Wednesday, January 31, 2018

What Democracy Looks Like At The Florida State Capital

Pamela and Susan

Haneen and Pamela

Sean Shaw

Carlos Guillermo Smith

Charo and Ida

Florida Immigrant Coalition

Muslim Capital Day

Florida Voter Rights Restoration Coalition

Florida FFA

Florida State Capital - Tallahassee

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Walking While Wearing A Hoodie In Tampa

Robert Washington was walking home from a convenience store to eat a sandwich one hot July evening. This should have been without incident. However, a Tampa Police Officer staked him out
and then followed him. 
She pursued him and demanded his time and attention, to which he, within his rights, said No! Robert just wanted to go home and eat his sandwich in peace. However, the police officer could not take no for an answer. She continued to harass Robert--but Robert stood his ground and would not let her take up any more of his time. That's when she told him she needed to speak with him because "he was wearing a hoodie" and "looked like somebody". 
As he attempted to enter his own home, he was attacked by several police officers, who brutally took him down and arrested him.
Demand State Attorney Andrew Warren Drop All Charges Against him!

Fake News: California Becomes A Country

California has voted to leave the United States and become their own country. With the 5th largest economy in the world it is excepting anyone wishing to contribute to their booming economy. The news has spread quickly and all roads leading into the new country are packed. Vehicles from as far away as Florida and Maine have been spotted. They are offering citizenship to anyone who applies within the next 60 days before the borders are sealed.

Floridians Hold Your Nose And Join The Democratic Party

To take back our government from corporations we must elect a governor that works for us. The only true progressive running is the mayor of Tallahassee Andrew Gillum. Florida being a closed primary state you must vote in the primaries to put him on the ballot.  You can always go back. You can do it here

Ybor City Homeless

Meet Floyd

Mayor Andrew Gillum Supports Legalizing Recreational Marijuana

“Legalize it. Tax it. Use the revenue to fix Florida's public schools and move us up from 29th in the nation to #1.” 
Andrew Gillum
Join Tampa Bay for Gillum 2018

Monday, January 29, 2018

Florida GOP Victor Crist Is Full Of Shit

He is about to get smacked upside the head by a local icon.
“She claims to be a civic activist, but has little to show for it. I put my record up any day. She can’t even come close to it.” Victor Crist
We all know what Mariella has done for us no matter what this republican claims. Lets review what he has done shell we. 

Caps On Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

 Worked to derail Go Hillsborough

Supported barring discrimination against LGBT

Read more of his BS here

Tampa Paparazzi
