Yes 67.73%
No 32.27%
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This is what Republicans do.
There is a move afoot to again tighten restrictions on travel to Cuba,
the tiny Communist nation 90 miles south of Florida.
"Considering the pervasiveness of ignorance and bad information on the topic of the Cuba embargo, it may be an exercise in futility to vote your opinion on this online survey, but what the heck.
It will not hurt to at a minimum let the ignorant and uninformed know that we know they are ignorant and uninformed."......Alberto de la Cruz At Babalu.
Help, end the war on the Cuban people, they are being held hostage by a small minority in South Florida.
Stop The MCM.
Those gusanos support the Cuba embargo are bad Cubans.
Here is what I left at the Babalu Blob, in their post about Tampa:
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August 1st, 2011 at 3:10 PM
Stogie is absolutely right in his comments.
The Cuban people rejected Batista and his followers in 1959, and they reject you today, 52 years later. There will be no "transition" to corrupt American capitalism in the island. The only thing that you do very well is spreading lies about Cuba. You are bad Cubans.
A big applause for the city of Tampa and for Obama for making it possible to fly to Havana from that central Florida city.
Cubans rule Cuba today, rather than Yankee imperialists. That is what you really hate.
Thank You.
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