Monday, October 24, 2016

Ybor Paparazzi

Don Heisler
Pushing a movement to write in Bernis Sanders.

Darryl Rouson's Bong Bill

2013 Flashback

We Voted

Jan Kaminis Platt Library
Come VOTE no lines!

Bryan Farris, told me he is "All in for Pat Kemp"

Bryan and Mr. Singer

Bryan, David and Gabe

3910 S. Manhattan Ave. Tampa

Sandy Murman Voted To Support The Rick Scott Express (TBX)

The BOCC deprived us of the right to vote on Go Hillsborough. One of those at the center of that decision is on the ballot Nov. 8.
Sandy Murman
Commissioner Murman has also voted to support the Rick Scott Express (TBX) and the tolling of the Howard Frankland Bridge. It's our turn to send a message.
If you're in the market for new vision and leadership on the County Commission, Vote Jeffrey Zampitella 
and Patricia Kemp...
In person early voting begins!

ACLU of Florida Recommends Voting YES on Amendment 2

By voting “YES” on amendment 2, you’re putting healthcare decisions back into physician’s hands. Our legislators have recognized that marijuana can be used as medicine by passing Charlotte’s Web Law and the Right to Try Act, but those laws are not enough. here

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Florida No On 2 Losing Millions Of Dollars

Despite millions of dollars spent against us, the latest poll of Amendment 2 shows us at 74%!

Living Local: Pinellas Point

Sunshine Citizens Endorses Pat Kemp

Join her team here

Obama Trashes Marco Rubio in Miami Gardens

“C’mon, man.....How can he call him a con artist and dangerous, and object to all the controversial things he’s said, but then say, ‘I’m still going to vote for him? That is the sign of someone who will say anything, do anything, pretend to be anybody just to get elected, If you’re willing to be anybody just to be somebody, man, you don’t have the leadership that Florida needs in the United States Senate.” Barack Obama

VOTE For Tampa's Own: Chris Cano

There is but one choice this election that should be easy...
VOTE CANO, the name you know!

Friday, October 21, 2016

Transit Champ Jeff Zampitella

We need him, now more then ever.
Join his team here

Florida GOP Carlos Trujillo: ‘No’ To Amendment 2

Miami Republican
Carlos Trujillo 
said Thursday voters should say “no” to Amendment 2here

Disenfranchising Voters In Broward County, Florida

NORML of Florida ued the Broward CountySupervisor of Elections on Thursday after some mail-in ballots did not include a question about a state constitutional amendment on allowing medical marijuana. here

Florida GOP Dana Young MIA

Will someone please ask 
Dana Young
why she's hiding from her opponents in this election? 
Joe Redner For State Senate

Florida GOP Jack Latvala Spends $100K For 'No On 2' Ad

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Cojones-Less Hillsborough County Commissioners

Exception Kevin Beckner
The Hillsborough BOCC has voted 6-1 in favor of the $600m plan to raid the existing budget to further subsidize sprawl. Outgoing commissioner Kevin Beckner was the lone no vote. Virtually 100% of the spending will occur in areas where developers are building houses, but are not providing adequate infrastructure. Instead, the county is increasingly taking money from taxpayers in established neighborhoods (Tampa), and using it to subsidize new growth. here
After a show of force by citizens at Wednesdays meeting they still voted against us. Hillsborough Dems wake up, you have the power, 
do the the math. 
Registered voters in Hillsborough County
GOP 265,073 - Dems 330,614
On November 8th you can keep 
Mr. Beckner's seat and get rid of the 
god-awful Sandy Murman. 

Party With Florida Young Workers Of Tampa Bay At Channelside

10.21 - 8PM

GOP Tim Schock Running Scared

Tim Schock has had plenty of chances to debate Pat Kemp. He failed to show at last Friday’s Tiger Bay debate in Ybor City. . He has repeatedly declined offers by the League of Women Voters to schedule a debate. Sandra Sroka, president of the Hillsborough County League of Women Voters, said that the League had made tentative plans to host a forum between Kemp and Schock, but that Schock said he had a conflict on the initial date they proposed. She said they would see if they could change the date, but she  says that after not hearing back from Schock, they had to make a decision. Vic DiMaio with the Tampa Tiger Bay Club says that Schock also had a conflict on the date that they had scheduled, and that they couldn’t reschedule. here
Schock is nothing but a developers pawn. With the $600 Million our current commissioners just gave away to developers he is the last person we need on our commission. With Trump bringing the GOP down and the Clinton landslide coming he knows that Kemp is about to kick his ass. Kemp is a local icon and has the voters trust. He, has nothing to say to voters!

Rick Scott Rigged Florida’s Medical Marijuana Program

With medical marijuana easily more popular than Scott IN 2014

Scott had to become a champion for medical marijuana. With Amendment 2 back on the ballot again this year (and looking good to pass) Scott-the-profiteer had to get ahead of it. In state legislative sessions from 2014-2016 Republicans pushed through regulations that shaped Florida’s cannabis industry into a for-profit pharmaceutical research lab controlled by six wealthy and politically connected groups. Given Scott’s history of fraudulent healthcare dealings, it should come as no surprise that he would ensure Florida’s program was designed to work for him and his friends. here

Pat Kemp In SOHO

Join the team here

Florida GOP Senator Jack Latvala Urges No On 2 Vote

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Exclusive: Tim Schock's Ex Campaign Manager's Hateful Rant On Facebook

More reasons to vote for Pat Kemp.

Tampa Strikes Back

Hillsborough County Commissioners 
$600 million give away to Developers.

Future Commissioner Pat Kemp

Future CommissioneJeffrey Zampitella

Kent Bailey Sierra Club

Transit Champ Jim Shirk

 Dayna Sparkle-Pony in her hold me BACK stance

Local Treasure Susan Long

The Awesome Kate M Connolly

Pat Kemp

Local Treasures

Sandy Murman's "Oh shit they are on to me look"

Vote NO on 1 - Don't Be Fooled By This Utility-Backed Sham!

Frackers Not Welcomed In Miami/Dade

The Miami-Dade commission has passed a ban on well stimulation, including the process known as “fracking,” for gas or oil exploration. here

Rick Scott's Corporate Welfare

Florida INC. CEO Rick Scott wants $85 million to give to his corporate buddies. He apparently has given up on the idea that he can create jobs, which he claimed he would do in his election campaigns. Scott’s strategy to lure jobs from other states ignores the facts of job creation. Most new jobs are homegrown, not lured from elsewhere. here
Florida already has one of the lowest tax burdens in the nation and lax
 environmental regulations.  

St. Pete Beats Tampa

St. Pete was one of three cities in Florida to earn a 100 on the Human Rights Campaign’s Municipal Equality Index. Tampa also came out above the state average with a score of 86. That’s down, however, from its score of 97 last year. All scores are based on a 100-point scale. here