Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Chillum - Ybor City


Support The Merchants of Ybor

7th Ave

DeSantis Chickening Out Against Trump?


DeSantis to defund diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives at Florida universities


DeSantis addressed what he called “DEI bureaucracies,” or departments within universities that promote diversity, equality and inclusion, which he said impose a liberal agenda on university students and faculty.

“These bureaucracies are hostile to academic freedom, and really they constitute a drain on resources and end up contributing to higher costs,” he said.


Joe Biden Turns His Back On Renters


Trump and DeSantis and Biden; Oh My!


Republican Political Strategist and Pollster John Thomas joins to talk about his pro-DeSantis SuperPAC, and Trump's primary chances in 2024.

Tampa Hoods: Ybor City

8th Ave

Trump Rips into DeSantis

Ladies of Chillum - Ybor City

Welcome back Mary!


The Stogie's Russ Giambrone's Trip to Rome: Euro Caffe & Ristorante

Croissants and Espresso
Euro Caffe & Ristorante, Roma Italy

Trump Lashes Out At "Very Disloyal" Ron DeSantis

“Kevin McCarthy Has Packed The House Oversight Committee With Election Deniers, MAGA Extremists”

“Kevin McCarthy Has Packed The House Oversight Committee With Election Deniers, MAGA Extremists”

That’s not hyperbole: Far-right extremists leveraged their fringe power to force Kevin McCarthy’s hand and get appointments to this committee. Why did they want it so badly? To turn a major Congressional watchdog into their own personal Fox News broadcast – complete with conspiracies about nonsense like Hunter Biden’s laptop.

No matter what the likes of Lauren Boebert, Jim Jordan, and Marjorie Taylor Greene do, I’m ready to fiercely defend our values. I’m on this committee to ensure that our government actually works, and not just for the GOP’s shady donors.

But that means I’ll be holding these GOP extremists accountable, and they’re going to personally attack me when I do. We need to be SURE their attacks don’t cost us this seat. That’s why I need your help right now, before we even have our first committee meeting.

Monday, January 30, 2023

Local Artist Claire Fenlon May


Matt Gaetz to MSNBC: There was a side deal but I lost my copy

Tampa Hoods: Ybor City

7th Ave

Matt Gaetz condemns Jan 6 violence, denies Trump W.H. pardon testimony

Ybor Paparazzi

Ybor Poet Dr Sanman with fan 

Italian Club Ybor Happy Hour

Party with Guido in Seminole Heights

Tomorrow AT 5:30 PM
2201 North Florida Avenue, Tampa


Matt Gaetz, Political Arsonist, Has New Powers. What Will He Do With Them?

Tampa Hoods: Ybor City

Centro Ybor

DeSantis Goons LOSE Their Minds Defending Blatant Attack


Ybor Paparazzi

Ybor Poet Dr. Sanman with fan

DeSantis Asked Point Blank: 'Is It Time That Antifa Is Labeled A Terrorist Organization?'


Sunday, January 29, 2023

Fox’s ‘Straight News’ Anchor Harris Faulkner Lets Rick Scott Peddle His Medicare Lie


According to government budget scorers, the Democratic-led bill that passed last year would save taxpayers anywhere between $237 billion and $288 billion due to pharmaceutical companies agreeing to lower prices on medications for Medicare patients. Still, Scott, whose GOP policy agenda last year drew widespread criticism for proposing to cut Social Security, insisted at the time that this was a reduction in benefits......MORE

In case Rick Scott hasn't pissed you off enough, here is his 12 Point Plan to 'Rescue America'


Hold onto your seats all you socialists out there. Here is Rick Scott's '12 Point Plan to Rescue America'.

  1. Our kids will say the pledge of allegiance, salute the Flag, learn that America is a great country, and choose the school that best fits them.
  2. Government will never again ask American citizens to disclose their race, ethnicity, or skin color on any government form.
  3. The soft-on-crime days of coddling criminal behavior will end. We will re-fund and respect the police because, they, not the criminals, are the good guys.
  4. We will secure our border, finish building the wall, and name it after President Donald Trump.
  5. We will grow America’s economy, starve Washington’s economy, and stop Socialism.
  6. We will eliminate all federal programs that can be done locally, and enact term limits for federal bureaucrats and Congress.
  7. We will protect the integrity of American Democracy and stop left-wing efforts to rig elections.
  8. We will protect, defend, and promote the American Family at all costs.
  9. Men are men, women are women, and unborn babies are babies. We believe in science.
  10. Americans will be free to welcome God into all aspects of our lives.
  11. We are Americans, not globalists.
  12. NOTE FOR PRESIDENT BIDEN: This plan cuts taxes. Nothing in this plan has ever, or will ever, advocate or propose, any tax increases, at all.
Read more HERE, if you can stomach it.