Sunday, April 26, 2015

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Tallahassee's Parliament of Pimps

Tom Lee, R-Brother, Can You Spare A Franklin?, has taken in $1.8 million to his dubious The Conservative political action committee scam, helped by generous donations from Anheuser-Busch, U.S. Sugar, Duke Energy and Walt Disney World. Sen. Jack Latvala, R-Why Yes, I'll Have Another, has sucked up $3.3 million from about 800 benefactors for his Florida Leadership Committee. here

St. Pete is Casting Sunshine!

Tampa, Miami More Dangerous Then New York

Stupid Gay Marriage Comments By Marco Rubio

Ybor Daily Market

YDM is an aspiring local gathering place for many things, including, among the most important, a local market with fresh produce, food, arts, crafts, and other supplies. We’re working on some lounge seating, work spaces, and rooftop gardens. It’ll be amazing! Stop by, enjoy the free Wi-Fi and get to know some local vendors. You’ll be glad you did.
Visit them here

Friday, April 24, 2015

Florida GOP Voters Like To Take It Deep

Florida Times-Union
"Gov. Rick Scott — aka "Mr. Jobs"

Pensacola News Journal
"Welcome to Florida: the mentally unstable state"

Florida Today
"Plain and simple, it is a rip-off for patients, taxpayers and employers."

Miami Herald
"Memo to Mr. Scott: The Supreme Court said that states don't have to accept Medicaid expansion as part of the Affordable Care Act, 
but it never said rejection was a good idea."

Palm Beach Post
"Scott is looking more and more like 
a rebel without a cause."

Daytona Beach News-Journal
"This is pure brinkmanship by the House — staring down not only the Senate but also the Obama administration, 
and expecting one or both to blink."

Tallahassee Democrat
"Our state's leadership is embroiled in a kindergarten-style fight that would be laughable if it didn't have such serious consequences"

Check out what these Florida newspapers have to say about your Florida GOP here
Dems this is what happens when you don't vote!

Visit Ybor City


Wendy Davis in Tallahassee

April 27, 2015

Florida GOP Allen West Blames Football Injuries On End Of School Prayer

Ybor Surveillance

7th Ave.

Slorida's Bill Nelson On List Of Disgraceful Democrats

Here are the others,
Sens. Ron Wyden (Oregon), Maria Cantwell (Washington), Tom Carper (Delaware), Ben Cardin (Maryland), Michael Bennet (Colorado), and Mark Warner (Virginia).

All voted to pass Fast Track authority for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), easing the way for eventual passage of a trade deal corporations can read, but you are not allowed to. Passing fast track authority means that Congress hands over any rights to amend a trade deal, giving carte blanche to the negotiators and forgoing the democratic process. This is especially bad since the deal is being made in secret and the little we do know about it is awful for working families. here

Thursday, April 23, 2015

What This Blog Might Look Like In 2073

Enchanting Creations in Miami Shores

Has been harassed by anti-gay activists for the past couple of months trying to get them to bake cakes with anti-gay messages on them. They have decided to make those cakes should they receive a real and valid order for one (they haven't actually received an order - just harassment to see if they'll "discriminate"). However, the owners say they don't want to profit from discrimination (against LGBT folks), so they will donate whatever profits they make from making these anti-gay cakes to the Human Rights Campaign. hereVisit them here

LA GACETA: The Advantage goes to Democrat Pat Kemp

    Democrat Pat Kemp filed to run for County Commission District 6 and named Mary Mulhern as her treasurer. She joins Democrats Brian Willis and Marisol Blanco. … That advantage goes to Kemp, whom we think is the favorite to win the Democratic primary and general election no matter who the Republicans pick as their candidate. In her last race, in 2014, she lost by just a half percent to Commissioner Al Higginbotham, who had the advantage of four times more money and the look of an incumbent.
    She’s already attracted big backers such as Betty Castor, Jim Davis, Ed Turanchik, Kent Bailey, Peggy Land, Sally Phillips, Sam Shah and Dale Swope. here

Ybor Paparazzi

Carlos Hermida of Central Florida NORML with 
Manny Potter of Kush Liberty.

Tampa Bay Bloody Mary Fest

The Stogie's favorite adult beverage

Stogie's and Pilar's favorite
At Hamburger Narys in Ybor

Bay Area Activist Coalition

We are a vehicle for collaboration for activists & organizations in the Tampa Bay Area. We welcome all activist groups to post events & to share ideas. here

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Florida's Annual Harlot Show And Prostitution Expo

Commonly called the Florida Legislative Session
 Has been such a wowsa so far, Diane Roberts says that we have neglected to pay sufficient attention to the mack daddy in the Mansion. You know, Rick Scott. He’s not governing; he has people for that. He’s running for the United States Senate. here

10 Reasons Why You Should Vote Republican

If this is the case by all means vote republican and may your god watch over you; because I sure as hell wont care what happens to you.

Local Musicians: Lorenzo

In Ybor City
Hire him 786.348.5524

Our outlaw governor and his posse of ultra-conservative Florida House deputies

Daniel Tilson: Rick Scott turns whiff of healthcare conspiracy into full-fledged stench. here

Alina Valdes for Congress - Florida Congressional District 25

Happy Earth Day Florida

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Brand GOP: Victor Crist and Al Higginbotham

Two years ago hundreds of people demanded that we start the conversation on transportation, the commissioners responded by creating Go Hillsborough to find out what the public wants. 
The number one selection of 16 categories: transit.

Yet, two Commissioners 
Victor Crist and Al Higginbotham 
told the Tampa Tribune they intend to derail the Go Hillsborough public input process before it’s over. What's worse the public proposal isn't line with what citizens have already asked for: there is ZERO transit included.

County Commissioners, We join others in asking you do three things:
1) Keep your promise and listen to the public: they want a balance including transit
2) Work with other leaders to come up with a transportation proposal for all citizens 
& for future generations
3) Stop trying to derail the process by making proposals before it is over

Tampa Police Targeting Poor, Black Neighborhoods

Tampa residents must be the lousiest bicyclists in Florida.They don't use lights at night. Don't ride close enough to the curb. Can't manage to keep their hands on the handlebars. In the past three years, Tampa police have written 2,504 bike tickets — 
more than Jacksonville, Miami, 
St. Petersburg and Orlando combined.
 Police say they are gung ho about bike safety and focused on stopping a plague of bike thefts. But here's something they don't mention about the people they ticket: 
Eight out of 10 are black. here

Ask Alan Anything - DINOs (Democrat In Name Only)

Ted Cruz Training To Fight ISIS

Local Artist: Antonio "Chico" Garcia

At the Ybor Daily Market
Visit him here

Florida mayors launch anti gambling campaign

Monday, April 20, 2015

Press Conference for Ybor May Day Rally

Join Raíces en Tampa on April 24th
for an official press conference in which leading activist and community
organizations in the Bay Area will be announcing their participation onInternational Workers’ Day. One speaker from each organization will have aspeech prepared, inviting their own communities to attend May Day.
Friday April 24th, 2015 6:00 pm
Ybor Immigration Office, 1624 E 7th Ave. Ybor City

Central Florida NORML Obama Cannabis Reform T-Shirt

Featuring Barack Obama 
Order yours here

Florida Frackers: Garrett Richter

Oil and gas drillers are pushing bills, cloaked as protections, to expand fracking in Florida. The Florida panther, its habitat and our water supply are all in danger. We must act now to protect our state from the ravages of fracking.
Contact your legislators and Governor Rick Scott today, and tell them 
to kill the bad fracking bills!

Florida's Angels Of Mercy

Florida's Angels Of Mercy 
Is a non-profit charity group who helps educate and support those that may benefit from medical Marijuana/Cannabis/Hemp. here

South Beach Is A Shithole

Miami Beach's fabulously popular, millionaire populist mayor Philip Levine has officially declared Ocean Drive to be a sh*thole! here

National Day of Mobilization Action In Tampa Bay

On June 14th, the Mobilization Coalition of San Diego will be holding their second march and rally for Mobilization.
We want to support and amplify their message, with events all across the United States.
Plan a Mobilization Action in your community! 
Actions can be big or small. In the intervening weeks, you can recruit others and plan your 6/14 action! Let us know what you are planning by submitting this form and we will provide support!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Ybor Paparazzi

Janet and Arielle from the Volunteer State.

2015 Spring Leaf Freedom Festival in Ybor City

Ybor Daily Market

Florida's Right Wing Infestation: Marco Rubio

Marco Rubio aggressively tried to push Florida to the political right during his two-year stint as speaker of the state's House, often warring with the more moderate Republicans who ran the Florida Senate and then-Gov. Charlie Crist, a centrist Republican. here 

Urge A Vote On Health Care Expansion In The Florida House

We the undersigned urge you to put health care expansion up for a floor vote in the Florida House. Florida has one of the highest rates of uninsured in the country. We believe it's time to expand health care coverage as provided by the ACA and provide coverage for nearly million hardworking Floridians. In addition to providing greater health security for Floridians who need it, the Florida Center for Fiscal and Economic Health Policy estimates expansion will create an estimated 65,000 new Florida jobs in the first six years alone. Please schedule a vote on health care expansion without

What Stogie Had For Lunch

All you can eat

Fred's Market Restaurant In Riverview

Greatest southern food in Tampa Bay

Florida INC. Rigged to Fail

The Alliance for a Just Society’s report, “Rigged to Fail,” explores state policies in place that make it harder for small business owners and workers to make ends meet. Policies in our state leave the system rigged against small business owners, their workers and their families. While some of the largest businesses in the country get sizeable tax breaks, small business owners don’t have the same options. here

Saturday, April 18, 2015

: The Tampa Accord

By a 5-0 vote, Tampa City Council on Thursday passed “The Tampa Accord.” (Any major agreement between the Cuban and U.S governments to be signed in Tampa.) The  resolution proposed by Councilwoman Yolie Capin offers the city to host any official agreement signings between the two neighboring countries. here

“It is only natural that Tampa be the location for formalizing the reestablishment of diplomatic ties between the U.S. and Cuba, It has been well established that no city in the U.S. has stronger historic ties with Cuba than Tampa does.” Yolie Capin

Party With Kevin Beckner

April 29 5-7pm at Uele in Tampa