U.S. President Barack Obama shakes hands with Cuba's President Raul Castro in April. The United States formally dropped Cuba from its list of state sponsors of terrorism Friday. here
Rich white men such as Florida House Budget Chair Richard Corcoran.giving away billions of dollars annually in tax dodges to giant corporate donors, while maintaining what’s statistically the second most unfair tax system in America. They count on the public not knowing, or being talked into disbelieving or disregarding such facts by the best conservative spin-doctors Republican money can buy. here
On display every time citizens go to County Hall or the City Commission to protest a zoning approval. The developers and their representatives are chummy on the sidelines with regulators while citizens in the audience are on the defensive.At Eye On Miami, we witnessed the relationship between government and citizens take a nose-dive when local freedom of information requests began to be accompanied with outrageously high bills for copying documents. It was as if to say to the inquisitive, "fuck you". here
Hillsborough County is moving tentatively toward making possession of small amounts of marijuana a civil instead of criminal offense for minors. Hillsborough is the only one of the 59 Florida counties with juvenile civil citation programs that doesn’t allow citations instead of arrests for misdemeanor pot possession. here
Valrico businessman and Republican kingmaker Sam Rashid went a bit to far in a Facebook posting last week, referring to three unnamed Hillsborough County Circuit Judges as “dumbasses. The posting could prove an embarrassment to the presidential campaign of U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, a longtime friend of Rashid who appointed him to the commission. here
He can’t run for governor again, but he’s still collecting six-figure campaign donations from special interests that have a direct stake in legislation he will sign or veto.here
Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/state/florida/article21722586.html#storylink=cpy
A new Gallup poll shows that 31 percent of Americans now describe their views on social issues as generally liberal, matching the percentage who identify as social conservatives for the first time in Gallup records dating back to 1999. At that time, it social conservatives outranked social liberals by a two to one margin. here
“I’m incredibly blessed to be George and Barbara’s son and am thankful that they have built a special place for their family to gather. We are so lucky.” Jeb Bush
"I had to re-serve the subpoenas to those I want to dipose. The new date for the depositions is set for June 30th. I will let you all know how that turns out and we move forward from there."
Former Tampa Councilwoman Mary Mulhern recalled a conversation she had with Anderson in 2010, shortly after he came to Port Tampa Bay, when she broached the topic of Cuba with him. “Anderson immediately said something like, ‘I know all about Cuba; I’m good friends with Diaz-Balart.” She was referring to U.S. Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (Fredo), a South Florida congressman and MCM member who has been working to keep trade restrictions in place between the U.S. and Cuba and stop ferries and cruises from going to the island. here
Over 1000 mourners gathered for the memorial service for D'AngeloStallworth. Stallworth was a father of three and part-time supervisor at UPS with 11 years at the company. D'Angelo was shot in the back as he fled by two Jacksonville Sheriff's Office officers on May 12 as the officers were serving an eviction notice to a neighbor. After getting into a confrontation with Stallworth, the officers fired a total of six shots as he fled down the stairs. here
HB 633, a cruel and extremist bill, is sitting on Governor Rick Scott’s desk, and we need you to tell him to VETO it. If signed into law, this bill will force a woman needing an abortion to wait 24 hours before getting the care she needs. HB 633 is an example of extremist politicians interfering with a woman’s reproductive health.
The time to act is NOW. Sign the petition tell Gov. Scott to STOP the attack on women’s reproductive freedom.