Monday, August 1, 2011

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Jeff
He is from Minnesota. He has been homeless 3 years.
Tampa Bay Homeless

What Stogie Had For Lunch

With Red Beans and Rice and Yuca
$3.99 At Huracan, corner of Central and Sligh in Tampa
How Much Was Your Last Value Meal?
Eat Local!

My Recent Journey Into The Abyss

Exposing The Right-Wing Extremist
Alberto De La Cruz At Babalu

On July 28, Babalu Blog posted this.
Strangely enough, Tampa airport is actually proud and boasting about becoming a business partner of the vile, murderous, criminal, and repressive Castro dictatorship. Go figure.

After having to register and waiting for moderation i left this comment,
Isn't it wonderful Mr. de la Cruz?
You make Castro sound just like our Republicans. Go figure.

It was out of joy for getting something so many people worked so hard to get and

my daily poke at Republicans.

Mr. de la Cruz came back with this:
"Actually, Stogie, Castro sounds just like a liberal because... well, you know why."
Wait, i never said Castro sounds like a liberal, and the "well, you know why" contrary to what his little mind thinks, all liberals are not Communist.

Then he comes back with this:
Because you know that the millions of tourists who visit Cuba every year from Canada, Italy, Spain, the UK, France, South America, and various other free countries have done such a great job of exposing the Castro regime for the sham and repressive tyranny that it is.

These are tourists, they have no ties to Cuba but the great deal they got from their travel agents back home. We are family, we go there to help.

Then he ends it with this:
I am not surprised that you are not ashamed. If you were an intellectually honest person with a modicum of shame, te daria pena offering a stale and bankrupt argument. But it is obvious that you do not think that highly of yourself.

Stale and bankrupt argument? Sir, your argument is over 50 years old, it should be pretty stale by now.

Help, end the war on the Cuban people, they are being held hostage by a small group of

Right-Wing Extremist in South Florida.
Stop The MCM.

As the great late George Carlin once said, "Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and beat you with experience."

Ms. Zeno - The Louisiana Mojo Queen

Check out Stogie's friend Ms. Zeno on her European tour.
Ms. Zeno

Help Get Pamela Jo Hatley On Our Planning Commission

Our Planning Commission reviews development proposals and makes recommendations to our county & city governments about what kind of development to allow where. They help plan how our transportation systems will fit into our communities and whether our natural resources will be protected, or not, as we grow. Several seats are about to open up on this important board.

Hillsborough County Commissioners have been known to fill these seats with their cronies within the development industry — especially if they think no one is watching. (The Planning Commission is currently overweighted with developers.) We need to urge them to appoint Planning Commissioners who will represent the best interests of our whole community — not just developers' interests — as we plan for future growth.

Please urge our County Commissioners to appoint Pamela Jo Hatley to the Planning Commission.

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Eric
He is from Alabama. He has been homeless 5 years.

Best Of Babalu

On "Odor diverts Mexico-bound U.S. flight to Cuba."
The source of the odor has not yet been determined, but well placed and knowledgeable sources in the commercial aviation industry have told Babalú that the most likely source of the stench came from Raul Castro's "reforms." The expert sources suggested that since the flight's route placed the aircraft close to Cuba, the airliner's ventilation system must have ingested some of the plumes of malodorous stench emanating from crap Havana has been producing the past few months. The Cuban dictatorship and "Cuba Experts"

commonly refer to the mountains of high-powered feces accumulating
in Cuba as "Raul Castro's Momentous Reforms.".......Alberto de la Cruz

Help, end the war on the Cuban people, they are being held hostage by a small minority in South Florida.
Stop The MCM.

Local Shops1

Welcome to Tampa Bay's Local Movement! connects local, independent businesses with

community-minded shoppers all over Tampa Bay.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Cuban Blogger: Ángel Santiesteban

The Children Nobody Wanted
A translated blog from Cuba

Gaby For Mayor T-Shirt

$13.00 + $2.99 Shipping
(No shipping charge if picked up)

Send Check or Money Order to
Mace Multimedia
c/o Gaby for Mayor
10312 Bloomingdale Ave. #108-380
Riverview, Florida 33578
Please specified size (S, M, L, or XL)

Gaby For Mayor

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Shrimp Creole
With Yellow Rice and Green Plátanos
$6.99 At Huracan, corner of Sligh and Central in Tampa.
How Much Was Your Last Value Meal?
Eat Local!

Don't Fucking Threaten Me Again!

Comment below was recently left on local blog SOG City Oracle......
"Ok. You do that. True Americans will mostly ignore you, arrange for your votes to be meaningless, and quietly laugh. If that doesn't work or if you get too obnoxious, we'll go ahead with the rifles and cannons. That's one of the many great parts about truly loving America; it gives
you those 2nd Amendment remedies to domestic enemies.".....Jonolan

Here is SOG on 2nd Amendment remedies.

Honduran Police Burn Community to the Ground

Homes, churches, schools, and crops all destroyed as the post-coup government continues to side with wealthy plantation owners over the country's organized farmers.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Should The American Embargo Of Cuba Be Rescinded?

This is what Americans want.
Yes 67.73%
No 32.27%
Take The Poll

This is what Republicans do.
There is a move afoot to again tighten restrictions on travel to Cuba,

the tiny Communist nation 90 miles south of Florida.

"Considering the pervasiveness of ignorance and bad information on the topic of the Cuba embargo, it may be an exercise in futility to vote your opinion on this online survey, but what the heck.
It will not hurt to at a minimum let the ignorant and uninformed know that we know they are ignorant and uninformed."......Alberto de la Cruz At Babalu.

Help, end the war on the Cuban people, they are being held hostage by a small minority in South Florida.
Stop The MCM.

Tampa Bay Homeless

Homeless Living In Tampa
Tampa Bay Homeless

Local Bloggers And Hot Women

Peter Schorsch's Future Smokin' Hot Wife Michelle

Ben Kirby's Smokin' Hot Wife Duncan
The Spencerian
The Stogie is looking for a liberal atheist who enjoys long afternoon walks in the inner city.

Evidence Suggests GOP Hacked, Stole 2004 Election

Three generations from now, when our great-grandchildren are sitting barefoot in their shanties and wondering how in the hell America turned from the high-point of civilization to a third-world banana republic, they will shake their fists and mutter one name: George Effin' Bush.

Draft Keith Fitzgerald for Congress


Diners, Drive-ins and Dives - California Tacos

California Tacos featured on Food Network's Diners, Drive-ins and Dives with Guy Fieri.

Emergency Rally In Tampa

At noon on Tuesday—whether there's a deal in place or if we're about to default on our nation's bills—we're protesting at hundreds of GOP offices around the country. We'll show our outrage at their plan to protect the super-rich and tax-dodging corporations—all while millions of Americans remain jobless.

Marco Rubio's District Office
Tuesday, Aug. 2, 2011, at 12:00 PM
3802 Spectrum Boulevard Suite 106, Tampa

Friday, July 29, 2011

What Stogie Had For Lunch

With chips
$7.50 At The Independent Bar and Cafe, 5016 N Florida Ave, Tampa
How Much Was Your Last Value Meal?
Eat Local!

Independent Bar & Cafe on Urbanspoon

Tampa Bay Homeless

Homeless Living In Tampa
Tampa Bay Homeless

Blessing And A Curse Folk Music Festival

With Have Gun, Will Travel, Ronny Elliott and Rebekah Pulley
Saturday, August 20 · 8:00pm - 11:00pm
Carrollwood Cultural Center
4537 Lowell Rd, Tampa

Right-Wing Babalu On Tampa International Airport

"Strangely enough, Tampa airport is actually proud and boasting about becoming a business partner of the vile, murderous, criminal, and repressive Castro dictatorship. Go figure.".....Alberto de la Cruz

Castro sounds just like our Republicans. Go figure.
TIA - America's Favorite Airport

Thursday, July 28, 2011

America Held Hostage to Two-Party Failure

Government of, by and for the Corporations
Must Read

Coalition of Immokalee Workers

Is Florida the Number One Slave State in the US?

Mayor Mary Lee Cook

The 84-year-old mayor of Oak Hill, Florida says someone tried to ruin her reputation by
planting marijuana on her property.

Tampa Bay Homeless

Homeless Living In Tampa
Tampa Bay Homeless

The People's Budget

Budget of the Congressional Progressive Caucus
The People's Budget would eliminate the deficit sooner than either the proposed Obama or Ryan Budgets and raise a $31 billion surplus in ten years. It would end the main budget deficit drivers - the Bush tax cuts and Middle East wars; restore progressive income and estate taxes; add negotiation of bulk drug rates to Medicare and preserve Medicare, Medicaid Social Security; eliminate tax subsidies for oil, gas and coal companies; close loopholes for multinational corporations; and tax speculative financial transactions. All are goals supported by the majority of people.

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Ropa Vieja
Over Yellow Rice
$8.99 At Gaspar's Grotto 1805 East 7th Avenue in Ybor City.

Eat Local!

Gaspar's Grotto on Urbanspoon

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Tampa's Hongkong Willie

Landfills Live Forever

TIA To La Habana

The first nonstop flights between Tampa and Cuba in a half-century.
Round-trip: $399 to $459
More than 80,000 Cuban Americans live in the Tampa Bay area, the third-largest population in the United States after South Florida and metro New York. They will primarily benefit from the new flights.
Thank you so much U.S. Rep Kathy Castor and President Obama.
We did it, despite, the MCM and two of it's top lieutenants Mario Diaz-Balart and David Rivera.

Tampa Bay Homeless

Homeless Living In Tampa
Tampa Bay Homeless

Investigate Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi

It's bad enough Gov. Rick Scott is hard at work dismantling key consumer protections, but now he has a partner: our own Attorney General Pam Bondi. She seems to think her first duty is to protect some of Gov. Scott’s biggest corporate pals – the banks – instead of hard working Floridians. Recently Bondi fired Florida’s two leading attorneys investigating the epidemic of foreclosure fraud ravaging our communities.
Sign petition

Calling on the Attorney General's Office of Inspector General to investigate Pam Bondi's actions.