Monday, May 2, 2016

May Day Celebration In Tampa

Photography: Amina Minka Spahić
Thanks to Love Has No Borders, 
Communist League of Tampa 
and Tampa Food Not Bombs

Cathy Jordan Hitting The WorldFamous Blunt In The Heights

Tampa Celebrates End Of TBX

FDOT Paul Steinman said
"Hillsborough County can kiss most interstate improvements goodbye."

Black Jacksonville Cop Beats A Handcuffed Woman

This was a Black officer hitting a White woman and he got fired and charged with battery. What about the other cops standing around watching.  93% of White cops that kill a Black person is still on the job.

Pat Kemp Gets Around

Keel and Curley Winery
BlueberryFestival - Plant City
Visit them here. Join the team.
Photography: Kate M Connolly
Thanks to Joe & Alicia Keel for all of their support.
#PatKemp2016 #HillsboroughCounty

David Jolly Exposes Congress Saying Its Main Business Is Fundraising

David Jolly seems like a good guy, for a republican!

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Jessica Rose Rocks The Heights

 2nd Annual 
2016 Spring Leaf Freedom Festival
Red Star Rock Bar

Florida Laborers Success Story

Don't ever think you can't make a difference!
Described as recently as 2003 by a U.S. Justice Department official as “ground zero for modern slavery,” Florida’s tomato fields are becoming an unlikely civil-rights success story. And the unempowered laborers who in 1993 formed the CIW in response to decades of violence, sexual harassment, wage ripoffs and even involuntary servitude have started a conversation that may even spread to Central America, South America, Africa and Europe. here
More here 

2016 CFL Norml Spring Leaf Freedom Festival In The Heights

Jessica Rose

Chris Cano

Red Star Rock Bar

Local Treasure Cathy Jordan

With Jessica Rose

Worlds biggest blunt

Join Central Florida NORML

GOP: America's 33%

According to a report by the Pew Research Center, 62 percent of Americans have an unfavorable view of the Republican Party. That’s up since October, when 58 percent of people said they had an unfavorable view of the GOP. The survey found 33 percent of the public has a favorable impression of the Republican Party. here

Do you think the United States made a mistake sending troops to fight in Iraq back in 2003?
No 32%

Do you generally support or oppose the use of government surveillance methods to help fight crime and terrorism, even if they invade our privacy?
Support somewhat 35%

How strongly do you feel about this issue? (Privacy)
This is a less important issue to me 34%

Thinking about abortion, do you consider yourself more pro-choice, 
or more pro-life?
Strongly pro-life 31%

do you support or oppose allowing oil companies to drill offshore?
Support strongly 29%

Do you support or oppose the government making sure that every American has health insurance?
Oppose strongly 29%

Do you think there should be more or less government redistribution of wealth from the better off 
to the less well off?
A lot less 29%

In general, do you think the cost of college education should be borne more by the students (and their families) or by the government?
Mostly by students 38%

Overall, do you think immigrants make a contribution to American society or are a drain on it?
Are a large drain 29%

Do you favor or oppose the death penalty for people 
convicted of murder?
Strongly favor 33%

Rick Scott On Running Florida INC.

The differences between running a business and running a government:
 "You do have more media ... You’ve got Congress. In my case, I have a legislature." Rick Scott

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Florida DOT Threatening Tampa

The district transportation secretary 
Paul Steinman has indicated more than once recently that unless the state’s plan for express toll lanes moves forward, Hillsborough County can kiss most interstate improvements goodbye, at least for the next 20 years or more. here
State government officials STILL don't get it. If all FDOT can build is TBX with our money, then we don't want them here in our community, wasting our money screwing it up with their deadly boondoggle lanes, like the disaster they built in Miami. The state can direct the highway money to other FDOT districts dumb enough to build such disastrous lanes, and FDOT D7 can be shut down for lack of work. It will save taxpayers millions, and save thousands of taxpayers from undue misery and harm at the hand of their own corrupt government. here
Please go away and leave us alone!

For all you GOP voters who voted for these people.

Jessica Rose - "Maybe"

La Gaceta's 2016 "Best of West Tampa" Politician: Local Treasure Guido Maniscalco

"Thank you to everyone who voted in La Gaceta's 2016 "Best of West Tampa" poll and selected me as the "Favorite West Tampa Politician". Thank you for allowing me to serve you!" Guido Maniscalco

VOTE Christopher Cano for Bernie Sanders Delegate

5.7 - 10 AM in Plant City

The Weekly Show - Orlando Fight for 15

Rick Scott Packing Court

In a move that critics claim smacks of an attempt to pack the court, Florida Gov. Rick Scott this week announced plans to appoint someone to replace a judge leaving the Palm Beach County bench even though the county’s elections supervisor said state law calls for the replacement to be elected by voters. here
“I think the governor is trying to steal the electoral process from the voters of Palm Beach County. He would like a more conservative bench than currently exists." Attorney Gregg Lerman

Friday, April 29, 2016

2016 Spring Leaf Freedom Festival at The Red Star Rock Bar in The Heights

4.30 - 2 PM
Check out the 2015 Fest in Ybor here

Another Floridian Goes Off On Rick Scott

Colleen Riddle of Winter Haven 
Letter to The Lakeland Ledger
"Defunding Planned Parenthood will limit a woman's access to birth control, an access that actually reduces the need for abortions. You are limiting the constitutional rights of all Floridian women, returning us to second-class citizens. What a legacy as governor. You disgrace Florida and bring harm to those you are supposed to serve. But service for your constituents has never been on your agenda. Florida does not want you as a senator." Read the entire letter here

Jessica Rose - "Saved"

Florida GOP Bob Sutton

"I think when Donald Trump debates Hillary Clinton she's going to go down like 
Monica Lewinsky," 
Broward County Republican Chairman
Bob Sutton

Florida's Culture Of Corruption: Pam Bondi

"Pam Bondi is the John Henry, Walter Payton and Steve Jobs of the nation's attorneys general. All work, work, work, work. Burning the midnight oil. Leaving no stone unturned. Taping her eyes open to stay awake filing those legal briefs, preparing closing arguments, researching the intricacies of the law." 

GOP Hillsborough County Commissioners: "A Profile In Cowardice"

Tea Party rules around here!
The county commission voted 4-3 on Wednesday night to reject the proposed 30-year, half-cent sales tax, refusing to put it on the November ballot and letting voters decide.
"Sadly tonight a majority of the County Commission has refused to give the citizens of Hillsborough County an opportunity to decide for themselves whether their future includes a better transportation system. Rather than a profile in courage this vote was a profile in cowardice.Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn
"I am very disappointed that after years of work this board was not able to build consensus, I do look forward to the continued dialogue at our upcoming meeting and I'm hopeful that we might still be able to come to a consensus on such an important community issue as transportation." Kevin Beckner
Matthew Durshimer was all for the 30-year sales tax. He said it was the only way Hillsborough would attract corporate relocations and a younger workforce. Only the 30-year tax, he argued, would allow the county to build a real transit system. "And if the answer is no, then expect all the problems of today to get worse tomorrow," Durshimer said, "and expect all the young professionals like myself to leave this commununity.
Sandy Murman wants the board to hold yet another transportation workshop in the near future. It passed unanimously. GO Hillsborough was meant to fail from the begining. It was all a sham. here

We can start with Murman! here
Please note, it was smart what they did. It would not have passed. 
To much for roads and not enough for rail.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

SaveOurGirls: Protest for Dominique Battle, Ashaunti Butler, and Laniya Miller

4.29 - 3:30 PM

Rick Scott We Got Your "Liberal Incompetence" Right Here!

Rick Scott Facebook post: 
It is time for the ‘Stop Trump’ movement to end. Yesterday’s election results show that the anti-Trump efforts didn’t work.
Republicans now need to come together. Donald Trump is going to be our nominee, and he is going to be on the ballot as the Republican candidate for President. The Republican leaders in Washington did not choose him, but the Republican voters across America did choose him. The voters have spoken.
If the anti-Trump groups don’t stop now, their efforts will be nothing more than a contribution to the Clinton campaign.
The damage that President Obama has done to our country is serious and substantial. We cannot afford another four years of liberal incompetence, and that is exactly what Hillary Clinton would bring.
We’ve had an extensive debate amongst ourselves, it is now time to get serious about winning in November. This was a hard fought campaign, but now is the time for Republicans to unite.

Local Treasure Faith Olivia Babis Thanks Target

Vote Asher for Delegate!

5.7 - 10 AM
2312 W. Union St. Tampa

Rick Scott Spending Our Money To Hurt Workers In California

He is going to California to persuade businesses to relocate to Florida, and has prepared a brutal ad for the occasion. The one-minute spot trashes the Golden State and, implicitly, Gov. Jerry Brown for approving legislation to gradually raise the minimum wage to $15. here
California has added twice as many jobs as Florida, while paying down debt, building a robust rainy day fund and taking bold action on issues CEO Scott continues to ignore, like climate change and poverty.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Jessica Rose At The Red Star Rock Bar In The Heights

With her band Laced With Dreams 
2nd Annual 
Spring Leaf Freedom Festival 2016 
April 30 2 PM
Check out the 2015 Fest in Ybor here

Mel “The Moocher” Sembler

Friend, Two things you KNOW about me: First, I’m for the people. Second, I put my money where my mouth is. I made a commitment to see compassion come to Florida in the form of medical marijuana and I’ve put over $7 million of my own money towards fulfilling that commitment.

Mel “the Moocher” Sembler isn’t either of those things. Last Friday, Mel the Moocher announced he was going to raise $10 million to defeat medical marijuana in Florida. He raised $7.5 million last time. Guess how much Mel the Moocher put in of his own money in 2014? Only 1.3% of the $7.5 million he raised. $100,000.

It’s easy to talk a big game when you’re spending your rich Uncle Shelly’s money, I guess. Mel's all hat, no cattle. If there is one thing in the world I can’t stand, it’s bullies. I’ve made my living beating up bullies.
 Mel the Moocher is a bully.
I am not going to let this man bully the sick and suffering people of Florida in 2016.


Florida DINO Patrick Murphy's Donations

In touting the $2 million Democrat Patrick Murphy raised during the first three months of 2016, his U.S. Senate campaign made a point to note that “over 85 percent of contributions in the first quarter were under $200.”
 But while small-dollar donors might have donated thousands of times to the Jupiter congressman, they are far from being the predominant source of his Senate campaign’s income, either last quarter or in general so far.
His primary opponent, fellow U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson is actually the one getting the most traction among small-dollar Democratic supporters. here

Florida GOP Carlos Beruff

During the question-and-answer session that followed a speech to the Broward County Republican Party on Monday night, Carlos Beruff was asked by someone in the audience about his position on Muslim immigration. "Ah ha," he said. "I think our immigration department is broken. And I don't think it's safe to allow anybody from the Middle East into this country." Most of the audience of about 200 Republicans gathered at Deicke Auditorium in Plantation erupted in applause and some cheers.  When asked about Israel, he said the ban wouldn't apply to people from that country. here

Ybor City Hemp Fest!

Aug 6 at 10 AM to Aug 7 at 6 PM
Centro Asturiano de Tampa

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Florida INC Continues To Waste Taxpayers Money

Florida INC. to start airing radio ads on Los Angeles and San Francisco radio stations blasting California's decision to raise the minimum wage. here

California has added twice as many jobs as Florida, while paying down debt, building a robust rainy day fund and taking bold action on issues CEO Scott continues to ignore, like climate change and poverty.
Spending our money to hurt other people!