Folks from Yellow cab, April Griffin, Pat Kemp with friend
and local blogger Tim Fasano.
Chris and Alberto of Central Florida Norml
more Our thoughts Tom Lee: Has a nice face and looks like he could be a nice guy, too bad he is GOP. Dana Young: Is smart and hot! Too bad she is GOP John Legg: Was more interested in his cell phone and eating his nuts then what was going on. Ed NarainandArthenia Joynerlooked bored.
No wonder he is always broke! Scott Bixby from Mic.Comtook a long, hard look at the 50 U.S. Senators — one Democrat and 49 Republicans — who voted against a bill that would have expanded background checks for guns bought at gun shows and through online
An army of corporate lobbyists on Capitol Hill are urging Florida’s Congressional Representatives to make about $500 billion in corporate tax giveaways permanent. Email your elected officials today and demand that they side with working families over big
Tampa's Monthly Worker Meetup is Back! Worker activist Ashley Whitney will be hosting, along with IBEW 824 Steward Bill Perry and this blog. Next Sunday at Lee's Grocery in Tampa Pic: Our founder Norwood Orrick with Alvaro Montealegre, Ronny Elliott and Jake Verso.
Big news for ferries in Tampa Bay. The City of St. Petersburg is taking the lead to establish St. Pete to Tampa service during the tourist season. They have set aside $350,000 of BP spill funds to match it. It's a great use of BP funds, which are supposed to compensate for economic harm in our region resulting from the BP spill. So we could see seasonal ferry service running on weekends and evenings starting in 11 months and while the National NCAA Football Championship is here. This could be a big boost to getting the MacDill-South County commuter back in the fast lane. Many thanks to Mayor Kriseman and the St. Petersburg City Council for their unanimous support for this bold move! here
The Florida Ethics Commission is now investigating complaints filed against Hillsborough County commissioners Ken Hagan and Sandy Murman, as well as Tampa Mayor DINO Bob Buckhorn, following a series of 10 Investigates reports into their relationships with controversial consultant Beth Leytham. here
You are invited to the 8th annual Tour de Clay of Tampa Bay. Studio tours and sales will take place on Saturday, December 12th and Sunday, December 13th to benefit your community radio station, WMNF! Four different studios are participating and supporting your station with chance drawings, sales of tumblers, and the return of
From Jacksonville all the way down to Miami, conscientious consumers took to the streets — rain or shine — alongside farmworkers to show Wendy’s and Publix their support for the Fair Food Program. Bursting with energy, young people, church groups, and families marched in city after city. here
Our state legislative delegation has their annual town hall on
Tuesday, December 8th at 1pm
Amalie Arena in downtown Tampa.
Citizens on hand to tell your legislators to remove TBX from the state budget, and direct those billions to locally identified transportation priorities - including fixing existing roads, funding transit, and improving ped/bike infrastructure... Tell them we are NOT willing to pay taxes to subsidize FDOT's TBX
Developers of a proposed 1.5 million square foot warehouse-distribution center on Big Bend Road won an exemption Wednesday from transportation fees. Hillsborough County Commissioners voted 5-2 to approve the amendment. Commissioners Kevin Beckner and Stacy White opposed the
"How dare they ask us to raise our sales tax while exempting developers from their fair share!" Mariella Smith
The governor's $79.3 billion spending proposal tilts heavily toward business. Scott wants a permanent elimination of income taxes on manufacturing and retail businesses; tax cuts on commercial leases over two years; and an end to sales taxes on manufacturing equipment. Just those cuts would total more than $1
Read more here:
In Hillsborough County on Sunday, we rallied & marched in support of a sustainable future. We need our own local climate action plan with a significant investment in mass transit options and in solar and energy efficiency measures. We can create jobs, save money, and reduce fossil fuels locally. As a commissioner, I will work to move us to a sustainable, energy efficient future. I need your support today.
Dozens of Florida cities and counties oppose a plan to give the state control over the oil and gas exploration process known as fracking. Two Republican legislators, Rep. Ray Rodrigues of Estero and Sen. Garrett Richter of Naples, have proposed bills that would give the state authority to regulate oil and gas exploration, production, processing, storage and
Cronyism continues to thrive in the Governor's Mansion.
The State Board of Education should be a bastion of people immersed in learning and dedicated to advancing student opportunities and success.
Instead, Gov. Rick Scott filled the seat held by John Colon, who resigned when the governor appointed him to the Manatee County School Board, with a close friend, a pal with little experience in