During a walk with the pupper last night, I heard peeps of distress coming from two different areas. First, I found a wild little one in a grate and knew it was the more urgent situation of the two.
After 35 minutes of failed attempts to draw the baby out of the tunnel, I sadly decided that saving one was better than none, so I set off to find the other. Baby 2 was part of a new hatch whose family had already ventured off before it joined the world. She was alone, cold, and already covered in mites.
Reinvigorated by finding this little one, we went back to the first for one last look - and the chickie was in the open part of the grate! After some serious goalie work, blocking the open tunnels, the baby was finally able
to be snagged! I got the babies home, washed off the bugs, gave them a blow dry, medicated the injuries, and got them warm. Today, they’re lively, fluffy, and ready to be reunited later tonight 💛 BIG thank you to the Carmine’s employee who helped out and to my newest volunteer who had her first rescue - A+!
Ybor Chickens Society