Saturday, July 22, 2017

Florida’s Third World Prisons

In prison after prison over seven months, Rep. David Richardson a Dem from Miami Beach, reported that toilet paper, toothbrushes, toothpaste, pillows, sheets, shirts and soap were often withheld from inmates. here

Friday, July 21, 2017

Activist Win In Tampa

Persistence beats Resistance in Tampa
Give credit to community activists, political, business, religious and civic leaders who never gave up in moving a Confederate monument from the old county courthouse. The commission voted 4-2 to remove the memorial. It will be moved to a cemetery in Brandon. here
 A clear victory for public participation 
in the political process.

Keep Charter Schools Out of Northwest Hillsborough County

"The charter school money-grubbers are trying to move into Northwest Hillsborough County by rezoning the corner of Ehrlich Road and West Village Drive. If you would like to join our efforts in opposing this, please become part of our group." Susan Smith

Breakaway Burlesque in Gainesville

Visit them here
 Our favorite
Aqua Annette
Visit her on Facebook
Like her page here

Pete Antonacci Put In Charge Of Florida's Corporate Welfare

 This guy use to be executive director of the South Florida Water Management District and once told scientists to stay in their lane rather than criticize his water agency's work on Everglades restoration. here

Florida GOP, Dems Want to Make It a Felony to Boycott Israel

Florida GOP Marco Rubio and 
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen 

Along with Florida Dems Bill Nelson, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Ted Deutch, Alcee Hastings, Frederica Wilson, and other Florida Democrats want to violate the First Amendment
by making it a felony for people or companies to support a United Nations-led call to boycott certain businesses within the state of Israel. here
Boycott Israel here

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Miami Hero Delaney Reynolds

By age 13, Miami Native Delaney Reynolds had published her third in a series of children’s book about Floridian ecology. But what started as a project to enlighten young people about the beauty of Miami's coastal environment turned into a somber realization about that environment's expiration date. Reynolds’ research led her to learn about “sea level rise,” the harrowing reality that while the levels of our seas have been stable for thousands of years, they've risen about 10 inches in the past century alone. here

Florida GOP Who Voted Against LGBT

Neal Dunn - Matt Gaetz
John Rutherford - Ron DeSantis

Bill Posey - Daniel Webster
Gus Bilirakis - Dennis Ross

Vern Buchanan - Thomas Rooney
Francis Rooney - Mario Diaz-Balart

This was a vote to approve or reject amendment H.Amdt. 183 (Vicky Hartzler) to H.R. 2810. The title of the amendment is H.Amdt. 183 (Hartzler) to H.R. 2810: To prohibit funds for medical treatment (other than mental health treatment) related to gender transition to a person entitled to medical care under chapter 55 of title 10, 
U.S. code. Source

Florida GOP Rick Scott Still Seeking Obamacare Repeal

Rick Scott, whose political career is just about over stilll wants Republicans to repeal the federal health care law despite their apparent failure to do so. here

Tampa Bay: Host a Resistance LinkUp in August!

Sign up now to HOST a Resistance 
LinkUp with DFA!

Florida GOP Marco Rubio: Healthcare Not Just For The Rich

The Republican replacement bill for Obamacare seems dead, at least for now. Even so, protesters showed up Tuesday outside the Doral office of Sen. Marco Rubio, who has been firmly in the party’s repeal-and-replace camp. here

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Racist Republican St. Pete Mayoral Candidate Paul Congemi

"Much Ado About Nothing" In Tampa

"It saddens us that so much of our precious time, energy and meager resources are being squandered by some of us. We should all know that doing this is exactly what our capitalist rulers want us to do. They want us to spend all our time on distractions and divergent issues not fight-back. Frivolous engagement, we must say, is being practiced perfectly by some here in Tampa.

This involvement in phony causes by some of our folks couldn't benefit the capitalist class more if they had paid them to get involved in the these causes. Because of the diversion of  some of our key people, we are not able to deal with the real problems of the rapid polarization, in every respect, of our society. It is not just income and wealth inequality that are worsening but all the other bad things issuing only from capitalism and benefitting exclusively the ruling class, such as racism, misogyny, homophobia, islamophobia and xenophobia to name some of the most salient, are worsening also.

Unfortunately, some of us are responding to the greatly increased suffering of our sisters and brothers in wholly inappropriate ways. The best example here is some of us demanding of the County Commission that a much ignored and deteriorating statue downtown be destroyed or at least relocated. Firstly, surprisingly and significantly, the statue is not one honoring General Lee, General Beauregard or some other Confederate military leader but  rather a memorial to the futility and inhumanity of war. Secondly, because it is "defeatist" in nature it is also anti-insurgent and anti-secessionist. 

However, we are not disheartened. We will maintain our optimism and positive attitudes, as we always have, knowing that reason will ultimately triumph." 

"For a Mass Socialist Party of the Working Class"

Dave Maynard
Seat 1, Hillsborough County Soil and Water Conservation Board (reelected, longest serving member)
Revolutionary Socialist

Florida GOP Adam Putnam For Open Carry

 The leading Republican contender for governor says he supports allowing guns on college campuses and letting residents carry guns out in the open. here

Street Medic Intensive Mutual Aid Organized By Dezeray Lyn

This effort is to raise registration funds for people wanting to take the 4 Day Street Medic Intensive happening in Tampa on August 3rd through August 6th who want to attend, but cannot afford it. here

GOP Propaganda: Bill Nelson For Single-Payer Health Care

Fact: Bill Nelson has never talked about supporting single-payer health care.
We think he should, if you do too, 
write him and tell him to support Ms. Warren.

What Stogie Had For Lunch

With Black Beans and Rice and Yuca
At Food Town Meat Market in Tampa
Eat Local!

Monday, July 17, 2017

Week Of Activism In Tampa

The Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida Endorse Mayor Rick Kriseman

Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida President Susan Smith and Pinellas County Democratic Progressive Caucus President Amos Miers have released the following statement:

Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida President Susan Smith and Pinellas County Democratic Progressive Caucus President Amos Miers have released the following statement:
The Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida (DPCF) and the Pinellas County Democratic Progressive Caucus (PCDPC) are pleased to endorse Mayor Rick Kriseman for re-election as mayor of St. Petersburg.
Mayor Kriseman has supported and worked for increased wages for city employees, better policing practices, and common-sense gun safety regulations. He has also agreed to sign the Defend Our Democracy ordinance to lessen the influence of big money in politics if it is passed by City Council.
"When we re-elect Mayor Kriseman, our city will continue to be an inclusive and welcoming place that attracts a diverse population and socially-responsible businesses," said President Miers.
Smith recalled, "Since his days as a state representative when he was named a Middle Class Champion, Mayor Kriseman has fought for the rights of working families, women, and minorities."
The DPCF and PCDPC proudly endorse Rick Kriseman for Mayor of St. Petersburg.

Robert G. Marbut: The Joseph Mengele Of The Homeless In Clearwater

7.20 - 6 PM
Clearwater City Hall
The Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign, Refuge Ministries of Tampa Bay, Florida Homeless Action Committee, The Revolutionary Caucus, Pinellas County Green Party, and others TBA is calling on all people who believe in Social Justice and an end to Criminalization of the Homeless to join homeless citizens and supporters to speak out an demonstrate against Dr. Marbut and his proposals for dealing with Homelessness in the City of Clearwater. He will be speaking at City Council in Clearwater. He has been dubbed the Joseph Mengele of the Homeless by Homeless Folks and Advocates. He has been widely discredited as a fraud.

Sean Shaw:Remove It Now In Tampa

7.18 - 4:30 PM
Hillsborough County Clerk of Court 

Dems Help Debbie Wasserman Schultz Fix Corrupt Image

Since former DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz resigned from her post in disgrace, the Democratic establishment has helped her revamp her image. here
The Democratic Party is doomed. here  

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Visionary Florida Mayors

Florida GOP Ted Yoho Is Packing

He loves the idea of bringing a gun to work.
He can’t do it right now. Congressional lawmakers have to apply for a D.C.-specific permit if they want to be armed in the city.
But they are working on that.
For Yoho, carrying a concealed gun is just like having a cell phone in his pocket. He’s usually armed when he’s home, and he was packing at a recent constituent event in his northern Florida district. here