Thursday, March 19, 2020

Thank You Tampa Bay Berners

Greg Phillips

Russell Giambrone & Timmy Hernandez 

Kristin Hoffman

Laurel Caroline

 Jessica Vaughn

Beth Eriksen Shoup

Lorina Moo Moo

Nina Tatlock & Jodi Cohen

Dayna Lazarus & Ashley

Scott Shoup & Pierre-Louis Francisco

Steve McFarland

Asher Edelson

Kelly Benjamin

Nilesh Kapadia

Wayne Schucker

Russell Patterson

Christopher Cano

Marc Rodrigues

Jason Bardo

And all the others. Great effort, 
on to your next adventure!

Help FSU Teachers and Students

Are there any parents or secondary students homeschooling right now who would be interested in online tutoring in social sciences? there’s a group of bright preservice teachers at FSU that right now are looking to make ends meet. we have taken classes specializing in literacy & reading comprehension, ESOL and special education services. we have all passed our first FCTE general education exam and we graduate this semester with our bachelor’s.
many of my classmates have lost their jobs bc of the university closure, a bunch more still have to go into their dead end food service jobs despite the pandemic. we will graduate saddled with debt & enter the teaching profession as some of the lowest paid in the nation. this pandemic is hitting my cohort super hard, and my cohort is like my family. we are doing our best to financially & emotionally support one another, but there’s only so much 18 working class college students can do for each other.
if anyone is looking for tutors, or knows of any mutual aid networks for educators, please reach out!

Fellow Bernie Supporters

I know you’re hurting right now. You’re angry, frustrated, disappointed, sad, hopeless and quickly pledging never to vote for Biden while calling for a mass DemExit.
Take the time you need to grieve. I’m still grieving from 2016.
But while you’re grieving and cursing the DNC, please think about why you support Bernie. Think about how his entire movement has never been about him, but instead it’s about us. Think about what the issues that we care about will look like if Trump wins a second term. A term with even less accountability.

Also, let me assure you of a few things (again). The DNC doesn’t care if you Dem Exit. The DNC doesn’t care if they lose the election in 2020. All the leaders in the DNC will still continue to hold their privilege and their power even if democrats lose in 2020. And if they lose because you don’t vote for Biden that’s even better, because then they can blame progressives for another four years. You won’t teach them any lessons.
Also, why do you think we only have two parties? It’s because the two parties in power have engineered the election laws so that they stay in power. No third party will be successful until we gain the power from within one of the parties and CHANGE those laws.
Regardless of who you vote for in November, the only way to really support progressive candidates and progressive politics is to gain the majority of power within the Democratic Party. If you want to know what scares the DNC and what will teach them a lesson, it’s progressives gaining any power within the party. Trust me, as a progressive fighting the old guard in the party for years now; they fear you joining your local/state party and changing their bylaws/breaking up their power consolidation WAY more than they fear you withholding your vote for any their candidates.
How do we get the power? First, each and every single one of us need to run at the basic level and win our precinct captain seats. Qualifying for this happens in April and May. I’ll post more about this later.
Either way, please know I’m sending you all so much love. Thank you to all of my friends who worked so hard to support justice. So many people I know sacrificed months and months of their lives for our campaign. Also, thank you to all of my loved ones who voted for Bernie.
As you grieve; please remember that this movement is about us, not one person. We need to stick together more than ever.
Please help those of us who have been fighting the old guard of the Democratic Party (virtually alone) for years. We need your passion and your support desperately! If it was as easy as starting a third party, trust me; I’d start one tomorrow. But they would never make
 it that simple.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Ybor Chicken at Chillum

Why did the chicken cross the road? To walk inside this CBD shop in Ybor City -- where its furious flapping caused $1,200 in damage 
to glass pipes. MORE

Florida Bars Closed

Ybor City Bartenders
Gov. DeSantis ordered all bars to close for the next 30 days. HERE


Ybor City Homeless

Meet Eric

Ybor Life

Ybor City, Florida

Stogie Recommends

Great performances by Cate Blanchett and Saoirse RonanThe film was co-produced by the American Holleran Company and German Studio Babelsberg, with financial support from various German film funds and the main distributor, Focus Features, which holds the copyright to the film.

In pandemics, we are all socialists

“You can look at it as socialized medicine, but in the face of an outbreak, a pandemic, what’s your options?” asked Rep. Ted Yoho, a right-wing Republican from Florida, who has spent his political career trying to destroy the Affordable Care Act.

Yoho was asked about the possibility of free testing as coronavirus rapidly spreads across the United States, threatening to overwhelm the beleaguered healthcare system. The congressman seemed to, at last, be conceding a point the very people he hated so much have been making for his entire life: it’s better to have a stronger social safety net than a weak one. MORE

See all my past sins HERE

Saturday, March 14, 2020

South Tampa Farm

Why give your money to Big Sugar

Support your local beekeeper

South Tampa Farm... Open all daylight hours, 365 days of the year, fully stocked with farm fresh dairy, eggs, 
and local honey.. HERE

Stogie Recommends

An American-Chinese co-production starring Matt Damon, Jing Tian, Pedro Pascal, Willem Dafoe, and Andy Lau The first English-language production ever shot entirely in China.  It was not well recived, only getting 36% from critics on Rotten Tomatoes. I liked it. The script was weak but great Cinematography. 

Matt Gaetz Votes Against Florida Paid Sick Leave

Florida GOP MATT GAETZ, decided to self-quarantine this week after coming in contact with an individual who tested positive for the coronavirus at the Conservative Political Action Conference late last month.
But Gaetz’s decision to take time away from his job at Congress without the fear of losing pay or being fired is a right few Americans share. In fact, Gaetz voted to prohibit Florida residents from 
sharing that right. HERE

Tampa Bay company turns shipping containers into housing for homeless veterans

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

We cannot let our revolution die

"Michigan was a tough one, however, delegates are awarded proportionally and there are 2/3rds of states left to vote. The delegate spread is less than 150 and delegates are still to be assigned in states Bernie has won.
Keep dialing, keep knocking, keep donating. We cannot let our revolution die. Did you really think the ruling class and the democratic establishment that is beholden to them would cede power without a fight?" Chris Cano

Tampa Paparazzi


Ybor City I-4 Exit Toll Taker

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Italian Omelet
At First Watch in Downtown Tampa


Early Voting In Hillsborough County