Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Florida DINO Patrick Murphy Wants To Be Our Senator


 Votes With GOP To Create 

Benghazi Committee

Helps Drown South Florida

Backs Keystone XL

Promotes government-by-crisis

Votes For CRomnibus


A search of the Miami Dade Supervisor of Elections records shows that Murphy was a registered Republican in Miami-Dade county from 2004 up until January of 2011 and he cast his vote in the 2010 elections as a registered Republican.

Welcome To Tampa

Expect Delays

Monday, March 23, 2015

Ted Cruz for President

He went to Harvard

Must See: The Republican Strategy: Scare Americans To Death

One of the only things that the Republican Party actually excels at is telling the American public WHAT they need to be afraid of. At the heart of all of their messaging is FEAR. The Republican Party needs the American public to be afraid, because they know that fear leads people to make irrational decisions – like voting Republican – so they’ve mastered psychological manipulation and they use it to their advantage.  

Free Lube For Tampa GOP Voters

Get out and VOTE 
let's keep Tampa's City Council BLUE
GOP Voters and Dems who don't vote, we know you guys like to take it deep so we are offering a free tube of Warming Jelly to make THE Experience More Memorable.
Want to keep this corporatist Republican out? Call
Mike Fox 727-320-4502

Jeb Bush's Hypocrisy

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Debbie
She is from Ohio
Been homeless 3 month

Students build Habitat homes during Spring Break in Sunrise

Florida Worker forced to see a shrink for mentioning climate change on the job

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Jackie Toledo: I Am GOP

"The most deceptive candidate in Tampa political history."

"Another tasteless political ploy from Mrs. Toledo, this woman will say and do whatever she thinks is going to help her get elected."

"Wanna be" 
Mary Alvarez


Early voting continues through the weekend in District 6, with Election Day on Tuesday.
Want to keep this corporatist Republican out? Call 
Mike Fox 727-320-4502

Marching through St. Pete with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers

And the Young American Dreamers to celebrate their victories over a span of 20yrs fighting for Fair pay, farm worker rights, &... protection from exploitation! Now we just need Publix & Wendy's to get on board! here 

Florida GOP Ignoring Voter Intent

Both the Florida Senate and the House have released their draft budgets for Amendment 1 spending. Unfortunately, neither of them come close to what voters intended, which is renewed funding for the acquisition of parks and undisturbed natural areas. Instead, both proposed budgets provide millions to cover existing agency operating expenses and other spending that doesn't meet the intent of the voters. This is starting to feel like the Lottery Amendment all over again. here

"How the FBI Created a Terrorist": Agency Accused of Entrapping Mentally Ill Man In Florida

Hillsborough for Transit: Mobilizing the County

Monday, March 30 at 6:30pm - 8:00pm
1) turnout folks for the upcoming GoHillsborough meetings
2) create a grassroots coalition that is broad, diverse and powerful, a coalition of businesses and organizations that sign onto the set of common values found in our principles. 
No matter how much time you have, you can help make this happen. Together we can make all the difference in the future of Hillsborough County's transportation system. here

Seminole Heights Public Library
4711 N Central Ave, Tampa

Saturday, March 21, 2015

The Funny Florida GOP

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Joseph
He is from Oklahoma.
Been homeless 1 month

Not feeling good about Tallahassee

I just got back home after spending the last two days in Tallahassee, lobbying for a medical marijuana bill that a huge majority of Floridians have been asking for.I got some news to share: it ain't looking good!
Despite the voices of 58% of Floridians and our efforts in the legislature, the third week of the session just ended without a hearing in either house.
We need to redouble our efforts to get back on the ballot in 2016

Florida GOP is subverting our will on Amendment 1

Funny thing about the “will of the people” in Florida. Even when expressed via an overwhelming majority “Yes” vote on a constitutional amendment, the Legislature can and does subvert it. here

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Shrimp Black Bean Sauce
At China Jade in Wildwood

Draft Alan Grayson for U.S. Senate

A page to build support for Congressman Alan Grayson for the U.S. Senate in 2016. It's time for progressive leadership in Florida! here

Friday, March 20, 2015

Tampa Yankees And C4G

Tampa Yankees mascot with the girls of C4G 
in Seminole Heights

Central Florida NORML‎SPLiFF, Spring Leaf Freedom Festival in Ybor City

Welcome To Tampa

Expect Delays

Support WMNF at Whole Foods!

WMNF is giving you a way to support your station while shopping! This year, we are at two locations for your convenience, Whole Foods Market Tampa and Carrollwood!
What:  WMNF Day at Whole Foods Market
When:   Tuesday, March 24, 2015 Where:  Two Locations!
Carrollwood/Northdale Store 3802 Northdale Blvd, Tampa
Tampa Store1548 North Dale Mabry Highway, Tampa
Time:  8am-10pm

Marco Rubio’s house of horrors

A Tallahassee home co-owned by a scandal-plagued ex-congressman is the locus of questions about the senator’s finances and judgment. here

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Tampa's Right Wing Infestation: Jackie Toledo

There’s less than a week to go in the Tampa District 6 City Council runoff election. Get out and VOTE. Let's keep Tampa's City Council BLUE. here

Florida's Culture Of Corruption: Public (Corporate) Service Commission

Will have to stream its meetings live on a website, but it won't be forced to impose new restrictions on the powerful utility industry that holds sway over its commissioners. here

Florida Inc. Corporate Owned And Operated

 Local Tampa Bay Democrats, supported by unions, are pushing ordinances to intervene when employees say an employer has shorted their pay. The proposals are the exact kind of local "wage theft" ordinances that Republicans and 
retail groups have 
sought unsuccessfully to outlaw in Tallahassee here

Take Action To Save The Everglades From Big Sugar

It’s time to protect our water by ending the deadlock on Everglades restoration once and for all. What has been called "the most critical piece of land ever for Everglades restoration" could be bought this year, but Big Sugar, who agreed to sell this land to the public in 2010, is trying to run out the clock, hoping you won’t notice.
Sign the petition to the Florida Legislature today and tell them to buy this critical land south of Lake Okeechobee. We can help save the Everglades from Big Sugar and protect Florida’s drinking water all at the same time. here

Ybor Surveillance

7th Ave

Seminole Heights Fights FDOT and Wins

Seminole Heights is a historic streetcar suburb, three miles north of Downtown Tampa. During the 1990s, still recovering from the dark days of urban America's 1980s, the neighborhood found itself in a fight for its life. FDOT had plans to widen Hillsborough Avenue through the heart of the neighborhood. DOT saw the road as part of a six-lane divided highway with turn lanes running from Pinellas to Polk counties. Their $33.5 million plan to widen Hillsborough Avenue only included the cost of a chain-link in the budget. On the other hand, the historic district's residents envisioned a four-lane boulevard with trees, period streetlights, landscaped medians and brick crosswalks. 

Something had to give. Seminole Heights residents convinced FDOT to make concessions by embracing their four-lane boulevard concept. 20 years later, now featuring mature landscaping, this stretch of Hillsborough Avenue shines above the rest of US 92's path through Hillsborough County and the dire traffic congestion predictions have not materialized. here

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Stogie Voted

 "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

Happy St. Patrick Day

Groundswell Rising In Tampa

Wednesday, March 25, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Seminole Heights Library, 4711 N. Central Ave., Tampa
RSVP to Jacki Lopez

Rick Scott following the disastrous Brownback model

Scott pledged over $266,000,000.00 in tax breaks and incentives for the promise of 45,258 jobs,  a large portion of which went to minimum wage jobs with annual salaries that don't even break the poverty line.  
Public transportation is a complete joke in this state, and our roads are infamously clogged (unless you want to pay thousands in the extremely corrupted tolling agencies).  Rick Scott cut over a billion in education spending and has led the attack on higher education. Scientists are held in very low regard by our state government.  Our health care needs are huge, but thanks to Scott and the GOP refusing all subsidies for Medicaid, a a Florida citizen with kids needs to make UNDER $3200 A YEAR to qualify!  Our pollution laws have been gutted, and our state is the most vulnerable to rising sea levels. here

File charges against the 47 U.S. Senators in violation of The Logan Act

Florida Inc.: 5-point Work Plan 2015

Tax Relief.” If only that meant collecting some of the billions Florida loses annually in uncollected corporate taxes. If legislators stopped rubber-stamping loopholes, incentives and offshore tax havens that bring nothing in return except millions in thankful corporate contributions to their campaign committees.

Take 2014 (please). Big businesses and corporate advocacy groups spent untold millions on campaign contributions, then benefited from billions in “tax relief.” Us common folk, our tax relief amounted to an average annual $25 savings on auto fees. here

NPA Rules In Florida

The latest to join the list are two affluent, adjoining counties in Northeast Florida, Clay and St Johns, where Democrats are now in effect a third party.
The combination of unaffiliated and minor-party voters accounted for 26.6 percent of all Florida voters in January, according to the Division of Elections website. They now outnumber Democrats in six counties: Clay, Collier, Lee, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa and St. Johns. They outnumber Republicans in five: Broward, Miami-Dade, Orange, Osceola and Palm Beach.Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach are the three most populous counties in Florida. Three more counties are likely to soon join this anti-major party registration trend. They are Charlotte, Martin and Monroe, where in all three places nonpartisan voters are closing in on Democrats. here

Monday, March 16, 2015


 Thousands of District 6 residents received a disgusting new attack mailer from Republican Jackie Toledo and her campaign consultant, Anthony Pedicini. This is another attack from a shady organization backed by friends of Toledo and Pedicni and paid for by politicians from far outside Tampa. here

More about Ms. Toledo here

Marco Rubio signed the letter to Iran

Here is the full list of who signed:
Senator Tom Cotton, R-AR
Senator Orrin Hatch, R-UT
Senator Charles Grassley, R-IA
Senator Mitch McConnell, R-KY
Senator Richard Shelby, R-AL
Senator John McCain, R-AZ
Senator James Inhofe, R-OK
Senator Pat Roberts, R-KS
Senator Jeff Sessions, R-AL
Senator Michael Enzi, R-WY
Senator Michael Crapo, R-ID
Senator Lindsey Graham, R-SC
Senator John Cornyn, R-TX
Senator Richard Burr, R-NC
Senator John Thune, R-SD
Senator Johnny Isakson, R-GA
Senator David Vitter, R-LA
Senator John A. Barrasso, R-WY
Senator Roger Wicker, R-MS
Senator Jim Risch, R-ID
Senator Mark Kirk, R-IL
Senator Roy Blunt, R-MO
Senator Jerry Moran, R-KS
Senator Rob Portman, R-OH
Senator John Boozman, R-AR
Senator Pat Toomey, R-PA
Senator John Hoeven, R-ND
Senator Marco Rubio, R-FL
Senator Ron Johnson, R-WI
Senator Rand Paul, R-KY
Senator Mike Lee, R-UT
Senator Kelly Ayotte, R-NH
Senator Dean Heller, R-NV
Senator Tim Scott, R-SC
Senator Ted Cruz, R-TX
Senator Deb Fischer, R-NE
Senator Shelley Moore Capito, R-WV
Senator Bill Cassidy, R-LA
Senator Cory Gardner, R-CO
Senator James Lankford, R-OK
Senator Steve Daines, R-MT
Senator Mike Rounds, R-SD
Senator David Perdue, R-GA
Senator Thom Tillis, R-NC
Senator Joni Ernst, R-IA
Senator Ben Sasse, R-NE
Senator Dan Sullivan, R-AK

FAA to Tampa man: Don't put drone video on YouTube!

WMNF: Safety Harbor SongFest

Thank you for tuning into Community Conscious Radio, and for living the local and live lifestyle! WMNF Community Partners, SHAMc, or the Safety Harbor Art and Music Center, present the 2015 
Safety Harbor SongFest, 
 featuring lots of 88.5 FM favorites!


Earlier this year, The Tampa Bay Times reported, "The former governor conducted all his communication on his private Jeb@jeb.org account and turned over the hand-selected batch to the state archives when he left office. Absent from the stash are emails the governor deemed not relevant to the public record: those relating to politics, fundraising and personal matters while he was governor." here

The Shady Jackie Toledo

Attack fliers sent by political committee Moving Tampa Forward late Friday prompted three Tampa City Council members to urge voters to exercise the utmost care in evaluating the credibility of anonymously produced campaign literature. here

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Call Miami Seaquarium out on their illegally small orca tank!

Party to Thank Mary Mulhern In Ybor City

Wednesday, March 18
 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
At Gaspar's Grotto info

Welcome To Tampa

Expect Delays

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Beef with Vegetables
At China Jade in Wildwood

“You people won’t ghettoize this community.”

Hillsborough County community activist Marilyn Smith was removed from the County’s Charter Review Commission on Friday. The move came after County Commissioners Ken Hagan and Les Miller heard heaps of criticism about Smith from members of the Latino community. here 

Saturday, March 14, 2015


Made good progress on the kitty condo yesterday. Stopped by the docks today to check on everyone and a fisherman told me of a crazy man that worked out there a year ago that was threatening to kill the cats with a crowbar! It is no wonder why my blood pressure is high between this and the stories in the news. It just drives me to do what I am doing...I just wish it could be done sooner.

In the meantime, Houlihan is adjusting well at my home and Diesel and Bobby T have become friends...here 

Tampa demands justice for Rasmea Odeh

 A small but passionate group of about 12 people gathered on the steps of the Sam Gibbons Federal Courthouse building here, March 12, to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian American leader Rasmea Odeh. here

Call Sen. Nelson now: Don't risk war with Iran

Can you call Sen. Nelson now? Tell him: "Don't join Republicans to sabotage President Obama's diplomatic efforts. Reject any legislation that threatens diplomacy with Iran." 
Senator Bill Nelson
Phone: (202) 224-5274
Report Your Call!

Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy

Friday, March 13, 2015

United for Care: why you should care

You may never have smoked it or know anyone that has.

But chances are, you know someone that will have the kind of serious, debilitating medical condition that could be helped, or alleviated somewhat, by medical marijuana. The science is there. That medical marijuana helps people was largely undisputed in the last election.

If someone close to you has or unfortunately develops cancer, glaucoma, epilepsy, ALS, MS, severe neuropathic pain, PTSD, AIDS, or similar ailments - they may benefit from having access.We are fighting for that access in both the state legislature and on the streets.

Please help us fund this fight. If we're going to fight it out again on Election Day, 2016, we need to raise $10 million between now and then.

We can't rely on big donors alone. Even $25, $50, and $100 donations kept us close. We need your help again. 
Please help us fund the fight for medical marijuana
by contributing today.
If you haven't yet signed the new petition, please click here.

GOP Traitors: Marco Rubio

Marco Rubio
Phone:(202) 224-3041
Fax:(202) 228-0285

Imagine Dragons - Demons