Saturday, June 6, 2015

Florida Pipeline Scandal

Tons of toxic waste is being dumped into St. Johns River, daily, by the Koch Brothers company, Georgia-Pacific. Rick Scott and Jeb Bush, are also involved. here

Rep. Mario (Frado) Diaz-Balart

House Republicans voted Thursday to keep restrictions on Americans seeking to travel to Cuba. The Republican provision is the handiwork of Rep. Mario (Frado) Diaz-Balart, a top Lieutenant in The Miami Cuban Mafia. The White House has threatened to veto the bill.
South Florida can rid itself of this cancer. Check out Alina Valdes

Hillsborough County Right Wing News

  • The shady deal between Ken Hagan and Victor Crist can be put to rest.
  • Legendary Right-Winger Jim Norman wants to fill Kevin Beckner's seat on the county board. Will any big-name Right-Wingers file to challenge him.  Our old friend Ronda Storms didn't return calls to the Times, but she tends to lie low until she's ready to pounce. Also beware of local Tea Party extraordinaire Sharon Calvert. Others (Ray Young, E.J. Otero and Tim Schock) also want in. 
  • Corporate Welfare king Ken Hagan wants to run for mayor in 2019. here 

The Awesome Miami-Dade Police

Possessing misdemeanor amounts of marijuana in Miami-Dade County could bring a $100 fine instead of a criminal charge under a new proposal backed by police brass. here
Grady Judd and David Gee please read.

Read more here:

Communist League of Tampa

We’re a group of internationalist communists in the Tampa area who are aiming to make our politics relevant and meaningful for the 21st century. here

America's 33%

You Gov polls
Do you think the United States made a mistake sending troops to fight in Iraq back in 2003?
No 32%

Do you generally support or oppose the use of government surveillance methods to help fight crime and terrorism, even if they invade our privacy?
Support somewhat 35%

How strongly do you feel about this issue? (Privacy)
This is a less important issue to me 34%

Thinking about abortion, do you consider yourself more pro-choice, 
or more pro-life?
Strongly pro-life 31%

do you support or oppose allowing oil companies to drill offshore?
Support strongly 29%

Do you support or oppose the government making sure that every American has health insurance?
Oppose strongly 29%

Do you think there should be more or less government redistribution of wealth from the better off 
to the less well off?
A lot less 29%

In general, do you think the cost of college education should be borne more by the students (and their families) or by the government?
Mostly by students 38%

Overall, do you think immigrants make a contribution to American society or are a drain on it?
Are a large drain 29%

Do you favor or oppose the death penalty for people 
convicted of murder?
Strongly favor 33%

Friday, June 5, 2015

Fight For 15 @ The Mickey Ds In Tampa

MLK and Central Ave - Tampa

Hillsborough County Right Wing Infestation

Wage-theft ordinance
Democrat Kevin Beckner wants the 
Miami-Dade model

Bruce Nissen, the author of a Florida International University study examining the issue in Florida said, “There’s no real comparison between the two, If you’re looking for efficient government, I think there’s no question, go with the Miami-Dade model.”

The Republican members of the commission did the exact opposite, supporting their love for a Palm Beach County version that on its face appears to favor businesses and not the workers who aren’t receiving a full paycheck.

In Hillsborough County 
Democrats: 306,321
Republicans: 246,289
Others: 223,805

Who the hell votes for these people?
Wake up Hillsborough County Dems, 
are you so lazy you can't get out and vote?
Pat Kemp could be there now instead of Higginbotham.
And if the man is sticking it to you and you vote GOP, take it deep! 

Hialeah, Florida Epicenter For Obamacare

Oye hermanos y hermanas mantienen votando Republicano
Here's a bit of irony—the place in the country that has the most Obamacare enrollees and stands to lose the most if the Supreme Court rules against subsidies is the stomping grounds of two Republican candidates for president. Both of those candidates, Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio, want to repeal Obamacare. The place is Hialeah, Florida, a primarily Cuban-American town just 10 miles from Miami. here

Hialeah Partido Republicano Votantes, sabemos que ustedes gusta tomar lo más profundo por lo que estamos ofreciendo un tubo libre de Calentamiento Jelly para hacer la experiencia más memorable.

Cape Coral: Jim Healy's Great Idea

Here's my idea, change the Republican fairy tale of GOP to GOR. That would stand for Government of the Rich. 

1) The Congress has recently voted to abolish the Estate Tax. This of course benefits only the top one tenth of one percent of us. 
2) Corporate welfare equaling $100 billion per year. 
3) Tax give aways or direct subsidies at the state, county and city level equaling $80 billion dollars per year. 
4) Corporate tax subsidies equaling $100 billion per year. 
5) Even though the oil companies are making tens of billions of dollars per year, you and I are giving them $4.5 billion of dollars per year in subsidies. 
6) Despite record crop prices the Congress voted to increase big Farma's Government give away by billions of dollars per year. 
7) The top 10 banks in the US receive $83 billion per year in subsidies. Remember the "stimulus" of 2008? We gave them $700 billion on that one. 
8) This is a little known fact; the U.S. insurance companies will receive $1.071 trillion in the next 10 years in government subsidies. 
9) There is no intelligent method to put a number on the amount of money the Wall Street companies receive per year, but it must be in the trillions. You take a guess. 
10) Increasing military spending every year, while cutting every social program across the board to pay for it. You will love what else he has to say. here

You know the GOP is in trouble when this is coming from someone in a very heavy Republican part of Florida.

Della Curry - American Hero

From Aurora, Colorado. was fired for giving out school lunches to elementary school kids who did not have money. 

“I had a first grader in front of me, crying, because she doesn’t have enough money for lunch. Yes, I gave her lunch, and i would do it again” Curry said.

 this must make people like Republican Jack Kingston furious. Children should work hard for their cheese sandwiches and not have some welfare-queen-lunchmarm giving them food for free. Those smiling faces ain't gonna pay for daddy's corporate tax break and it definitely won't build a state of the art children's prison. Before we yell at the school district, remember, it wasn't the district that refused to earmark $124,229 to help cover costs for school breakfasts for poor children. 

The people who did that were Republicans. Specifically, Republicans.

The Colorado Department of Education requested an additional $124,229 for the Start Smart Nutrition Program, which subsidizes the cost of breakfast at school for poor children, for the current budget year ending in June. However, the request failed 
on a 3-3 party-line vote.

"Shock" in Arizona - Ana Tijoux

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Corporate Tax Dodging Dodge Ball In Tampa

Commissioner Victor Crist Slithers Out

Florida Inc. Meeting At Disney World

Rick Scott the CEO of 
Florida Inc. presiding over shareholders meeting at 
Disney World. here 

New Dems And Blue Dogs Are Whining

Progressive Policy Institute 
(a pro-corporate/anti-worker New Dem outfit) 
Decries how much more it costs reactionary Democrats-- New Dems and Blue Dogs-- to run for election than it costs real Democrats. 

It costs the Democrats who support the Republican/Wall Street agenda double what it costs actual Democrats to run for office. here 

Lee County Sucks

Cameron Boland a model student—captain of the basketball team, class president, delegate for the leadership camp Girl State, and historian for her school's honor society chapter won an election to represent her county as a National Honor Society officer, but that title didn't last long:
Cameron won a coveted election for NHS historian for Lee County in early May and within an hour had been stripped of the title — because of what she was wearing— a spaghetti-strap style sundress. here

Litbrit On The Nicole Sandler Show

@ 28:40 Great job Ms. Tornello

Florida for Sanders Web Conference

6.6.15 - 3pm
The first of many web conferences meant to discuss the future planning and organization of Florida for Sanders. Join us to get important information and updates on our grassroots campaign. We'll be answering your questions and discussing ideas on how to further the movement.
Everyone is welcome!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Corporate Tax Dodging Dodge Ball In Tampa

June 4, 11:00 am

Lykes Gaslight Square Park
Downtown Tampa

Marco Rubio (El Guapo) Of The Miami Cuban Mafia

Suggested that Obama would have a tough time getting an ambassador confirmed or securing funding to reopen a U.S. embassy in Havana. As for the president's push to end the embargo entirely"This Congress is not going to lift the embargo." here
He is such a badass
Polls show more and more Americans support normalizing relations with Cuba, and the trend even extends to Rubio's cohort of Cuban-Americans. here
He is also on the wrong side of history

Miami Cuban Mafia Exposed

Cop Murders Jermaine McBean In Oakland Park

On July 31, 2013, Jermaine McBean, a 33-year-old computer engineer with no criminal record, paid $100 for a camouflage BB gun at his local pawn shop. As he walked to his home with his headphones on, listening to music, he was shot and killed by police in Oakland Park, Florida. Police claimed that he ignored their requests to put down his weapon and then aimed the gun, which was empty, at them in an aggressive manner. Now, nearly two year later, it turns out the police told multiple lies in attempt to cover up their killing of McBean. 
Here are some of the lies they told.

They even give awards for killing black guys down there. Here is the  killer, Deputy Peter Peraza accepting his. here 

NLC A Bridge To Progress In Ybor City

Local greats Rick Kriseman, Brian Willis, Bob Henriquez, 
Mike Reedy and Lisa Montelione will be there.


June 4th  8am - 5pm

Greedy Republicans And Catholics In Tampa

Christ the King Catholic Church is suing a dead guys daughter who happens to work for the Hillsborough County GOP for a house (the home is worth $344,000) he owned on S. Clark Ave in Tampa. here

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Ybor City, Florida's Liberal Haven

From Jose Marti to Teddy Roosevelt to the present.

Nickelback- When We Stand Together

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Meat Loaf
With Mashed Potatoes and Green Beans
At The Cuban Sandwich Shop in Tampa

The Bush's Patriot Act

Jeb calls for the reauthorization of the Patriot Act enacted under the presidency of his brother George W. Bush. here
“What I admire most about my brother was he kept us (911) safe,”

Florida: The land of the Bubbas

Helen Gordon Davis, an early victim of racial gerrymandering in Florida. here

Monday, June 1, 2015

Marco Rubio With Child Molester Josh Duggar

Check out more Republican presidential candidates here

Cuban Resilience

Party For Pat Kemp In Ybor

At the historic
Law Offices of Dale Swope
1234 5th Ave East, Ybor City
Thursday, June 4, 2015, 
5:30 - 7:30 info

Local Treasures
Jim Davis, Mary Mulhern, Mary Figg, 
Sara Romeo, Ed Turanchik,Betty Castor, Al Fox
and Otis Anthony will be there.