Wednesday, February 15, 2023

House panel proposal would make it harder to change Florida's constitution

“This is raising the bar to an extreme level,” said Letitia Harmon, Florida Rising policy and research director. “This is raising the threshold for how we get our voices heard and how we have rights that reflect our needs in our communities as a part of the structure of our government.”

House Minority Leader Fentrice Driskell, D-Tampa, said Monday the proposal would eliminate a “critical path” for Floridians to make changes in government.

“The constitutional amendment process allows people who may have a minority opinion to take their idea to the open market and see if they can get the support of the people to get it passed,” Driskell said. “And especially in a state like Florida, where Republicans have had such a strong hold on our government for decades, it can be very difficult to get big sweeping policies passed.”


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