Monday, May 21, 2018

Florida's Culture Of Corruption: Broward Democratic Party

Here's why he dropped out of the Democratic Party:
"For the past two years, the Broward Democratic Party has openly supported Wasserman Schultz in violation of its own charter and promises. It regularly backs corporate funded incumbents who dodge debates against challengers like me. It actively works to prevent challengers like me from speaking at Democratic Party committee meetings, clubs and caucuses.
For months, I have been facing the intolerable prospect of running in another August closed Democratic primary administered by the same Democratic Broward Supervisor of Elections who is allied with Wasserman Schultz and who illegally destroyed all the paper ballots in our 2016 primary. To add insult to injury, the Florida Democratic Party and the Broward Democratic Party have been silent on this ballot destruction and have refused to call for an investigation.
By running as an independent, I will be on the ballot in November. Perhaps by then the Broward Supervisor of Elections will have been replaced." Tim Canova
“But the Florida race [Tim Canova versus Debbie Wasserman Schultz] could well reveal more about the Democratic Party than any other contest this cycle, including the one for president. . . . It's a test of whether progressive ideas or corporate money are more central to the Democratic Party's future.”  Huffington Post


Anonymous said...

These people work for the same people republicans do. Look at what DWS did to Sanders campaign.

Anonymous said...

Now the people have to do the right thing and get him elected. He did the right thing in getting out.