Sunday, October 15, 2017

Puerto Ricans Coming To Save Florida

I am not very politically savvy, but that could mean we are 90 days away from the Florida Legislature going from Republican to Democratic for a long, long time.
And that’s because Puerto Ricans will vote — and they will likely vote most Republicans out of office. here

Tampa Community Forum: Police Reform

November 1 at 7 PM - 9 PM
Seminole Heights Library

Poverty Reduction in the City of St. Petersburg

For the second year in a row, the annual September data release by the U.S. Census showed a large reduction in the number of African Americans in poverty in St. Petersburg

Petition Picnic In Tampa

Saturday, October 21 at 2 PM - 4 PM
Capaz Park - Tampa, Florida

Saturday, October 14, 2017

The End Of The Once Mighty Florida GOP

For the second fundraising quarter in a row, the Florida Democratic Party raised more than the increasingly beleagured Florida GOP. here
The Rick Scott, Trump effect?
Did they tarnish the GOP brand so badly that it is over 
for the grand old party?

The Tampa Taxi Driver Who Found Bigfoot

Tampa Taxi driver Tim Fasano moonlights as a Bigfoot hunter in the Green Swamp of central Florida.

Ybor Space

Reservoir Bar

Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida: Now I Realize 2

Why Florida Needs Bail Reform

Florida taxpayers spend well over $1 billion per year keeping people locked up in county jails. Many of these people are low level offenders who simply can’t afford bail. Some of them are awaiting trial and haven’t been convicted of a crime.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Rising Progressive Stars In Riverview

Angel D'Angelo 
Jamela Passmore
 Elvis Piggott 
Kimberly Overman 
Sky White
10.14 - 1 PM
Riverview Public Library

Ybor Paparazzi

Bartender at The Reservoir Bar

Rick Scott's Opioid Crisis

The Florida Democratic Party’s Amazing Display Of Incompetence

Florida GOP Bobby Olszewski, won a special election to serve as the newest member of the Florida House. His own party was trying to keep him out of office. So was  the Florida Chamber of Commerce and the Central Florida Hotel & Lodging Association. 
Florida Dems didn’t recruit anyone to run. Even though House District 44 voted for Clinton over Trump just last year. 
A Dem named Paul Chandler filed on his own. The GOP accused him of being ineligible to run. Democrats urged him to drop out of the race — and called him “malicious” when he didn’t. Chandler did finally drop out, but only after his name had been printed on all the ballots. So when a brave replacement finally stepped up, he didn’t have money, time — or even his own name on the ballot. Yet despite all that — 44 percent of voters still voted Democratic.
This is why Democrats keep losing. Because, while rallies, protests and petitions are great for rallying the troops,
 if you don’t 
give them candidates to rally behind, you simply can’t win. 

Investigate Rick Scott’s Role In Tragic Nursing Home Deaths

In the days and weeks following Hurricane Irma, 14 elderly Floridians have died unnecessarily after they were left in the suffocating heat of their nursing home with no power. Several calls for help to Gov. Scott were sent to voicemail, then deleted, and no help was sent.
Tell the Florida Legislature to investigate Gov. Scott and his administration’s role in the tragedy that led to the death of 14 Floridians in a nursing home. here

No Nazis at University of Florida

Protest Richard Spencer
10.19 - 1 PM
University of Florida Performing Arts
According to Facebook
As of Midnight Octorber 13 
2,700 Protesters
Will be there!