Saturday, June 30, 2018

Families Belong Together - Tampa










Priss and John







Downtown Tampa

Friday, June 29, 2018

Chillum Ybor City Grand Opening

1714 7th Ave - Ybor City, Florida
Visit them here

Ybor Paparazzi

Celeste Mona Judge Johnson

Tampa Plutocrats Grandiose Deception

Transit Petition Winners: Vinik, Sternberg, Local Fishwrap; Losers: Everyone Else

The proposed $15 billion Hillsborough County transit initiative is primarily designed to rescue two failing private-sector entities and bring to fruition a taxpayer subsidized ballpark for 
the Tampa Bay Rays.
The fact that those bankrolling the petition effort are hiding behind a “non-profit,” tells voters all they need to know.  The front man for the effort refused to tell us who hides 
in the shadows.

Florida GOP: Long Hot Summer

Tampa Hoods

Ybor City

Tampa Muslims offer to host all migrant children

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Florida Canna Warriors Unite!

You won in 2016. Lets do it again. John Morgan has got your back. He wants the full legalization of marijuana on the Florida ballot in 2020.
A referendum to legalize recreational marijuana in Florida “would pass overwhelmingly.” here
Mayor Gillum is also for full legalization.
He has been from the start. 
We need him in 2018 to help lead 
the Cannabis movement forward.

Florida Corporate Dem Victor DeMaio Blows His Cool In Tampa

Victor DeMaio, A veteran Tampa political operative totally blew his cool and embarrassed himself after Florida House candidate Susan Valdes was videoed stumbling and bumbling by Justin Diaz over questions regarding her donors and would-be donors.
 DeMaio, who is a consultant for the Valdes campaign, called Diaz and made personal threats if the video was released.Then made good on his threat to call State Attorney Andrew Warren, the employer of videographer Justin Diaz. 
 Warren reportedly told DeMaio that Diaz
 “had done nothing wrong.”

By Jim Bleyer

WANTED: Andrew Gillum Foot Soldiers In Tampa

Tampa Turfs Are Waiting. 
Boots on the ground needed!
Contact Tampa Turf Guy 
Asher Edelson. here

CBD Dispensary Grand Opening in Ybor City

Chillum Glass Gallery and CBD Dispensary is ready to open its door to the world! The medicinal benefits of Hemp Based CBD and the art of our alternative culture is something that should be celebrated, and we are doing just that on 7th ave 
in Ybor City. 
We have seen great results from our customers use of CBD and we have some great glass art on display. Come by and receive 10% off anything in the store. Free Cuban food.

1714 7th Ave info

FLORIDA.....God put you in my way

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Kelly Benjamin: Fuck This Shit

"It's draining but if you're not standing up right now at this moment in America, you're complicit. I might love you and still be your friend but now is not the time for greased accommodation and civic laziness. Cheers to all of those who are drawing a line, who are desperately trying to stop the descent into collapse, who are coming out of the woodwork to say fuck this shit."  
Kelly Benjamin

Vlogger Marie Bx in Ybor City

Andrew Gillum Tampa Fans

Jim Shirk


Ybor Paparazzi

The Columbia

Florida Dem Alan Clendenin

Democratic National Committee Member Alan Clendenin is asking whether Republicans are using The Collective Super PAC to run negative ads against Democratic gubernatorial candidate
 Gwen Graham. here
“Florida Democrats can’t understand why The Collective Super PAC is using secret money to falsely attack a progressive Democrat instead of sharing a positive message. The only plausible conclusion is that The Collective Super PAC is being used by Republicans to sabotage Graham because they know she is the best candidate to take back our state in November.”  
Alan Clendenin

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Welcome Home Pam Bondi

“If you refuse to meet with us, we're coming to where you're at. We're coming to where you're watching a movie 
or eating dinner.” Tim Heberlein VIDEO

Organize Florida Statement Regarding Attorney General Pam Bondi Incident at Mister Rogers Screening in Tampa here

Ybor Bartenders


Our Revolution President Nina Turner

We can use California as an example. In California, Democrats control every statewide office, they control the legislature — yet we can’t get Medicare for All passed. The nurses [union is] pushing to get this passed, along with other groups, but we can’t get it passed. That’s not a state controlled by Republicans, it’s a state that’s controlled by Democrats.
Or let’s take New York. In terms of voter access and voter rights, one of the worst states for voter rights in the country. Controlled by Democrats. more
Our plan is to transform the Democratic Party; our plan is to run and elect progressive candidates. info

South Tampa businesses demand Bay to Bay safety improvements

Walk With Mariella Smith In Brandon 4th of July Parade

9:30 a.m: NW corner of 
Kings Ave & Lumsden Rd. info

Monday, June 25, 2018

Cano For Florida Rep

People Powered Unbashful Progressive
For State Representative District 62. 

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Garry
He is from Long Island. 

Ybor Paparazzi

Hispanic Society of America

Words of Asher Edelson

"So after listening to the discussion down there by this "older" crowd, I'm going to recommend that all of our younger voters start talking with your parents and grandparents about who you want to vote for and why, because I think they are very persuadable. - Start those conversations before the August 28th primary
not after." Asher Edelson