Sunday, April 8, 2007

Polk County program will allow inmates to keep jobs
"On pay day, we're going to charge them to stay in the county jail," said Polk County sheriff Grady Judd. "We're going to charge them to eat here and we're going to charge them for cleaning their clothes at the county jail.".......more
Good Job Polk County

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Stogie Interviews The Local Homeless
Meet Cyndie
A 40 year old mother of 6 (ages 24 to 11) with 1 grandchild. She was born in Clearwater, but now resides on the streets of Tampa. She has been homeless for 3 years. She has tried getting help but says it comes with to many conditions.
Imagine Yet Another Two Years Of Slow Bleed
An Administration's Epic Collapse
The three big Bush stories of 2007--the decision to "surge" in Iraq, the scandalous treatment of wounded veterans at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center and the firing of eight U.S. Attorneys for tawdry political reasons--precisely illuminate the three qualities that make this Administration one of the worst in American history: arrogance (the surge), incompetence (Walter Reed) and cynicism (the U.S. Attorneys).......more

Friday, April 6, 2007

There Is A New Blog In Town
The County Pasco Sheriff
They got Viagra, Cialis and Levitra Real Cheap
You Might Want To Check Out The "Sembler Penis Pump"
Dean Discusses Strategy At Yale
The one-time front-runner in the 2004 Democratic primaries spoke Thursday about his 50-State Strategy, which aims to build Democratic organizations in every voting precinct in the U.S., including those in predominantly Republican states. Dean, who majored in political science at Yale, delivered the keynote address at a Yale Political Union debate on Thursday evening in addition to holding discussions at a Saybrook Master’s Tea and an event hosted by the Yale Law Democrats earlier in the day.......more
From December 8, 2005 Looks Like He Is Turning Out To Be A Foreign Policy Expert After All.
Practical Steps towards Energy Security
With Kathy Castor, Linda Saul Sena And Pam Iorio
Tuesday April 10, 2007 10 AM to Noon
Children's Board of Hillsborough County - 1002 Palm Ave Ybor City
No Development On Preserved Land
Brooker Creek Preserve
There are already lines of cars almost to Alt. U.S. 19 waiting to get into Honeymoon Island State Park. Yet, I am told that our state wants more revenue from admissions. More revenue for what purpose? To expand the bureaucratic staff? To build more parking lots and erase fragile lands in doing so?........more

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Featuring The Words Of Arundhati Roy
We is a fast-paced 64 minute documentary that covers the world politics of power, war, corporations, deception and exploitation. We is a completely free documentary, created and released anonymously on the internet.
There are many ways to
download and view it. Not On The Net?
Wednesday, April 11, Free Movie Showing, 8:00pm, 937 Central Ave, St. Petersburg
MoveOn Virtual Town Hall
Meeting With The '08 Presidential Candidates
Tuesday, April 10th, 7:00 PM, USF Marshall Center, Tampa
RSVP..... here
Secret Ethiopian Jails
U.S. Citizen Among Those Held
Human rights groups, lawyers and several Western diplomats assert hundreds of prisoners, who include women and children, have been transferred secretly and illegally in recent months from Kenya and Somalia to Ethiopia, where they are kept without charge or access to lawyers and families.........From The UK Guardian
Amy Goodman's Interview With Anthony Mitchell Who Broke The

Ronda Storms, On Her Liberal Critics

"They have thrown at me the worse that they can throw—almost—and I'm still standing. And I still get elected. Praise the Lord. So, here I am, and I'm still going to stand, and I'm still going to fight, and I'm still going to do what I'm supposed to do."
From an interview with Florida Baptist
Rules of Executive Clemency
Follow The Rules Charlie, Good Governors Are Hard To Find..... here

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Fox News Poll: And The Winner Is Britney Spears?

Incompetent conservatives can't even PROOFREAD THEIR OWN PROPAGANDA before they put it on the air?

In Debt We Trust: America Before the Bubble Burst

The film shows how "the mall replaced the factory as America's dominant economic engine and how big banks and credit card companies buy our Congress and drive us into what a former major bank economist calls modern serfdom."
Tampa Speaks Out
The FCC is holding its fourth official public hearing on media ownership issues in Tampa
Date: Monday, Apr. 30, 2007 Time: TBD (likely late afternoon)
Location: TBD
Obama Raises $25M From 100,000 Donors
Democrat Barack Obama raked in $25 million for his presidential bid in the first three months of 2007, placing him on a par with front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton and dashing her image as the party's inevitable nominee......more

Sara Evans- I Could Not Ask For More

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Chinese National Flag vs The Developers

The Nail House In China

Ding Zi Hu (lit. "Nail House"):
(It's called a "nail house" in Chinese because it's so hard to pull out)
Person or household who refuses to move and bargains for unreasonably high compensation when the land is requisitioned for a construction project.......more

Barack Obama, Opposition from the Start

Dean Says Cheney Full Of Bull

The Vice President’s spin today is more of the same scare tactics and bullish rhetoric that have become a hallmark of the Bush White House when faced with a truth they don’t happen to like?
DFA Tampa Bay Meeting
Wednesday, April 4, 2007, 6:30 PM
Piccadilly Cafeteria 11810 N. Dale Mabry Hwy Tampa, FL 33618

Please bring items for the soldiers. We will be sending packages this week.

Tori Amos - Cornflake Girl

Monday, April 2, 2007

Heart Of The Beholder
Watch Banned Award-Winning Movie Online for Free
This movie is based on the true story of what happened to video store owners from across the country that were targeted by religious
The Malvinas Of Argentina
25th Anniversary Of The War To Recover Their Islands
"The war has not changed the reality: the Malvinas are Argentine, they have always been and they always will be, we will recover what is ours"

George W. Bush Scandal Collector Plate

You Get, Outing Valerie Plame, Invading The Wrong Country, Illegal Wiretaps, Losing $9 Billion In Iraq, The Patriot Act, Gitmo and many many more.

Snoop Dogg Says: ''F*ck Bill O'Reilly!''

Snoop Dogg offers a few choice words to Billy.

Sunday, April 1, 2007
Shut Down by Homeland Security
The website that you are attempting to visit is currently offline, pending investigation of possible violations of §802 of the USA PATRIOT Act.....h/t - gone like the wind
Prepare, plan, stay informed at READY.GOV
Howard Dean Wins Again
Bringing In Big Money From Major Donors Once Skeptical Of Him
Dean is being helped by the White House's awful political travails. Nonetheless, it's still significant, because it suggests that Dean has had far more success than many expected in winning over the party's major contributors, who were initially so skeptical of Dean's gloves-off, grass-roots approach that they privately were threatening to clamp shut their wallets......more
The Courage for Peace
One solution to the war-think that so dominates our nation and threatens our world is the establishment of a US Department of Peace. The notion was first suggested by founding father Dr. Benjamin Rush, who advocated for the appointment of a "Secretary of Peace" to the federal cabinet. The idea revived in the 1930s, and again in the '60s, but never gathered the necessary support......more

Kasey Chambers - Nothing At All

Amsterdam's Window Prostitutes $66.58
Visitors flood red-light district
Amsterdam's sex workers came to work early on Saturday to offer a free look at the city's famed red-light district. The district -- a warren of narrow alleys and canals lined with sex shops, brothels and neon signs - - is as big an attraction as Amsterdam's art museums and coffee shops, where marijuana is freely smoked and sold......more....What A Country!

Saturday, March 31, 2007

To All Spanish Speaking Ghetto Dwellers
Newt Gingrich wants you to learn the language of prosperity
The American people believe English should be the official language of the government. ... We should replace bilingual education with immersion in English so people learn the common language of the country and they learn the language of prosperity, not the language of living in a ghetto," Gingrich said to cheers from the crowd of more than 100......more
How Low Can You Go
Barack Obama In Ybor
April 15, 2007
Courtyard of the Cuban Club, Ybor City 2pm
For tickets to the $25 rally, call (813) 258-2224
Belacqua Jones
Letters to the president from his ardent admirer
Isn’t psychosis dynamic? Where would the world be without madness? There would have been no Roman Empire, no Carthage, no Crusades, no bringing of Christianity to the New World. We would have had neither World War I or II, nor Hiroshima, nor Korea, nor the Cold War, nor Vietnam, nor Iraq.........more

City Of Largo Sanctioned Civil Rights Violations

Neko Case - Maybe Sparrow

Publix's new pay system:
High performance, Smaller paycheck
Mass merchants have used performance incentives for years, but they're usually tied to a store's performance and meant to foster teamwork. Publix zeroes in on each worker and adds the unconventional twist of institutionalizing disincentives - even for top performers......more

Friday, March 30, 2007

Grass Roots Planted In Cyberspace
John Edwards's Campaign Leads the Field

No one's sure exactly what role these sites -- a.k.a. socnets -- will play in the upcoming election. But whatever it is, Edwards isn't taking any chances. The man's flooding the zone. He's on the big ones: Flickr, YouTube, Facebook, et al., where supporters and well-wishers are sending their best to his wife,
Bush Apologizes
"We're not going to be satisfied until everyone gets the kind of care that their folks and families expect."

Gov. Richardson speaks to Democracy For America

That is just one of Governor Bill Richardson's responses to DFA members who wrote comments in our Presidential Primary Petition on Iraq.
Successfully Executing Its Vision and Answering Its Critics
10 questions for's co-founders Wes Boyd and Joan Blades about the recent progressive debate over how Democrats in Congress approached stopping the war in Iraq and their plans for the future......more
Blogging with Bush

In trying to win support for his escalation in Iraq, President Bush was reduced to quoting two bloggers in Baghdad -- who turned out to be brothers he once met at the White House -- and their comments were more than three weeks old. Has it come to this?.......more

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Mos Def - Immortal Technique - Eminem

Orwell with a twist: We have not always been at war
It reminded me of the naive shock I felt upon first finding out that my country was of a type that would have a military training school in Fort Benning where soldiers from all over Latin America could come to learn the techniques they would need not to fight the soldiers of other armies, but to keep their own restless populations in line.....more

Obama speaks to Democracy For America

Last month, DFA members called upon the 2008 presidential candidates to take a stand on Iraq. Here is Sen. Barack Obama's response

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Tampa, The City Of Nose Pickers
To Borrow A Phrase From Neil Rogers
After reading the local blogs all week i thought for sure Mr. Redner would win this election. What Happened? Where were all the progressive democrats, is this the best we can do? I have nothing against Gwen Miller but Mr. Redner would of given this city a voice it has needed for along time. Maybe blogs and the people that read them are not as influential as they think they are.
Go To Church Win A Falcon
@ The Church Of You