Monday, November 25, 2019

Ybor Paparazzi


Congratulations Hong Kong

Hong Kong’s voters have turned out in record numbers to deliver a landslide for pro-democracy campaigners in local elections, handing them control of every one of the region’s 18 councils for the first time.
Both in absolute numbers and in turnout rates it was easily the biggest exercise in democratic participation that Hong Kong 
has seen.
Nearly 3 million people had voted, representing more than 71% of the electorate and nearly half of Hong Kong’s population. Many 
had never voted before. HERE
Imagine this happening here!

Sky U. White Fans

Musa Mecinas

Florida Panhandle Trump Supporters

Ybor City Homeless


Ybor City: A different kind of adventure

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Ybor Paparazzi

Johanna with friends at Chillum

Gypsy Elise & The Royal Blues in Ybor City

Zydeco Brew Werks

Ybor City, Florida

Right Wing Propaganda in Florida

Newt Gingrich in Plantation 
spreading lies
He derided the case against Trump as a plot by “totalitarians” and the “left.”
“These are totalitarians. They’ll put you in jail if you disagree with them,” 
“When Trump won, he fundamentally shattered the self-confidence of the left.”
speaking to the overflow crowd at a Plantation synagogue, Gingrich seemingly dismissed the week’s worth of testimony and instead reiterated what has been the key GOP talking point in defending Trump — that the Ukraine scandal is the work of an anonymous whistleblower conspiring with 
House Democrats.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Tampa Berners in Ybor City

Ybor City, Florida

Florida GOP Rick Scott Breaks His Silence

"I think this is a pretty boring reality show. It’s not going to get a second season.” 

Silence of the Florida Lambs

We now know where he stands (Expected). 
Mr. Scott there will be a second season and you are going to be a star. I hope when it comes time to cast your vote you think hard about the consequences of your actions. 
History is watching!

Florida Trump Supporters


Rep. Val Demings’ full questioning of Hill and Holmes

Florida GOP Laura Loomer Failed Miserably

Anti-Muslim activist Laura Loomer, who is currently pursuing elected office in Florida, utterly failed in her attempt to sue the Council on American-Islamic Relations. On Monday, the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida dismissed the remainder of Loomer’s lawsuit against the organization on the basis that it “fail[ed] as a matter of law” and was “nonsensical.” HERE

Tampa Bay Activist Had It Right

David Jolly Uses John Bolton's Own Words To Show Why He Needs To Testify

Friday, November 22, 2019

Talkin' 'bout my Generation
The Stonewall Riots

See the complete documentary HERE

When you push someone hard enough and for long enough, they are likely to strike back. When you push a whole class of society hard enough and long enough, you are likely to get a riot and perhaps even a revolution. That was Stonewall.

In the early morning hours of June 28, 1969, the N.Y. City Police raided the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village for the second time in less than a week. This was a time when homosexuality was illegal in every state except Illinois, when homosexuality was widely recognized as a mental disorder within the psychiatric community and the federal and state governments believed that those who engaged in homosexuality lacked the emotional stability of normal persons and were a security threat to the nation, when gay bars were forced so far out of the mainstream that many, including the Stonewall Inn, were operated by the Mafia, when gays had no choice but to move to the largest cities in the country in order to seek anonymity.

Because of the Mafia ownership of the Stonewall Inn, previous raids were preceded by tips from paid police insiders and the raids typically occurred early in the evening so that business could quickly resume afterward. The raid on June 28, 1969, however, occurred without prior notice and in the early hours on a Saturday morning. Patrons of the Stonewall were taken completely by surprise. Instead of arresting only those dressed in drag and a few employees, as was typically the case, this time the police announced that everyone in the club was being arrested. As patrons were escorted out the only exit to the club, they began to resist. The word quickly spread throughout Greenwich Village and people began gathering at the Stonewall. With support of the immediate community, the gay community in Greenwich violently struck back at the police, at the oppression they had endured silently all their lives. The riots over the two days of June 28 and 29 are considered to be the beginning of a revolution that has reshaped the public perception of the LGBTQ+ community.

Within two years after the Stonewall Riot, newspapers catering strictly to the gay communities sprung up all over the country, gay activist organizations were formed in practically every major city in the country and gay pride marches were first organized in cities all over America and the world. The face of Homosexuality was no longer hidden from mainstream society. Walls began to tumble.

Sky U. White Fan

Susan Lee


Trump Coming To Miami

“I am looking forward to President Donald J. Trump joining Florida Republicans as we close out a great year of building a unified front in a critical upcoming election year.” Ron DeSantis

Experience Tampa Like a Local

Noam Chomsky: Dem Centrism Risks Handing Election to Trump

"The Democratic Party is still unable to get its act together, and, in its apparent determination to kill the left wing, it may very well end up ensuring a Trump electoral victory for a second time."
 Noam Chomsky

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Pre Debate Ranked Preferences!

Hello friends!

I will have to try and record tonight’s debate and watch it later tonight, however I would like to share my ranked choices based — per usual — on platform, character, past debate performance, & electability.

1. Bernie Sanders
2. Elizabeth Warren & Andrew Yang (tie between 2/3)
4. Tulsi Gabbard
5. Pete Buttigieg
6. Tom Steyer
7. Kamala Harris
8. Cory Booker
9. Amy Klobuchar
10. Joe Biden

Hoping for a good, healthy debate tonight.
— Asher

Sky U. White Fan

Beau Robichaux

Advocating for On-campus Early Voting in Florida

Justice department investigating Florida GOP Ross Spano

The House Ethics Committee says the U.S. Department of Justice is investigating Florida Rep. Ross Spano over accusations of campaign finance violations. HERE

Tampa Hoods


Florida Justice: Why low-level drug offenders serve 15+ years, and stay locked up on outdated laws

Monday, November 18, 2019

Sky U. White Fan

Nina Tatlock

Judge orders Florida to stop rigging the ballot

To help Republicans win elections
A federal judge ruled this week that the state must stop listing Republicans first on its ballots. HERE

Tampa Police Fighting Crime

Tampa Bay Homeless


John Dean Humiliates Matt Gaetz

Florida GOP Matt Gaetz tried to embarrass Watergate prosecutor John Dean and got humiliated instead.