Sunday, October 9, 2022

Tampa Bay Times endorses Mariella Smith


An afternoon in Centro Ybor

What Stogie Had For Lunch

With Yellow Rice
The Columbia - Ybor City

Ybor City Drone Footage - Sunset

Biden offers mass pardon for those convicted of marijuana possession

Biden announced major steps toward decriminalizing marijuana. here

Support Angela Birdsong


Migrants Being Shipped TO Florida To Help With Hurricane Ian Cleanup Efforts

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Maxwell Frost Fan in Ybor City


Charlie Crist: DeSantis Talks Freedom Yet Wants To Attack Women’s Right To Choose

I AM, Bodybox, and Rhythm of Fear in Ybor City

NOVEMBER 9, 2022 AT 6 PM
Crowbar - Ybor City

Val Demings: Marco Rubio Should 'Pay A Price' For Abstaining From Vote On FEMA Disaster Aid

Ybor Life

Bad Monkey - Ybor City

Meet the woman taking down Matt Gaetz

Despite the attacks, the threats, the harassment, I stepped forward to lead the state through the cloud of misery DeSantis inflicted on our people and our state during the pandemic. HERE

Marco Rubio's Hypocrisy on Hurricane Relief

Widdershins Dark Market - Halloween Edition

OCTOBER 31, 2022 AT 6 PM

“Kin-Making in Disaster’s Wake” ft. Jimmy Dunson

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Florida GOP face thorny questions on federal disaster aid

After Hurricane Ian, it seems like common sense that Florida Republicans would be eager to support federal disaster aid. That assumption isn’t quite right. HERE

Florida Scientist and Whistleblower Rebekah Jones for Congress

Billy Buchanan Duo at Ella's Americana Folk Art Cafe!

 NOVEMBER 13, 2022 AT 3 PM

CNN Host Calls Out Marco Rubio For Lying To Her Audience

Debbie King Needs Your Help

Phillip Hall passed away unexpectedly on September 21 in a car accident. He wasn't a father to Ezra but without him I wouldn't have the very best thing in my life. Phil's sister misgendered my son in Phil's obituary in the Record Eagle. My son is named Ezra King. I contacted the paper and they said it is against policy to change anything because I'm not next of kin. My best friend, Alicia, tried to contact Phil's sister but we

haven't heard back.

Would you be willing to make a quick phone call today to ask them to update the obituary?

I feel like this is a final eff you to my kid from Phil and his family. The paper said next of kin but I don't think Ezra should have to deal with this. , If you do call, please be kind. If you have a personal story of being misgendered please share it with them. I think if enough people call they'll change it.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Marco Rubio says he'll oppose Hurricane Ian relief bills that include 'pork'

"What I won't support is things that are not emergency relief. What we're going to ask for Florida is what we supported for every other state in the country that's been affected by – by natural disasters, and that is emergency relief designed to be spent immediately to help the people affected now," Rubio said on ABC's "This Week."