counter allegations made by former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV that his administration had misrepresented intelligence information to make the case to go to war with Iraq.....more
Right-Wing Blog Asks Readers to "Hunt Down" Info About NYT Editors' Children
Note to Malkin. Note to Powerline. Note to RedState.
You're all worms. You're sick; you're disgusting; you are an affront to everything America stands for. Your stupidity makes angels cry, and your constant insistence on pushing blatantly false premises and stories taints this nation and taints the very premise of "journalism". You are shameless, cowardly, petty thugs, and you are apparently pathological liars....more
Note to Malkin. Note to Powerline. Note to RedState.
You're all worms. You're sick; you're disgusting; you are an affront to everything America stands for. Your stupidity makes angels cry, and your constant insistence on pushing blatantly false premises and stories taints this nation and taints the very premise of "journalism". You are shameless, cowardly, petty thugs, and you are apparently pathological liars....more
Poll: Britons tire of cruel, vulgar US
People in Britain view the United States as a vulgar, crime-ridden society obsessed with money and led by an incompetent president whose Iraq' policy is failing, according to a newspaper poll.....more
People in Britain view the United States as a vulgar, crime-ridden society obsessed with money and led by an incompetent president whose Iraq' policy is failing, according to a newspaper poll.....more
Al-Qaeda, Still in Business
Almost five years after the attacks on Washington and New York, al-Qaeda not only remains in business in its traditional stronghold on the Afghan-Pakistan border, but continues to project its ideology and terrorism abroad.....more
Al-Qaeda, Still in Business
Almost five years after the attacks on Washington and New York, al-Qaeda not only remains in business in its traditional stronghold on the Afghan-Pakistan border, but continues to project its ideology and terrorism abroad.....more
The L Word In Connecticut
Want to see a Democratic senator squirm? Don't ask about Iraq or gasoline prices. Ask about Joe Lieberman....more
Want to see a Democratic senator squirm? Don't ask about Iraq or gasoline prices. Ask about Joe Lieberman....more

Jane Kinninmont
Israel's land invasion of Gaza is a gift to hawks on both sides of the conflict, who see strategic gains to be made. Amid fears of all-out war, Jane Kinninmont traces the straining political fault-lines.....more
A Great Piece On Both Sides Of This Nonsense
Eight die in fresh Iraq bombings
Bombings in two crowded Iraqi markets have killed at least eight people and wounded dozens of others.....more
Bombings in two crowded Iraqi markets have killed at least eight people and wounded dozens of others.....more
In here
Spy Agency Sought U.S. Call Records Before 9/11, Lawyers Say
The U.S. National Security Agency asked AT&T Inc. to help it set up a domestic call monitoring site seven months before the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, lawyers claimed June 23 in court papers filed in New York federal court....more
The U.S. National Security Agency asked AT&T Inc. to help it set up a domestic call monitoring site seven months before the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, lawyers claimed June 23 in court papers filed in New York federal court....more
Sunday, July 2, 2006
Two Faces of GOP Hate
Hans Johnson
On the surface, Shawn Stuart and Ralph Reed have little in common, other than their quest for public office this year as Republicans. But, Stuart, a bona fide Nazi running for state representative in Montana, and Reed, who has repeatedly appealed to antigay and racist bias as Georgia GOP chair and hopes to become lieutenant governor, share an intimate bond. They both have bigotry at the core of their campaigns.....more
Hans Johnson
On the surface, Shawn Stuart and Ralph Reed have little in common, other than their quest for public office this year as Republicans. But, Stuart, a bona fide Nazi running for state representative in Montana, and Reed, who has repeatedly appealed to antigay and racist bias as Georgia GOP chair and hopes to become lieutenant governor, share an intimate bond. They both have bigotry at the core of their campaigns.....more
''Checks & balances' won't stop this regime — they must be driven out'
Since 9/11, the Bush regime has been shredding the rule of law that has been the governing norm in the US for the last 200 years, arrogating increasing unchecked power to the executive branch, and cementing new police state measures and the architecture of fascism into place while at the same time violating international law in its pursuit for empire around the world....more
Since 9/11, the Bush regime has been shredding the rule of law that has been the governing norm in the US for the last 200 years, arrogating increasing unchecked power to the executive branch, and cementing new police state measures and the architecture of fascism into place while at the same time violating international law in its pursuit for empire around the world....more
AU Darfur mission 'to end soon
'The 7,000-strong AU force is hampered by lack of funds The African Union has insisted its peacekeeping mission in Sudan's Darfur region will end in three months' time.....more
'The 7,000-strong AU force is hampered by lack of funds The African Union has insisted its peacekeeping mission in Sudan's Darfur region will end in three months' time.....more
First Annual Sudan Relief Jam
Skipper's Smokehouse
July 9th from 2:00pm - 10:00pm
$15.00 in advance/$20.00 at the door
Sudan Relief Committee

July 9th from 2:00pm - 10:00pm
$15.00 in advance/$20.00 at the door
Sudan Relief Committee

This Guy Is Running Against "Pombo"
I may be leading Richard Pombo in the polls (46 to 42 percent, according to Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research) but I’ll need money – and lots of it – to send Pombo and his Big Oil buddies packing.
You can help me right now by contributing to my campaign to take down Pombo and take back Congress.
The US Supreme Court: law against power
On 29 June 2006, the United States Supreme Court struck a blow for the rule of law, deciding in every respect against the Bush administration.
The American judges' ruling against Bush's military-tribunal plan for Guantánamo detainees is a historic moment.....more
On 29 June 2006, the United States Supreme Court struck a blow for the rule of law, deciding in every respect against the Bush administration.
The American judges' ruling against Bush's military-tribunal plan for Guantánamo detainees is a historic moment.....more
How any chance of an oil deal died
With no unified counterproposal to offer, the Florida delegation ended up able to do little to stand in the way of gulf drilling.....more
With no unified counterproposal to offer, the Florida delegation ended up able to do little to stand in the way of gulf drilling.....more
Saturday, July 1, 2006
Is Era of Right-Wing Site Popularity Over?
Could it be that Internet users are getting tired of political sites in general? Maybe so. But is up 13 percent in the same period....more
Could it be that Internet users are getting tired of political sites in general? Maybe so. But is up 13 percent in the same period....more
State Tracked Protesters in the Name of Security
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's office in charge of protecting California against terrorism has tracked demonstrations staged by political and antiwar groups, a practice that senior law enforcement officials say is an abuse of civil liberties....more
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's office in charge of protecting California against terrorism has tracked demonstrations staged by political and antiwar groups, a practice that senior law enforcement officials say is an abuse of civil liberties....more

It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.....Mark Twain
Nixon Would Be Proud
"In my view, far from deserving condemnation for their courageous reporting, the New York Times . . . and other newspapers should be commended for serving the purpose that the Founding Fathers saw so clearly."
-- Justice Hugo Black, New York Times v United States
"In my view, far from deserving condemnation for their courageous reporting, the New York Times . . . and other newspapers should be commended for serving the purpose that the Founding Fathers saw so clearly."
-- Justice Hugo Black, New York Times v United States
Where we have strong emotions, we're liable to fool ourselves...Carl Sagen
Where we have strong emotions, we're liable to fool ourselves...Carl Sagen
"United State's Office of Censorship"
Several Fox News media figures suggested that the U.S. government should "put up the Office of Censorship" to screen news reports to determine whether they "hurt the country" or are of "news value.....more
Several Fox News media figures suggested that the U.S. government should "put up the Office of Censorship" to screen news reports to determine whether they "hurt the country" or are of "news value.....more

The pan-Himalayan line climbs 5,072m (16,640ft) above sea level and runs across Tibet's snow-covered plateau - dubbed the roof of the world....more
Friday, June 30, 2006
More About Jose Marti......More About Antonio Maceo
“More news coming out about those seven men in Miami that the FBI arrested. They said they were planning to blow up the Sears Tower in Chicago. Seems they pledged their allegiance to al Qaeda. And they were after virgins in the afterlife because they couldn't find any in Miami.” -- Jay Leno
GEORGE Bush’s operatives have plans to jigger with the upcoming elections. I’m not talking about the November ‘06 vote in the USA (though they have plans for that, too). I’m talking about the election this Sunday in Mexico for their Presidency....more
GEORGE Bush’s operatives have plans to jigger with the upcoming elections. I’m not talking about the November ‘06 vote in the USA (though they have plans for that, too). I’m talking about the election this Sunday in Mexico for their Presidency....more
Gulf Coast residents greet drilling vote with worry and shrugs
Florida's $50-billion tourist industry depends heavily on its beaches. The slightest taint in the emerald waters of the Gulf of Mexico can be enough to send tourists packing. For instance, when red tide plagued southwest Florida last year, out-of-state visitors who got one whiff of all the dead fish quickly canceled their reservations....
"To see the eastern gulf put at risk by Congress is absolutely unthinkable" Nancy Markoe St. Pete Beach
"Tourism is really the only industry in the Keys, If there's nothing to attract tourists, then these Keys are worthless, Everyone's life would be destroyed, including mine." Capt. Adam Brynes' Siren Dive Shop in Summerland Key
"This is dumb to ruin valuable resources for what you're going to get, If you want to totally toast this state and make it nothing but Disney World, then go ahead and drill." Sue Colson Cedar Key Commissioner
Although drilling proponents have repeatedly said Hurricane Katrina caused no significant oil spills, Coast Guard officials say Katrina caused unprecedented damage requiring the largest environmental response in the nation's history. The storm created an 8.1-million gallon oil spill from multiple facilities along the Mississippi River corridor.
Then, during Hurricane Rita, a barge struck a hurricane-damaged submerged platform off the coast of Port Arthur, Texas, spilling 3-million barrels into the gulf, the largest submerged oil spill in U.S. history.....more
Florida's $50-billion tourist industry depends heavily on its beaches. The slightest taint in the emerald waters of the Gulf of Mexico can be enough to send tourists packing. For instance, when red tide plagued southwest Florida last year, out-of-state visitors who got one whiff of all the dead fish quickly canceled their reservations....
"To see the eastern gulf put at risk by Congress is absolutely unthinkable" Nancy Markoe St. Pete Beach
"Tourism is really the only industry in the Keys, If there's nothing to attract tourists, then these Keys are worthless, Everyone's life would be destroyed, including mine." Capt. Adam Brynes' Siren Dive Shop in Summerland Key
"This is dumb to ruin valuable resources for what you're going to get, If you want to totally toast this state and make it nothing but Disney World, then go ahead and drill." Sue Colson Cedar Key Commissioner
Although drilling proponents have repeatedly said Hurricane Katrina caused no significant oil spills, Coast Guard officials say Katrina caused unprecedented damage requiring the largest environmental response in the nation's history. The storm created an 8.1-million gallon oil spill from multiple facilities along the Mississippi River corridor.
Then, during Hurricane Rita, a barge struck a hurricane-damaged submerged platform off the coast of Port Arthur, Texas, spilling 3-million barrels into the gulf, the largest submerged oil spill in U.S. history.....more
Thursday, June 29, 2006

advocated charging "anybody who derails a top secret government program designed to protect us" with treasion and executing them.
Ted, Let Keith Explain It To here
Or You Can Learn All About The SWIFT Program Yourself On Their
What Should They Charge You With For Lying To These Folks For All Those Years?
Study: All Electronic Voting Machines Vulnerable to Software Attacks
A major new report on electronic voting by the Brennan Center for Justice has concluded that the three most common types of electronic voting machines are all vulnerable to software attacks....more
A major new report on electronic voting by the Brennan Center for Justice has concluded that the three most common types of electronic voting machines are all vulnerable to software attacks....more
House votes to end offshore drilling ban
What We All Have Been Waiting For Tampa Bay!
"Our beaches and our coastline is what is critical to Floridians," declared Rep. Jim Davis, D-Fla. "We should not be sacrificing our economy, our environment for a little oil and gas."
What We All Have Been Waiting For Tampa Bay!
The House voted Thursday to end a quarter-century offshore drilling ban
Many lawmakers fear that energy development could despoil coastal beaches, should there be a spill, and threatens the multibillion-dollar recreation and tourist economies of states where offshore energy development has been barred since the early 1980s.
"Our beaches and our coastline is what is critical to Floridians," declared Rep. Jim Davis, D-Fla. "We should not be sacrificing our economy, our environment for a little oil and gas."
What Are We Going To Do About This? Is Florida Going To Stand For This? What About Conservation? What About Better MPG's? What About Pedestrian And Bicycle Friendly Cities?
What About Instead Of Building That Ugly Thing Hovering Over The Selmon Crosstown We Have Trains On Tracks Already Laid Do The Same Thing. Remember, This Is A Reversible Highway, It Will Bring People From Brandon To Downtown In The Morning And Take Them Home At Night. I Have Been To The Gulf Coast Of Texas And Louisiana, And They Are Nasty....more

Howard Dean Rebuts His Critics
Democratic chair “hurt” gay leaders came down hard on his Christian TV appearance....more
Wednesday, June 28, 2006

"I legally fostered and adopted a dying dog who had a serious medical condition that long predated the hurricane.".....Pam Bondi (Hillsborough County Prosecutor)
"If he had been as close to death as Ms. Bondi claims, he would never have been placed on a transport that would take on a good day over 10 hours to get to the destination,"..... Ceily Trog, manager of St. Bernard Parish Animal Control
Poll show Americans keeping an eye on Congress
Americans are paying unusually close attention to the congressional elections in November, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds. They are more inclined to deliver significant gains to Democrats than in any year since Republicans won control of the House and Senate in 1994....more
Americans are paying unusually close attention to the congressional elections in November, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds. They are more inclined to deliver significant gains to Democrats than in any year since Republicans won control of the House and Senate in 1994....more
Dean Says Democrats Won't Use Immigration
The head of the Democratic Party told the nation's oldest Hispanic rights group on Wednesday that Democrats will not use immigration to divide the country and win in the upcoming midterm elections.....more
The head of the Democratic Party told the nation's oldest Hispanic rights group on Wednesday that Democrats will not use immigration to divide the country and win in the upcoming midterm elections.....more

Aki Nawaz
the rapper who likens Bin Laden to Che Guevara
Two record company executives are threatening to resign from a label over an album by a radical Muslim musician which has tracks about the immorality of the west, suicide bombers and Osama bin Laden.....more
On Rush Limbaugh’s Penis
What was Rush doing with a Viagra prescription in a country that one christian aid organization described as having the highest number of people working in the world working in the sex trade, including children?.....more
What was Rush doing with a Viagra prescription in a country that one christian aid organization described as having the highest number of people working in the world working in the sex trade, including children?.....more
Karl Rove's Gamble
He's betting that Americans will prefer to live in a Green Zone world--with all the fictions that go with it.....more
He's betting that Americans will prefer to live in a Green Zone world--with all the fictions that go with it.....more
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Can Reporters Committ Treason By Doing Their Jobs?
Eric Deggans
Tedd Webb advocated charging "anybody who derails a top secret government program designed to protect us" with treasion and executing them....more
Eric Deggans
Tedd Webb advocated charging "anybody who derails a top secret government program designed to protect us" with treasion and executing them....more
Monday, June 26, 2006
The Top 10 Conservative Idiots, No. here
Red Level
Some major projects are on the radar in sleepy northwest Citrus County
For developers, the pristine property and waterfront access are untapped gems that could attract businesses and home buyers priced out of Pinellas and Hillsborough counties.....more
Some major projects are on the radar in sleepy northwest Citrus County
For developers, the pristine property and waterfront access are untapped gems that could attract businesses and home buyers priced out of Pinellas and Hillsborough counties.....more
Who would want to live next to nuclear power plants?
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Hillary's Hypocrisy
Self-proclaimed "moderate" Democrats, who defend staying in Iraq, like to pretend they are the grown-ups in the argument. In reality, they are like children who have closed their ears to avoid hearing an uncomfortable truth: The longer we've stayed, the worse things have gotten, and that will continue to be the case....more
Self-proclaimed "moderate" Democrats, who defend staying in Iraq, like to pretend they are the grown-ups in the argument. In reality, they are like children who have closed their ears to avoid hearing an uncomfortable truth: The longer we've stayed, the worse things have gotten, and that will continue to be the case....more

And if Hometown Democracy passes? Then those who want to build things in places in Florida where they weren't originally intended will have to convince the entire community it's a good idea. What a concept!.....more
Dean likens Iraq plight to Vietnam
"The bottom line is that the Republicans don't have a plan," Dean said Saturday in the Democrats' response to the president's weekly radio address. "Corruption and fraud are rampant, and the overall quality of life for the Iraqi people has not improved.".....more
"The bottom line is that the Republicans don't have a plan," Dean said Saturday in the Democrats' response to the president's weekly radio address. "Corruption and fraud are rampant, and the overall quality of life for the Iraqi people has not improved.".....more
Post-Katrina New Orleans
The rest of the world thinks the crisis in New Orleans is over and that things are getting back to normal. Or, they are sick of hearing stories about what they perceive as a city inhabited by whiners. I guess I am one of those whiners....more
The rest of the world thinks the crisis in New Orleans is over and that things are getting back to normal. Or, they are sick of hearing stories about what they perceive as a city inhabited by whiners. I guess I am one of those whiners....more
Republicans Reject Minimum Wage Increase
Sen. Mel Martínez should try to live on $10,712 per year ($5.15 an hour). Clearly, based on his recent vote not to raise the minimum wage, he feels that Americans earning that amount can sustain themselves....more
Sen. Mel Martínez should try to live on $10,712 per year ($5.15 an hour). Clearly, based on his recent vote not to raise the minimum wage, he feels that Americans earning that amount can sustain themselves....more
Stoned Pelican Runs Into Windshield on Pacific Coast Highway
A California brown pelican probably was intoxicated by a naturally occurring toxin found in algae blooms when she hit the car on the Pacific Coast Highway....more
A California brown pelican probably was intoxicated by a naturally occurring toxin found in algae blooms when she hit the car on the Pacific Coast Highway....more
Saturday, June 24, 2006

The former Liberian president Charles Taylor has arrived in The Hague to face charges of 11 counts of crimes against humanity, violations of the Geneva conventions and other serious violations of international law. The charges relate to his alleged relationship with organisations operating in Sierra Leone, like the rebel Revolutionary United Front, which were responsible for atrocities including murders and widespread sexual violence.....more

Fox News Readies ‘Daily Show’ Ripoff
Starring Laura Ingraham — We’re Laughing Already
But seriously, to be a conservative means being born missing a funny bone, a handicap that renders them unable to perceive irony. Besides, as defenders of the status quo, it is the role of the rightwing to be the targets of satire.....more
Nancy Greggs
I actually remember when CNN was the go-to network when you wanted to find out what was happening in the world. Of course, that was back in the day, before your studios were equipped with direct-feed fax machines to Karl Rove’s office....more
Nancy Greggs
I actually remember when CNN was the go-to network when you wanted to find out what was happening in the world. Of course, that was back in the day, before your studios were equipped with direct-feed fax machines to Karl Rove’s office....more
Dean Repeats Call for Iraq Troop Drawdown
The head of the Democratic Party blamed the Bush administration's "failed political leadership and lack of foresight and planning'' for turning U.S. soldiers into targets for the Iraqi insurgency....more
The head of the Democratic Party blamed the Bush administration's "failed political leadership and lack of foresight and planning'' for turning U.S. soldiers into targets for the Iraqi insurgency....more
The Miami 7
These alleged terrorists had no weapons, no bombs, no expertise, and no money. They didn't behave or operate as terrorists. They apparently swore an oath of allegiance to Osama bin Laden, but it now appears possible that the FBI informant who infiltrated the group had suggested the idea. For that matter, these guys weren't even Muslims, but instead practiced their own hybrid religion that combined Islam and Christianity.....more
These alleged terrorists had no weapons, no bombs, no expertise, and no money. They didn't behave or operate as terrorists. They apparently swore an oath of allegiance to Osama bin Laden, but it now appears possible that the FBI informant who infiltrated the group had suggested the idea. For that matter, these guys weren't even Muslims, but instead practiced their own hybrid religion that combined Islam and Christianity.....more
7 Punks From Liberty City With Sick Dreams And Big Mouths
St. Petersburg ‘Times’: Best Newspaper in America
"Karl Rove will be plotting the Republican Party's fall election strategy with his longtime comrade-in-arms, Satan."....more
"Karl Rove will be plotting the Republican Party's fall election strategy with his longtime comrade-in-arms, Satan."....more
Friday, June 23, 2006

"Little Bush says we are at war, but we are not at war because to be at war Congress has to vote for it. He says we are at war on terror, but that is a metaphor, though I doubt if he knows what that means. It's like having a war on dandruff, it's endless and pointless. We are in a dictatorship that has been totally militarised, everyone is spied on by the government itself. All three arms of the government are in the hands of this junta.....more

Dixie Chicks Start Defiant Tour
Mark Beech
The Chicks have outgrown their old audience and are on their way to crossover stardom. They have moved from conservative to liberal, hoedown to lowdown, rural to urban and country to rock. It doesn't hurt that the Bush row forced a change in style and aided clever marketing....more
"The Bush we trust is Shepherds Bush"
House Rolls Back Estate Tax
Congressional tax experts estimate that only 5100 estates would now face taxation, down from the current number of 30,000. The bill is estimated to cost up to $300 billion dollars. The House vote came just one day after the Senate rejected a measure that would have raised the minimum wage for the first time in nearly a decade.
Congressional tax experts estimate that only 5100 estates would now face taxation, down from the current number of 30,000. The bill is estimated to cost up to $300 billion dollars. The House vote came just one day after the Senate rejected a measure that would have raised the minimum wage for the first time in nearly a decade.
Lieberman Splits With His Party on War Votes
Lieberman was one of six Democrats to vote against both resolutions offered by his Senate colleagues. Of that group, Sens. Ben Nelson (Neb.) and Bill Nelson (Fla.) are the only ones other than Lieberman standing for reelection this fall. Both Nelsons represent states that were carried by President Bush in 2004.....more
I think our Nelson needs to be the next Lieberman. I wont be voting for him, not that he needs my help. Check out these guys.
Lieberman was one of six Democrats to vote against both resolutions offered by his Senate colleagues. Of that group, Sens. Ben Nelson (Neb.) and Bill Nelson (Fla.) are the only ones other than Lieberman standing for reelection this fall. Both Nelsons represent states that were carried by President Bush in 2004.....more
I think our Nelson needs to be the next Lieberman. I wont be voting for him, not that he needs my help. Check out these guys.
Del Adolph(R) - Retail Manager & Army Veteran
LeRoy Collins Jr. (R) - Retired Navy Officer & Son of Ex-Gov. Collins
Katherine Harris (R) - Fixed the 2000 elections now Congresswoman
Will McBride (R) - Attorney
Peter Monroe (R) - Developer
Daniel Barker (Constitution)
Civil Rights Activist Brian Moore (Independent)
Community Activist & Frequent Candidate Belinda Noah (Independent)
Attorney Ex-Republican Roy Tanner (Independent)
Businessman & Conservative Activist Lawrence Sidney Scott
(Write-In) Bernie Senter (Socialist Workers)
Thursday, June 22, 2006

Occupies military recruitment center in downtown Oakland....more
World Scientists Unite to Attack Creationism
The world's scientific community united yesterday to launch one of the strongest attacks yet on creationism, warning that the origins of life were being "concealed, denied or confused".....more
The world's scientific community united yesterday to launch one of the strongest attacks yet on creationism, warning that the origins of life were being "concealed, denied or confused".....more
GOP on Iraq = More of the Same
The fact is the American people want a new direction in Iraq, and the Democrats offer several. The Republicans, on the other hand, offer nothing more than a four-word strategy: more of the same....more
The fact is the American people want a new direction in Iraq, and the Democrats offer several. The Republicans, on the other hand, offer nothing more than a four-word strategy: more of the same....more
Hillsborough County commissioners get something right.
MOSI to add hotel, convention center, extra exhibit space and more parking.
H C commissioners agreed to give MOSI 25 acres we own next to the museum....more
MOSI to add hotel, convention center, extra exhibit space and more parking.
H C commissioners agreed to give MOSI 25 acres we own next to the museum....more
Dean on Democratic Efforts to Hold President Bush Accountable on Iraq
"President Bush's permanent commitment to a failed strategy in Iraq not only isn't working, its irresponsible. Republicans in Washington have failed to hold President Bush accountable, with deadly consequences".....more
"President Bush's permanent commitment to a failed strategy in Iraq not only isn't working, its irresponsible. Republicans in Washington have failed to hold President Bush accountable, with deadly consequences".....more
Ann Coulter Calls Howard Dean an Al Qaeda Leader
What a pathetic human being
What a pathetic human being
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