Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Patrick Murphy. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Patrick Murphy. Sort by date Show all posts

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Patrick Murphy In Damage Control

Sean Phillippi's effort  at diverting attention away from Patrick Murphy's Syrian refugee vote at the Florida Squeeze
What our leader Susan Smith had to say: 
"This post is an effort at damage control by Murphy’s campaign. They think they can divert attention away from his Syrian refugee vote by attacking Grayson. It’s sad that Murphy doesn’t ever have anything positive to say about himself." ‪#‎47cowards‬
 Florida Squeeze Poll: 
Murphy in 3rd place
Justin Snyder once asked, 

"Who's to blame when Patrick Murphy gets crushed next year?"

Friday, November 20, 2015

Florida DINOS Gwen Graham And Patrick Murphy Chose Fear Over Humanity

Gwen Graham, Patrick Murphy only two Florida Dems to vote for Syrian refugee crackdown. here

"Fear-mongering, hateful and an embarrassment to the Democratic Party." Susan Smith

"Patrick Murphy chose fear over humanity when he voted in favor of a Republican bill that will make it nearly impossible for Syrian refugees fleeing terrorism in their homeland to come to the United States.
We’re not sure whether it was Patrick Murphy’s fear of orphans and widows with brown skin that caused him to vote for this atrocious bill, or if it was his fear of going against the Republican Party. But, either way, he chose fear over humanity. Hate, over love. He has proven once again that he doesn’t have the courage to do what is right when times are hard. And we can’t have another person like that in the US Senate." 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Bought-and-Paid-For Patrick Murphy

When the Supreme Court ruled in favor of “Citizens United” in 2010, they opened the floodgates for Wall Street millionaires and billionaires to stupefy the voters, with a never-ending barrage of misleading information and outlandish attacks. I faced it in my previous races for the House, and we are already seeing Big Money get ready to attack me in next year’s election.
The worst part? My primary opponent, Patrick Murphy, is a tool of these very same Super PACs. He was one of the biggest recipients in the country of Super PAC help in 2012. Now, Bought-and-Paid-For Patrick is refusing even to discuss an agreement to keep special-interest Big Money lies out of the 2016 Florida Senate race.
Rep. Alan Grayson
Candidate for U.S. Senate

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Florida DINO Patrick Murphy For Governor?

Florida DINO Patrick Murphy would be tied for second if he jumped into Florida’s Democratic primary for governor, according to a new poll that shows he could nudge into first with one unorthodox move: Picking Republican David Jolly as his running mate. here
Please Note: The survey, was conducted by Murphy’s former pollster and paid for by an unnamed Murphy supporter.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Florida DINO Patrick Murphy Can't Win Without Liberals

A Quinnipiac University poll released late last week shows Rubio leading Rep. Patrick Murphy, by 7 points — 50 percent to 43 percent. Senate Majority PAC’s internal polling from mid August shows Murphy and Rubio in a dead heat and Democratic strategists think Murphy will pull ahead if he improves his numbers with liberal voters. here

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Florida Fracker Patrick Murphy

Patrick Murphy opposes fracking, but has voted to expedite liquefied natural gas exports, which critics say will lead to more fracking.  Two votes in particular benefited a company whose CEO donated $100,000 to Murphy's U.S. Senate bid seven months after the last vote. here

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Dems Already Gave Up On DINO Patrick Murphy

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee has delayed its first week of television ads supporting DINO Patrick Murphy. The DSCC will be turning its attention to other states where they think Democrats can win. Recent internal polls reported by the Miami Herald show a virtual tie between Murphy and Rubio, despite other polling — as well as the Real Clear Politics average — showing Rubio leading by nearly six points. here
No surprise here. 
Floridians like real Democrats.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Who's to blame when Patrick Murphy gets crushed next year?

Patrick Murphy, the Florida New Dems Senate nomination
 has ZERO legislative accomplishments resulting from a Murphy authored bill signed into law by President Obama
is the largest recipient of Wall Street contributions of any Democrat that sits on the Financial Services committeewith regulating)
Wall Street 
voted FOR the Benghazi committee, 
FOR Keystone pipeline, 
:( FOR offshore drilling in Florida, 
FOR cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, 
and social security
FOR cutting taxes on the 1%
 while raising those on the middle and working classes,
 FOR delaying Obamacare, 
FOR delaying Elizabeth Warren's Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and AGAINST All Aboard Florida commuter rail funding.
 He's been silent on raising the minimum wage to $15,
 the Black Lives Matter movement, 
and breaking up the banks. Why? Because that's what 
his big money Republican donors want. here 
Who the hell wants to vote for him?  We like the real Dems better! YCS
The story goes that he is the front runner, maybe theirs but not ours. 
Florida don't be fooled Poll says he is in 3rd place. 
 Join The Susan Smith Wing of The Florida Democratic Paty

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Patrick Murphy's Sugar Daddy

Patrick Murphy's father continues to pour large sums of money into the 2016 election in the hopes of getting his son elected to the U.S. Senate. A new FEC filing shows Thomas Murphy Jr. gave 
$1 million last month to a 
Democratic super PAC. here

Saturday, November 21, 2015

How Can Patrick Murphy and Gwen Graham Live With Themselves?

"How can the 47 Democrats, including Patrick Murphy and Gwen Graham, who voted with Republicans yesterday on the SAFE Act live with themselves?" Susan Smith
  "What would Jesus do?" Jeremy Bivins
Mr. Murphy you can be sure that we will do everything in our power that you never get elected to anything ever again! And Ms. Graham if there is a God may he/she forgive you! We are all atheist at this blog and care more about humanity then you ever will. The Episcopal Church should be ashamed to have you as a member. 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Poll: Patrick Murphy In 3rd Place

Alan Grayson 47%
Pam Keith 27%
Patrick Murphy 21%
Even the lesser know but still great Pam Keith
is leading Murphy.
Have you voted yet? here

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Florida DINO Patrick Murphy Won't Debate Alan Grayson

In a surprise move, Corporate Democrat Patrick Murphy reneged on a scheduled debate next week against fellow U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson and rejected his primary opponents' pleas for more debates ahead of the Aug. 30 election. here

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Florida INC. Patrick Murphy

Last summer, President Barack Obama unveiled his Clean Power Plan, a proposal that would implement new EPA standards for power plants to reduce carbon emissions 32 percent below 2005 levels by 2030. Big business interests and Right Wingers (such as Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi) cheered when the proposal was stayed by the U.S. Supreme Court last month. here When Florida DINO Patrick E. Murphy was asked if he thought the proposal was unfair to industry, Murphy said that there are too many unnecessary regulations imposed on businesses, and touted his co-sponsonship with South Carolina Republican Mick Mulvaney of the Regulatory Improvement Act, which created a commission to review and revise redundant regulations.

 Florida's Right Wing Infestation

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Anybody But Patrick Murphy

With all the bad press our man  Alan Grayson has been getting lately, here, here and here, we thought we would turn you on to someone else you might like. Since we,
don't have our shit together. 
Again, we will not support Patrick Murphy. Mayor Kriseman we are very
disappointed with you.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Florida's Right Wing Infestation: Patrick Murphy

One of Chuck Schumer's and Steve Israel's front groups for tricking low-info grassroots Democrats into contributing to their Wall Street candidates disguised as Democrats calls itself EndCitizensUnited, a scam that funnels money into its own pockets and to right-of-center Democrats like Patrick Murphy. here

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Florida DINO Patrick Murphy joins Republicans

Rep. Patrick Murphy of Jupiter was the lone Florida Democrat to join this afternoon with Republicans in approving the Keystone pipeline. here

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Wall St. Dem Love Fest In Fort Lauderdale: Clinton And Murphy

Patrick Murphy, aiding and abetting a Republican “witch hunt” of Hillary Clinton by voting last year to create a House select committee to investigate the 2012 Benghazi attacks.
Murphy attended a fundraiser for Clinton in Fort Lauderdale on Friday, the Democratic presidential front-runner recognized Murphy and told donors she is “so proud of him.”

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Patrick Murphy: Why Florida Dems Suck

Murphy's campaign has announced the endorsements from Amanda Murphy of New Port Richey (Shame, this blog HAD high hopes for her), Cynthia Stafford of Miami, Richard Stark of Weston and Mia Jones and Reggie Fullwood, both of Jacksonville. The added support gives Murphy the backing of almost 60 percent of the 53 Democrats in the Florida Legislature: seven in the Senate and 24 in the House. here

Please note, in a poll at THE FLORIDA SQUEEZE, he is in 3rd place behind Alan Grayson and Pam Keith. Is it to early to start taking bets on how bad he will lose to the GOP if he is nominated?

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

A Real Choice For Florida Dems

for once, 
have a real choice in this primary:
One candidate is a gullible ex-Republican who lacked the courage to vote against the GOP’s attempt to block Syrian refugees from coming into the United States. That’s 
Patrick Murphy. 
They say that there is no difference between most candidates running for office. Maybe that’s true in other races, but not here. 
Not between 
Alan Grayson 
and Patrick Murphy. 
Get off your lazy ass and VOTE! You can do it from home here

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Patrick Murphy Throws Hillary To The Wolves

On May 8, 2014, the Republicans rammed through a resolution to establish the Select Committee on the Events Surrounding the 2012 Terrorist Attack in Benghazi, a committee specifically designed as a witch hunt to drag Hillary Clinton through the mud and sully her name before the 2016 presidential election. Every single Republican voted YES (225 of them) and 186 Democrats voted NO. Seven of the worst Democrats in the House-- the ones who consistently vote for Boehner's agenda day in and day out-- crossed the aisle and voted with the Republicans. Patrick Murphy was one of them. here
BTW, He is coming to Tampa to take our money. Bob Buckhorn, 
Jim Davis and Alex Sink are hosting.