Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Ybor City Demolition/Collateral Damage

Rays Demolition: Lets Start here

15th St. South to Adamo Dr.

4th Ave West to Channelside Dr.

Collateral Damage

Ybor City, Florida

For the uninformed! 

Reversing Citizens United & Beyond: A Call for Political Justice In Tampa

January 21 at 6:30 PM
Bounce Boy - Tampa INFO

Ybor Paparazzi

 John Turanchik and Glen Eich

Extinction Rebellion Tampa Bay

Extinction Rebellion is a Declaration of International Non-Violent Rebellion Against the World’s Governments (in our case the US) for Criminal Inaction on the Ecological Crisis. This group represents the Tampa Bay region
of Florida. INFO

Ybor Surveillance

Centro Ybor

Blue Ticket Consulting: Nice Work If You Can Get It

The ethical boundary has always been blurry for political operatives in the midst of a heated campaign, but that line may have been crossed by St. Petersburg-based Blue Ticket Consulting in the Tampa City Council races going on now.
The ethical lapse could have been triggered by a string of previous losses by the Democratic consulting firm.
Blue Ticket is representing Ed Turamchik in the Tampa mayor’s race. Turanchik so far has spent $14,640.90 with Blue Ticket,  His gravitas with Tampa’s progressive community has evaporated.
More by  Jim Bleyer
Is this the same consulting firm that advised Mr. Turamchik to kick off his campaign with 2 of Tampa's greatest Right Wingers who have made their careers on bashing Dems? Maybe that is where the 
evaporation started! 

Monday, January 14, 2019

What we don't know CAN hurt us!

During the last BOCC meeting (1/9/19), several statements were made that indicate that our county commission not only intended to conduct negotiations with the Tampa Bay Rays out of the view of the public, who they expected to bare half of the billion dollars of constructing a new stadium in Ybor City, but that they intend to CONTINUE negotiations without public scrutiny. All text in white are directly from the official closed caption scripts of the commission meeting.

Mariella Smith: Over four years ago in October of 2014, a working group was formed to explore the potential of having a stadium in Hillsborough County. Commissioner Hagan was designated as the county's representative, the mayor represented the city of Tampa and we had a representative from the sports authority and some private interest were on that working group. Things are very different now than they were when this working group was formed over four years ago. Things are different now than they were when we last discussed this. Some of the main reasons for having a working group that could operate out of the sunshine no longer apply. For example, they selected their preferred site location and that is public knowledge now. The county has presented a proposed funding framework and that is public knowledge and with all that public information, the public has been wanting to be more involved in the discussions and have more input.

This working group was obviously never meant to "explore the potential of having a baseball stadium in Hillsborough County"; it's purpose was to secretely negotiate a financial deal with the RAYS franchise. Commissioner Smith describes the working group as one whose intent was to work outside the state sunshine laws, i.e. without public knowledge, and how information discovered by a local news media outlet made the negotiations known to the public. Because of the public becoming aware of those negotiations and the resulting backlash against a Rays stadium, Commissioner Smith rightfully felt that this secret working group no longer applied and should be disbanded.

Ken Hagan: I completely agree with those comments. Working within the confines of the sunshine law can be challenging.

Commissioner Hagan affirmed the difficulty of conducting business in the light of public scrutiny. OF COURSE IT IS when you know that the public would disapprove of what is being negotiated. On more than one occasion Ken Hagan stated clearly that he intended for the process used by the Atlanta Braves franchise to relocate their stadium to be the blueprint for how he planned to conduct the process for the Rays franchise move to Tampa. The Atlanta Braves process was conducted completely in secret and even approved by the Cobb County Commission secretly. The president of the Atlanta Braves, John Schuerholz, later admitted that the deal had to be in private to avoid a public backlash (HERE). Ken Hagan intended to keep the Rays negotiations secret from the public for the same reason. How is that even close to being ethical for a commission whose sole purpose is to represent the needs of the people of Hillsborough County?

Less Miller:  And the other thing, our attorney is still having conversations both with the baseball commissioner and with Stu Sternberg. I didn't want you to leave here thinking all conversations have stopped because until the Rays sign a contract with Saint Pete or some other city, from our point of view, keeping the lines open are important and, in particular, our attorney wanted both the baseball commissioner and Stu to know that we, in fact, when we said we had private investment money, [w]e did. He offered to provide that to the baseball commissioner as evidence because the commissioner wrote a rather unpleasant letter to us saying he didn't think we had the money. We did have private investors who provide a proposal. He wanted Stu to know that as well. We had our 50% and I didn't want anybody to think....(at this point, Less Miller was cut off by another commissioner)

Here, Les Miller, placating those with financial interests, makes it clear that negotiations WILL continue, and continue outside the state sunshine laws. He also stresses that 50% of the cost for building the stadium has been committed by private interests but neglects to mention that the other 50% would come from public funds. The baseball commissioner was right in saying that we didn't have the money. That other 50%, that $500 million, would be OUR money and the commission, by voting to continue the working group and continue negotiations outside our sunshine laws, are effectively saying that our voice doesn't matter in decisions concerning how OUR money is to be spent. If they are allowed to continue this debacle unopposed, it will benefit only a select few individuals at our expense. Public funds are intended to be used to benefit the PUBLIC and not enrich a few. Independent studies overwhelmingly show that major sports venues DO NOT economically benefit the communities in which they operate.


Ybor Paparazzi

Johanna and Merri with friend at Chillum

Florida GOP Officially The Party Of Donald Trump

New Florida GOP chair 
Joe Gruters declared the state GOP “the party of 
Donald Trump” after he was overwhelming elected chairman by party officials on Saturday. HERE

YBOR ROB ARRESTED /Police Academy (First Amendment Audit) Went Wrong

Alex Sink Gaslighting

The perennial loser and Florida DINO said Democrats would have won the governorship had they nominated former Representative Gwen Graham, who narrowly lost to Mr. Gillum in the primary. “What would they have pinned on her?” asked Ms. Sink, alluding to Mr. Gillum’s left-wing politics and to an F.B.I. investigation into potential corruption in public real estate development in Tallahassee under Mr. Gillum. HERE
My post on October 6, 2018

Rick Scott Is Pissing Off All The Florida Republicans

Florida's former asshole governor Rick Scott and Florida's new asshole governor Ron DeSantis have been butting heads for the last week or so, making a bit of a hash of DeSantis's transition into office. HERE

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Candy Lowe's Meet and Greet with Harry Cohen

Ybor City Musicians

Centro Ybor

Safety Harbor singer songwriter Jessica Rose Powell


Ybor Paparazzi


What Stogie Had For Dinner

Sushi with soup and salad
At SAMURAI BLUE in Ybor City

Donald L Dowridge Jr at Saunders Library in Ybor City

Robert W. Saunders Sr. Library

Saturday, January 12, 2019


For the last regular meeting of the Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners, held on January 9, there was an item (Item F-8), which was added as an addendum to the agenda as the last item for discussion. Yesterday, Item F-8 was listed as an agenda item "F-8 Discussion concerning the County's representation in any future negotiations with the Tampa Bay Rays baseball team regarding a stadium in the County.". Today, the official agenda (HERE) shows that Item F-8 has been deleted and relisted at the end of the agenda as "F-8 Off the Agenda". The discussion DID take place at the end of the Commission meeting, as you will see in the following videos, so it WAS officially addressed during the meeting. The following videos and texts will clearly show that the negotiations to bring the Rays franchise here to Hillsborough County and very possibly the original selected site in Ybor City are still very much active and still being held outside public scrutiny. During the discussion Mariella Smith, one of our new commissioners, placed a motion to disband the commission's involvement in the "informal" work group created in 2015 to negotiate with the Rays. In a 4-3 vote, Commissioner Smith's motion was defeated (Commissioners Hagan, Miller, Murman and Overman voted to retain the Commission's active involvement in the work group and therefore continuing negotiations). It was mentioned during the discussions that the contract for the legal firm hired by the Commission to represent them during their involvement in the negotiations will be taken over by the Tampa Sports Authority. Ken Hagen stated "The TSA assumed Council's contract and any future negotiations will be led by the TSA.". The TSA has no obligation to make public any of their proceedings.

I will present here segments of the video of this County Commission meeting, touching on the most pertinent statements during the discussion. With each segment, I will give some commentary of the VERY obvious implications that arose. The full video of the meeting can be found HERE and the Item F-8 discussion begins at 3:28:24 in the video.

In the first video excerpt, Mariella Smith explains why the working group, which was intended to work "out of the sunshine" is no longer needed.

In this excerpt, Ken Hagan explains why Commissioner Smith's intended motion is "moot" and, as he has many times, expressed that he is not and never was a "negotiator" during the dealings with the Rays. Hagan, quite obviously does not want negotiations to end because he, the County Administrator, Mike Merrill, and other friends of his, who were given information withheld from the public, have made serious financial investments into the success of a Rays stadium in Ybor. At the end of the video, I have added an excerpt from a radio interview Hagan did in 2017* (HERE) which clearly shows that he was taking a lead in the negotiations with the owner and manager of the Rays and that he was having private meetings with both. Though he stresses that he was never "officially" a negotiator, he was definitely a negotiator, if not the lead negotiator.

Pat Kemp states that things have changed since the last meeting, alluding to the fact that much of what the Commission intended to keep secret was ultimately reported by local media and that the public, namely the Ybor 6, responded. She also explains that even she, a commissioner on the board, had difficulties obtaining information from the working group. Les Miller then asks Commissioner Smith, "Do you think a motion is necessary at this point?", seemingly trying to encourage Mariella Smith to retract her motion. She doesn't but instead places the motion before the board.

And that leaves a couple final comments and the vote. Ken Hagan again tries to counter the motion by offending Commissioner Smith and calling it "meaningless", in a patronizing and insulting way. He then contradicts his "meaningless" comment by explaining that voting Yes on the motion might effectively "kill the deal" with the Rays. Les Miller climbs onto the misogynistic challenge to Commissioner Smith by calling the motion "fruitless" and "not appropriate". The motion is then voted on and defeated. Kimberly Overman, had she been the progressive she purports to be, could have been the vote to help kill the negotiations with the Rays but, instead voted to NOT disband the working group.

To wrap it all up, our County Commission is making it clear that negotiations are going to continue with the Rays franchise and that, because their plans for secrecy were thwarted by a local media outlet and the appearance of several citizens at the last meeting, voicing their clear opposition to RAYBOR, future negotiations will be conducted even further from the public eye. The negotiations are being handed chiefly to the Tampa Sports Authority in order to further conceal from the public what they are doing, in effect moving the back room dealing to a back room in the back of the back room. During the discussion, both Mike Merrill and Les Miller stated that "We have the money!" but they continue to ignore that they have only private investor's money, which amounts to 50% of the projected cost of a new stadium and ignoring that they ultimately intend to use $500 million, or more, of taxpayer funds to make up the other 50%.. Besides the private investments to partially fund the cost of the stadium, there is is also money invested in properties in the area surrounding the originally proposed Ybor City site and I have no doubt that the continuing negotiations will focus on Ybor City.

We have GOT to continue to pressure the officials in our government to listen to the citizens they are sworn to serve and end forever any further negotiations to move the Rays to Hillsborough County, and especially to Ybor City, and to realize that the voters of this county will NEVER accept having to fund half of the third most expensive stadium ever built, yet the smallest stadium in all Major League Baseball, smaller even than Tropicana Field. It would be doomed to fail and destroy Ybor City along with it.

* Correction: Ken Hagan's interview with Sports Talk Florida took place on May 31, 2017 instead of in 2015 as I mistakenly stated.

Ybor Paparazzi

Carlos and Danny with friends at Chillum

Kurt King Interview/Hamburger Mary's

Ybor City Homeless


County Keeping Rays Ybor City Plan in Play

Even though the team has walked away from discussions, Hillsborough County is working for now to keep the door open for a new Tampa Bay Rays ballpark
Hillsborough County Commissioners Overman, Murman, Miller, and Hagan nixed a motion that called for disbanding a working group created several years ago to help bring the Rays to Tampa. Officials indicated instead that, for now, they want to keep the proposal on the table in the event that discussions could resume. MORE
"Why would Kimberly Overman join Murman, Miller, and Ken Hagan in voting to keep the Raybor working group? This takes away any transparency that we should have in regards to continued negotiations to bring the Rays 
to Tampa." Beth Eriksen Shoup


This week, amid a partial government shutdown, senators tried to sneak through a bill that would encourage states to suppress constitutionally protected political boycotts of Israel.
Ultimately, the Combating BDS Act failed to make it to the Senate floor, largely because enough people exercised their First Amendment right to protest the bill and educate senators that they should get their priorities straight. HERE 

Friday, January 11, 2019

Pat Kemp & Mariella Smith Environmental Fundraiser in Ybor

January 13,  11:30 a.m.
At Ed Turanchik campaign headquarters
 1920 7th Ave. Ybor City

Vigil for Border Patrol Victims / NO WALL - January 10, 2019

 Click to picture enlarge

Click picture to enlarge

Tampa Fake Hepatitis A Scare

Hamburger Mary’s owner Kurt King accused Hillsborough County health officials of inciting a fake Hepatitis A scare and shared test results he says proves his worker never tested positive for the disease.
“I want to know why the health department did this to me.” 
“Over 400 people in the state of Florida have Hepatitis A,” said King. “Where do they all work at? Why weren’t they put on the news? Why weren't their restaurants and businesses destroyed like mine? That’s what 
I want to know.”
“I think they targeted us because we’re a gay restaurant, gay-owned, popular 
gay restaurant.” HERE
Dr. Douglas Holt, head of the Hillsborough County Health Department, insists the public has no right to know the names of those four restaurants with 
infected workers. HERE

Vigil for Border Patrol Victims in Ybor City

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Ybor Paparazzi

Faithe Ann Estes

Getdown With Walter L. Smith In Ybor City

 The East Ybor Grassroots Getdown here

Florida's Culture Of Corruption: Carlos Beruff

Bradenton developer Carlos Beruff to serve on the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.
A last-minute appointments by Rick Scott.
Beruff is currently facing an ethics commission complaint over how he helped one of his former development partners while serving as chairman of the Southwest Florida Water Management District. 
In addition, one of his development projects has been accused of illegally moving an eagle's nest, and Manatee County officials investigated his company, Medallion Homes, for ripping up a county-owned conservation area. more

Dollie Meredith in Ybor City

Reach For The Sky - The Sky Is The Limit

During the past few months, I took time to not only assist other local candidates in their political races while continuing to help the community, but to also reflect on what is still needed in Hillsborough County: affordable housing, climate justice, adequate care for the houseless community and basic civil services that marginalized communities still lack.
As an outspoken mother, organizer and nurse, my priority has always been people, which is why I've decided to not give up on representing the under-represented and run for County Commission District 3. Many of you were a huge part of my campaign and helped us to build a strong grassroots foundation while building immense power and recognition on a bare bones budget. I'm asking you to rally behind once again. Giving up was never an option! If you’re just as excited as I am and want to get involved, send our Facebook page a message and the team will reach out to you and plug you in. Sky U. White

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Ed Turanchik's "GO PLAN" Roll Out January 7, 2019

During the roll out of his GO PLAN, Ed Turanchik presented some very innovative and creative ways to modernize the Hillsborough area transit system.

What he didn't do was address the serious needs of the citizens who already use the present transit system, who rely on it on a daily basis, who are seriously inconvenienced by an ineffective and poorly structured system, who are the existing base of customers whose needs must be met before any talk of greenway corridors, fast transit to Disney World, driverless trams or ferries.