Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Tampa Berner Christopher Cano

I asking for your vote to represent Florida's 14th Congressional District at the DNC as a Bernie Sanders Delegate. Click the link to request your ballot before May 13th in order to cast your vote for which delegates will represent you at the Democratic National Convention.
Often times we find partisan politics to cause divides and gridlock on key issues. Marijuana Legalization should not be one of them.
Delegate elections to represent Florida at the DNC & RNC are coming up in May 16th in the Tampa Bay Area.
If you are registered Democrat or Republican you are eligible to vote in your party’s delegates selected to their national conventions where important issues such as ending cannabis prohibition are decided 
in the party platform.
Click your Political Party’s Link to Register for a Ballot before May 13th.

You don't have Democratic elections

You can't depend on politicians and reforms that cause more problems. The main reason is you can't fix a system meant to be broken. the movement is issue-oriented and sympatico! with planned✓ organized✓ methods✓ So it is to keep us nimble. But the tactics must change. Engaging outside of the establishment corporate party. As we are under 
one-party rule. 

America is a fascist oligarchy. It's time for us to take direct action. we must shut down locally the structures of the parties. Meaning events, meetings etc we weaken them. Message to the left when it comes to electoral politics it has failed us. but the movement should not be involved in party politics its a distraction. we cannot trust politicians they should never lead this movement ever again. Personal note Dealing with the emotional impact and the hard work from 2016 to 2020 indeed love. It depends on the severity of whether I have the time so I kept my eyes on the prize to move forward quickly. And start trying to organize the US movement. Seeking revolutionaries!!

 What the parties do or don't, its a distraction! we can exert power through direct action would be meaningful to The desperation and need of the American to obtain people basic human rights in this country. Right now we have to take direct action and shut the political infrastructure down!

Jason Bardo Rodriguez

"We need organization that no one downtown loves, we need one that's ready and willing to take action! any kind of action! not when the man sees fit! But when we see fit, by any means necessary. let's agree that the blow must be struck let us agree on what type of blow must be struck and at whom the the blow should struck and those who don't go along with that strike we can struck them first" Malcolm x

Self Isolate Blues

Tell the DNC: strip New York of its delegates if they cancel their presidential primary

On Monday, the New York State Board of Elections made the disgraceful and undemocratic decision to cancel their state’s presidential primary later this year.
This means that our campaign will receive no delegates from New York, weakening our ability to fight for a progressive platform and progressive rules at the Democratic Convention. It also means our voters are less likely to turn out, which will hurt progressive New York candidates who are still facing primaries.
This is an outrage, an assault on democracy and must not be allowed to stand.
While we did not have the votes to win the Democratic nomination, our campaign was suspended, not ended, because we believe that people in every state should have the right to express their preference.
Let's be clear. New York will still be holding a primary election on June 23. Voters will cast ballots for congressional candidates and other down-ballot offices but, because of the heavy-handed decision of two members of the State Board of Elections, they will not have the opportunity to vote in the presidential primary.
No one asked New York to cancel the election.
The DNC did not request it. The Biden campaign did not request it. And our campaign communicated, very strongly, that we wanted to remain on the ballot.
Given that the primary is months away, the proper response should be to make the election safe — such as moving entirely to vote by mail — rather than eliminating people’s right to vote completely.
The truth is that the New York State Democratic Party has never taken a particularly progressive approach toward democratic participation. In fact, quite the opposite. They have a very checkered pattern of voter disenfranchisement. For many years, New York has had one of the lowest rates of voter turnout in the country.
In addition to being a blow to American democracy, New York state's action is also a clear violation of the approved delegate selection plan of the Democratic National Committee.
At a time when all of us, including Joe Biden, are deeply concerned about Donald Trump’s attacks on our democracy, we must fight back against this action in New York state.
If states violate the DNC party rules regarding delegate selection, they can lose their ability to send delegates to the convention. And this is exactly what must be done.
If this outrage is not remedied, the Democratic National Committee must strip New York of all its delegates at the 2020 Democratic National Convention. New York, and every other state in this country, must understand they cannot violate the rules of the DNC with impunity.
While the New York State Democratic Party is trying to take away progressive voices in this election, we are asking you to 
make yours heard:
Sign our petition: tell DNC Chairman Tom Perez to strip New York state of its convention delegates unless they reinstate the Democratic presidential primary slated to take place later this year.
Thank you for standing up for democracy and thank you for making your voice heard on this important issue.
All our best,
Team Bernie

Self Isolate Blues

Sky U. White Fan


Local Musicians: The Mystic Voices

Visit them here

Unemployment Florida

Hours on hold persist despite $79 million for call center help. HERE

Stogie Recommends

I love this film It was nice to watch it again
Javier Bardem's best work. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Self Isolate Blues

Sky U White Fan


Rick Scott Fierce Backlash

After he complained about having to help out state and local governments that have seen their revenue streams destroyed by the COVID-19 pandemic. HERE

Self Isolate Blues

Sign Sky U. White's Petition Online

If you live in District 3 (E. Tampa, W. Tampa, Brandon, Riverview) please sign my electronic petition to help get me on the ballot. By clicking on this link, you can complete and submit the petition on your mobile devices. We are only a few hundred away from qualifying to be on your Aug 18, 2020 ballot. The deadline is MAY 11TH, so please take 2 mins to complete one for us today. ***please make sure your signature matches the one on your ID***
Thank you all for your support!! #TheSKYIsTheLimit

Florida’s Rick Scott demands reduced unemployment benefits

Florida Republican Sen. Rick Scott and a group of conservatives erected a roadblock on the swift passage of a massive, $2 trillion coronavirus relief bill on Wednesday afternoon, arguing that the bill’s increased unemployment benefits will discourage people from working or trying to find a job. HERE

Ybor City · JJ Grey · Mofro

Monday, April 27, 2020


Bernie's Paycheck Security Act

Add your name if you agree the Senate must pass the Paycheck Security Act as part of the next coronavirus relief package.

Stogie Recommends

This film has a 15% score on Rotten Tomatoes.
Unbelievable, I loved it. If you like dystopian Si-Fi you will too. Nice work.

Florida Still Closed

Florida GOP Ron DeSantis is letting his “Safer At Home” order expire at the end of the month, much of the tourism industry in the Sunshine State is likely to stay closed for much longer as the coronavirus pandemic rages, to avoid lawsuits. HERE

Self Isolate Blues

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Tampa Rally at FOX 13

Photo credit: Richard Webb

What Stogie Had For Lunch

With Moro and Platanos
From my sister, delivered to me by her 
personal driver. Yummy!

Self Isolate Blues

Self Isolate Blues

Miami Beach isn't Jacksonville

Jacksonville and other beaches may be opening up in Florida, but Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber says Miami Beach 
"isn't Jacksonville." HERE

Local Musicians: Jessica Rose Powell with The Mystic Voices

Shout out to The Mystic Voices singing this original song with me. They've been doing FB live sound spa shows on Mondays at 6PM so be sure to watch. How I wish I could see you girls in person along with so many others. When we recorded this song only a few months ago we had no clue everything would go upside down in the near future. I'm really glad we got to work on a project like this before all of the craziness started. I cherish playing music with artists like you two and it's breaking my heart not playing music with others any more. We need music now more than ever. I'm incredibly grateful for music to sooth our souls through such rough times.

Stogie Recommends

Great work by Benedict Cumberbatch

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Self Isolate Blues

Miami Herald columnist Fabiola Santiago

In a since deleted tweet she insinuated that re-opening beaches in Florida would “thin out” President Trump and Gov. Ron DeSantis supporters “who value money over health.”

“Packed beaches should work nicely to thin the ranks of Trump/DeSantis/Gimenez supporters in #Florida who value money over health,” Santiago tweeted.

Designed to Fail: Florida's Unemployment Fiasco Revealed!

Kevin Beckner For Hillsborough Clerk of Court!

Our friend former Hillsborough County Commissioner Kevin Beckner is running for Clerk of the Circuit Courts.
 Help him HERE

Citrus Taliban: Mark Grenon

Mark Grenon wrote to Trump saying chlorine dioxide ‘can rid the body of Covid-19’ days before the president promoted disinfectant as treatment
Grenon styles himself as “archbishop” of Genesis II – a Florida-based outfit that claims to be a church but which in fact is the largest producer and distributor of chlorine dioxide bleach as a “miracle cure” in the US. He brands the chemical as MMS, “miracle mineral solution”, and claims fraudulently that it can cure 99% of all illnesses including cancer, malaria, HIV/Aids as well as autism. HERE

Friday, April 24, 2020

JEN 2020 - A Time For Courage


Tampa Bay Locavore

Here is a blog I started in 2007. I stopped posting in 2016. When all this is over we need to stop eating corporate and start supporting local eateries. Please note a lot of the restaurants listed no longer exist. 
I still promote eating local

Sky U. White: Why I am running for Hillsborough County Commissioner


Ybor Life

Ybor City, Florida

Stogie Recommends

Beautiful filmmaking. Great job by young cast.

Florida among slowest states to process unemployment claims

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Val Demings: Republicans ‘Did Nothing’ To Address Unemployment Issues In Florida

Christopher Cano for DNC Delegate

I would like to formally announce my candidacy for DNC Delegate from Congressional District 14 for
Bernie Sanders.
With the COVID-19 pandemic taking hold, the Florida Democratic Party has chosen to move delegate voting to an online ballot which you must request before May 13th. Ballots will be emailed and must be completed between May 14th, 2pm and May 16th, 2pm. Request your ballot by clicking here:
Any registered Democrat from Congressional District 14 may Request a Sanders Delegate Ballot and cast your vote.
I am asking for your vote as a DNC delegate to continue to fight for the issues in which we believe. Medicare 4 All, Canceling Student Debt, Comprehensive Immigration Reform, Social & Economic Justice, Equality for All, Protecting our Environment, and the Legalization of Marijuana.

Trump Train spotted on I-95

Although there have been no organized protests in Palm Beach County, a caravan of motorcycles, cars and a converted ambulance dubbed the Trump Train, was spotted on I-95 on Sunday. HERE

Stogie Recommends

Nice action film, kind of a Die Hard at the White House. Jamie Fox is president, right wing actor James Woods plays himself.

Florida White Nationalist Augustus sol Invictus​ Arrested

Invictus was arrested earlier this year on charges of kidnapping, “high and aggravated” domestic violence​, and possess​ion of a firearm ​while committing a violent crime after he allegedly choked his wife​, held a gun to her head​,​ and forced her to accompany him to Florida with him. ​According to The Informant, a South Carolina judge ​threw out the kidnapping charge and allowed Invictus to leave jail with a $10,000 bond despite Invictus’ wife begging that he stay behind bars for her and her children​’s safety. The judge’s order required Invictus to not contact his wife.
Invictus was arrested by the Orange County Sheriff’s Office after violating both the no-contact condition for his release and a protection order forbidding Augustus from contact​ing his wife until February 2021, according to an affidavit for​ an arrest warrant provided to 
Right Wing Watch. HERE

Grace VanderWaal - Hope For Change

Monday, April 20, 2020

Florida GOP Brian Mast is trying to pull a Gaetz

About 20 GOP lawmakers are reportedly planning to return to DC next week, even though Congress is in an extended recess until May 4

Mast, initiated the talks by texting and emailing other Republican lawmakers, sent a tweet to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Saturday, telling her to "DO [her] DAMN JOB." HERE

Stogie Recommends

If you like Jennifer Aniston, you will like it

Disrespecting A Miami Cop

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Sky U. White Fan


Florida governor is trying to hide info on nursing home COVID-19 deaths

A new expose published by the Miami Herald reveals that the administration of Trump-loving Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has been working to hide information about elders in nursing homes who have died after being infected with COVID-19. HERE

Stogie Recommends

A desperate young man assumes a false identity in order to enter a high-stakes underworld game of Russian Roulette in order to pay off his debts. In this game of power, violence, and chance wealthy men gamble behind closed doors on the lives of shooters who take aim at each other, armed with nothing more than a bullet in the chamber.
Warning this film has a score of 8% on Rotten Tomatoes. I liked it.

Grace VanderWaal - I Don't Like You

Matt Gaetz Chronicles

Has spent nearly $200,000 in taxpayer money renting out a floor in a historic building in downtown Pensacola owned by a campaign donor and political confidante since 2017. HERE

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Chick Rescue in Ybor City

During a walk with the pupper last night, I heard peeps of distress coming from two different areas. First, I found a wild little one in a grate and knew it was the more urgent situation of the two.
After 35 minutes of failed attempts to draw the baby out of the tunnel, I sadly decided that saving one was better than none, so I set off to find the other. Baby 2 was part of a new hatch whose family had already ventured off before it joined the world. She was alone, cold, and already covered in mites.
Reinvigorated by finding this little one, we went back to the first for one last look - and the chickie was in the open part of the grate! After some serious goalie work, blocking the open tunnels, the baby was finally able 
to be snagged! I got the babies home, washed off the bugs, gave them a blow dry, medicated the injuries, and got them warm. Today, they’re lively, fluffy, and ready to be reunited later tonight 💛 BIG thank you to the Carmine’s employee who helped out and to my newest volunteer who had her first rescue - A+!
Ybor Chickens Society

Thank You Bernie Sanders

"But the most important legacy of Bernie Sanders’ political revolution has been making socialism a force in American politics once again. Most young Bernie supporters would have to go back to the days of their great-grandparents for the last time someone could say that. It is a truly extraordinary achievement. Now, a majority of young people in America – America! – prefer socialism 
to capitalism..." HERE

Mad dash for the ocean in Jacksonville

People flocked to a reopened beach in Jacksonville, Florida, on Friday afternoon after officials partially lifted restrictions aimed at slowing the spread of the coronavirus. HERE

Stogie Recommends

Nice Indie film. Love the cinematography. 
Good efort by cast. Has a 100% on Rotten Tomatoes

Florida Lawyers Not Getting Out Of Bed

Broward Circuit Judge Dennis Bailey got frustrated with attorneys appearing on Zoom for hearings because they essentially rolled over and opened their computer for the court appearance. HERE

Friday, April 17, 2020

Obama and The Audacity of "Us"

Recently President Barack Obama officially endorsed his former Vice-President Joe Biden. In Obama's endorsement  he mentioned Senator Bernie Sanders as "an American original." A condescending remark, really, considering  Bernie's campaign, " Not Me, Us", was a huge movement comprised of young, old, working-class and poor people in an era of corporate control of most media, non-profits, and governmental institutions. A corporate system that Barack Obama has 
done well in. MORE 
 For those of us who supported Bernie's political movement there is a lesson here: any authentic political movement from the Left that, say, a Dr. Nina Turner or AOC might inspire to elevate them into higher office will have to recognize that, like this past Democratic Primary, Barack Obama will be working behind the scenes trying to  undermine it. HERE This isn't really that surprising. According to the new book by Reed
Hundt, HERE who worked in both the Clinton and Obama administrations, Obama had already embraced Wall Street's bailout before his inauguration; thus, ultimately giving the big banks more control over our economy while average Americans received no mortgage relief. All this has a lot to do why Trump is in the White House. The remarkable thing is that Trump has discarded Obama's legacy achievements and often disparages his administration publicly. To which Obama has remained rather silent on. I suppose President Obama has been too busy undermining the audacity of hope of the "Not Me, Us" movement. 

Fisher Island, Florida

An exclusive enclave of multi-million dollar condos and homes and one of the wealthiest ZIP Codes in the country — has purchased thousands of rapid COVID-19 blood test kits from the University of Miami Health System for all of its residents and workers,” the Miami Herald reported. HERE