Saturday, August 4, 2018

Mariella Smith Best Local Candidate In Years

 "Mariella Smith is among the best local candidates to come along in years." 
Tampa Bay Times
We can vouch for that!

March For Justice - Markeis McGlockton in Clearwater


Davenport Trump Supporter Temo Juarez's Wife Deported

Alejandra Juarez, the wife of a former U.S. Marine, was deported back to Mexico Friday following a deportation order by the U.S. Department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement. here
Temo didn't figure his vote for Trump 
would affect them personally.

Dana Young Going Full Throttle While Janet Cruz Uses Cloak of Invisibility

Cruz’ late entry into the race infuriated the progressive wing of the party as she essentially forced attorney Bob Buesing to quit the race. 
Self-styled kingmaker Alex Sink, corporatist and the state’s former Chief Financial Officer in what seems a lifetime ago, threatened Buesing with the denial of crucial endorsements and financial support if he contested Cruz in a primary. Sink’s power within the Democratic party is incomprehensible. 
On balance, the candidates she has supported have lost. Sink has shown an uncanny ability 
to fail.
By Jim Bleyer more

Stop Rick Scott's Beach Privatization Law

At the behest of powerful property owners and their hired-gun lobbyists, this past session the Legislature passed and Gov. Scott signed House Bill 631, which allows some waterfront homeowners to label beachgoers as trespassers and have them kicked off the beach. Now, a storm of controversy has erupted around the new law, which upends Florida’s traditional “customary-use” rule allowing the public to access private beaches throughout the state.
Help keep Florida’s world famous beaches open to the public. Sign our petition to the Florida legislature calling for a repeal of Gov. Scott’s beach privatization law.
Petition To The Florida Legislature here

Ybor City Homeless

Meet Hardrick

Friday, August 3, 2018

Hang Out With Katie Mercury In Seminole Heights

Mission: Weekly Canvass For Andrew Gillum 

Date: Saturday, August 4 
at 10 AM
Meet: Dunkin' Donuts on 
E. Hillsborough Ave

Floridians Are Starting To Feel The Bern Again

Tampa Berners the mayor 
needs your help.
Contact the Tampa Turf Guy

Fair Food Nation Florida “Summer of Action” Coming To St. Pete

1-mile march on Publix and Wendy's
Sunday, August 5, 2:30PM--3:30PM
Allendale United Methodist Church 
3803 Haines Rd N., St. Petersburg