Friday, December 1, 2017

Guido Maniscalco's Brilliant Idea

Wants to discuss the parking minimums/requirements in 
downtown Tampa.
The discussion I am aiming for would be to see how we could reduce or adjust the minimum parking requirements in the central business district. This would perhaps spur some development with some vacant buildings and office spaces to allow for more residential downtown, etc.
As I have seen with my generation and younger, not everyone wishes to or owns a car. Some folks prefer to ride a bike or walk or use alternative methods of transportation. 

This would perhaps increase the residential population and density downtown, creating more of a live, work, play urban environment. here
NO MOSI or more attractions, 
 we want affordable housing.

Let the suburbanites rush to the burbs.

Some of us perfer to stay here!

Rick Scott's Recession

After seven years under Rick Scott, a majority of Florida counties still have fewer jobs today than they did before the recession.

Florida GOP Newest Scam

The Constitution Revision Commission was created a half-century ago just so you, the Florida voter, would have a chance every generation to consider major changes to how the state is run.
The folks in charge of the commission were chosen almost entirely by the governor, Senate president and House speaker. 
 The folks on one committee approved a potential amendment that would repeal a ban on sending taxpayer money directly to religious institutions, including private schools. 
 The Legislature put a similar amendment on the ballot in 2012. And it was defeated by voters.
If at first you don’t succeed, try, try to scam the voters again.

DPCTB Outreach VOLUNTEER EVENT at Metropolitan Ministries

12.2 - 12:30 PM
2002 N Florida Ave, Tampa

Thursday, November 30, 2017

We got Ken Hagan a new domain name  we didn't want to leave Ms. Murman out. We been keeping track of her shenanigans for a very long time.

Tampa Paparazzi

Kenny and Bob
At Gaspar's in Temple Terrace

Local Candidates Beware Of Caviar And Champagne

Beware of candidates for public office that launch a well-publicized “listening tour.”  It signifies that they haven’t been paying attention to voters and are not likely to suddenly change and become interested  in Joe and Jill Lunchpail’s concerns.
Straz, became a billionaire by buying and selling banks,  owns six homes around the world and hobnobs locally with his caviar and champagne society pals. more
By Jim Bleyer
Pic: Mr. Straz with Harry Cohen, Yolie Capin, Daren Rice and others.
Credit Centro Tampa

Majority Of Floridians Back Corporate Welfare

Only 28% Oppose it.
According to a USF-Nielsen Sunshine State Survey.  Support was down from a high of 69 percent in 2010.

The Citrus Taliban Wrecking Crew

The Florida Constitution Revision Commission is pursuing a radical agenda to undermine public schools and send public money to churches, mosques and synagogues. here

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Tampa Paparazzi

The ladies of The Firehouse Pub
We got Mr. Hagan a new domain.
His history on our blog. We thought you might want 
to see what he has been up too.

Free Puerto Rico

After Puerto Rico getzwell we need to separate from America completely that's step 1. Step 2 would be a mass Exodus of Puerto Ricans from America back to our home country. Step 3 a reward for any Puerto Rican that would come back they would be Promised Land seeds for growing and Financial recoup. 4 leave the multinational banking system. 5 Unite the Caribbean countries. Rebuild our own country without the help of America. Make a deal with China. Embargo American food products so that they can't get into the country of America. Make a tight commitment to Cuba and ask for the same for Puerto Rico. Same deal all of the Caribbeans will get. Ask of our people not to join the u.s. military for any reason even at the threat of your own life. we don't want Americas help in rebuilding our country they'll turn our country into resort for their shity children. Reject America's imperialistic belief systems completely for the sake of our own people.
By Jason Rodriguez

The Citrus Taliban Rules In Tallahassee

Thanks to the magic of gerrymandering, Florida’s Bible belt runs the show in Tallahassee. God and guns are our priorities. here

Latino Take Over Of Florida

Trump’s poor handling of the tragic ongoing crisis in Puerto Rico is the acceleration of mass migration to the mainland, particularly Florida. The New York Times recently reported that well over 100,000 Puerto Ricans have already arrived in Florida, and well over 200,000 may arrive before election day next year. 
The energized new Democratic voter registration groups that emerged after Hilary Clinton’s loss are already aggressively registering them to vote.
While the Latino take over of Florida has been falsely reported more than once, now may really be the time.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Help The Stogie This #GivingTusday

Speaking Truth to Power in
Tampa Bay. Since 2003
"in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." Unknowed
Only 6% of Americans trust the MSM. 
We have always been corporate free.
Help us continue.
"The Ybor Stogie is the Real Deal. Mad Love and Respect for documenting the Resistance in Tampa Bay!" 
Kelly Benjamin

Watching The Right Wing Since 3.19.2003

Monday, November 27, 2017

Tampa Paparazzi

Go Bulls at Bobalouie's Grille

Russ Patterson Endorses Terrie Rizzo For FDP Chair

So did Ione Townsend. Source

Florida Citizens Win Redistricting Wars!

Help Our Friend Bruce Wright

Bruce Wright has fallen on hard times. Any help you can provide him would be much appreciated. He is a committed, lifelong activist that works for the poor and oppressed communities. So few of us make the sacrifices to do this work because of the strain it can put on families financially, but Bruce is one that makes this sacrifice. here

Local Merchants: Gaspar's Patio

Temple Terrace
Visit them on Facebook

Sunday, November 26, 2017

#DemExit: John Morgan

Morgan said, while he would support some Democratic candidates he likes, he would not raise a dime for national groups like the Democratic National Committee. “Fuck no,” he said when asked if he would help national organizations. “That’s like pissing money down a rat hole. Read
Donna Brazile's book” here

Local Treasure Connie Burton In Seminole Heights

11.30 - 7 PM
The Democratic Progressive Caucus of Tampa Bay
Seminole Heights Library

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Sanders vs. Trump 2020

We have received a lot of hateful e-mails since my post on November 23rd, we have no say in who you pick as your leader. But please consider this: 

 The 2020 presidential election is Senator Bernie Sanders’ race to lose, according to a new survey of more than a dozen top Democratic strategists.
“His people have never gone away,” Democratic strategist Brad Bannon told The Hill. “And he has a loyal core following out there that will be with him come hell or high water.” Sanders is the most popular politician in America, with an approval rating of 75 percent, according to a recent Harvard-Harris poll.
Since 2016, Sanders far-left politics have been embraced by Democrats at large. “The Sanders wing is becoming the dominant wing of the party,” Source
So when Florida Democrats pick a new leader please take your head out of your ass and chose wisely. Remember your ways are not working and your voters want change.
Republicans control all three branches of the Federal Government and the majority in the SCOTUS. And Republicans have control of 32 State Houses.
Get a backbone and stand for something. You cannot be the anti-Trump party forever.
And to all the haters, please post your hate on the blog so everyone can see it. You can comment anonymously and no one will know who you are, including us. When you send it to us via email we have your email address. And BTW we are not Malcontented Mad Men or Communist, we do lean Socialist but as you can see above we are fast becoming the majority.
"in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." Unknowed

Tampa Hoods


Meet with Kathy Castor in Tampa

Nov. 29, 2017 at 10 a.m.
To discuss the HR 3990 bill and if 
she will oppose it.
4144 N Armenia Ave

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Florida Fake Progressives

Florida Democratic Party Chair
 Progressive vs. Corporate 
Stacey Patel - Alma Gonzalez 
What a great opportunity to see who the real Progressives are and elect one of our own. But the real treat will be watching the fakes come out of the closet.

Support Stacey here

Future of Our Party - Amos Miers

We need a State Chair who will allow our party to critique itself. A State Chair who will restore our democratic soul so we can take back Congress and the White House for the People of this nation, giving us a chance to continue to have a future on this planet.
We cannot afford to be on the sidelines in 2018.  This is the time for a State Chair who can convey a bold plan of action that we can all work together to enact. more
By Amos Miers

Florida GOP Supports Trump's Tax Scam

Florida GOP Carlos Curbelo, Mario Diaz-Balart, Brian Mast and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen support it. 
A George Washington University researcher studied 30 years of public opinion polls for The Washington Post. He found only one piece of major legislation that had less public appeal than the Republican tax plan. That was the Republican plan this year to repeal the Affordable Care Acthere

Tampa Hoods

Ybor City

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

We Support Stacey Patel for FDP Chair

"I think the time has come for the people to take back the power of the Florida Democratic Party.
What if we built a party people could really believe in?
What if we gave our party back to the people, and spread the power of the few to the many?
What if we returned to our roots & inspired our neighbors with our love for justice and for one another?
What if we adamantly refused to compromise our values, and bought back our party from special interests?
What if we worked together to show Florida what democracy looks like?"
Show your support here

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Trump Tax Scam Rally In Tampa

Debbie King and Tim Heberlein
Of Organize Florida - Tampa Bay
Join Them here

Straz Resolves to Buy Tampa Mayorship

Tampa mayoral hopeful David Straz, who was awarded an ambassadorship but has never held elective office, will unleash a torrent of cash in an effort to become the next mayor of Tampa, according to longtime political insiders in this town.

The whisper number is $2 million, a ton of dough for a guy with name recognition but a pittance for a privileged man of wealth . If he does spend anywhere near that figure, it might stand as a national record for a city this size

win or lose.

The daunting war chest is so many nickels to a billionaire. He announced this week that he added $10,000 to the already $100,000 in rewards for information leading to the arrest of the Seminole Heights serial killer. That equates to 50 cents for the average person; do the math. And the publicity he reaped from the area's most prominent fake news source won't be reflected as a campaign expense.

Apparently Straz and his brain trust aren't worried about peaking too early. The election is in March, 2019; the new mayor takes office on Apr. 1, 2019--496 days from now. That's an eternity for an insulated elitist unaccustomed to answering for past pronouncements, prior political proclivities, and public policy plans.

There will be candidate debates, community forums, and challenging questions from both the mainstream press and internet bloggers. Straz will be forced to appear in sections of Tampa he has never set foot in.

His life and associations, past and present,

will be an open book.

The race will have national implications as supporters of Donald Trump and his Trojan horses attempt to pick off big city, local races. See Rick Baker.

Straz voted for Trump in 2016 but now that he is running for mayor in a predominantly Democratic city, he has declared he won’t vote for Trump in 2020. That shabby, comic declaration illustrates his disdain for the electorate.

Straz better get used to the forbidding glare of the spotlight. Even $10 million won't help him cope with those demands.

Mountains of dinero haven't run off potential opposition : city council members Harry Cohen and Mike Suarez, former County Commissioner and civic activist Ed Turanchik, and former Police Chief Jane Castor remain strong possibilities, according to their supporters.

By Jim Bleyer - Tampa Bay Beat

Florida Corporate Democrats Running Scared

It seems the left has the corporate overlords of the Florida Democratic Party running scared. With progressives winning a special state senate election, an important mayor's race, passing progressive resolutions and rewriting policies on consultant contracts. 
They have pushed Stephen Bittel
(Which the FDP should of taken care of a long time ago)
and Sally Boynton Brown out.
They are already on the move. This from 
Ty Javellana, Statewide Organizer at 
Gwen Graham for FL

"(Corporate Dem) Alma Gonzalez Dnc Florida is whispered to be a prospective candidate for the Florida Democratic Party Chairmanship. If she chooses to toss her hat in the ring, we wish her good luck. Alma would be a great Chair of the FDP. She would have my support." 
Her cover photo on Facebook was one of her and Ms. Graham (Not the one above)which she has changed and apparently deleted.
Update 11.21

Hillsborough’s Alma Gonzalez to run for FDP Chair

"We have been given a voice within the party for the first time in my nearly 12 years of involvement. If that voice is again marginalized, and if Sally leaves, I'm not sure I will continue in my role with the caucus." Susan Smith

Join the conversation here
Cheer up comrades, change is in the air. Let them and their followers (Locally you know who you are) continue their losing ways, In the end, we will prevail. 
Update: One so called progressive and two corporate Hillsbough County Dems are working for a Trump supporter for mayor of Tampa.