Thursday, December 27, 2018

ICE Protest In Ybor City

Anna Marie

Sadie Dean


Dayna Lazarus

Jae Passmore

Topher Morrison

Trump fan and Glen Eich

The guy in the white van who needed 
to get to work.


Ybor City, Florida

Tampa Activist Life 2018: September

Farewell To A Fallen Comrade 

In Ybor City

Central Florida NORML in Ybor City


Tampa Heroes and Zeros

A Tampa media entity suffered amnesia last week, denying three city mayoral candidates the opportunity to participate in a Jan. 9 debate it is sponsoring. Spectrum Bay News 9 forgot its major responsibility of fully informing the public and its viewership, not to mention any notion of fair play. ---

David Straz
Bill Carlson
 John Godwin
 and Joe Citro 

Mike Suarez
The city councilman, with an undistinguished record and no real base, played “ every man for himself.” He twisted arms at Spectrum and was allowed to participate in a debate that still excluded two candidates. His basic philosophy: the hell with King and Morrison..I’ve got mine. Zero.

Ed Turanchik
who never met a mirror that he didn’t fall in love with, bragged that he was one of the “chosen” people declaring that limiting the debate was the right thing to do. Turanchik’s social media post (which appears to have been since deleted) speaks for itself. n Turanchik’s mind, the original chosen four are the “leading candidates.” A Tampa Bay Business Journal poll, taken a few weeks ago, begs to differ:

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Tampa Activist Life: August 2018

Tampa Rally To Denounce DeSantis


The Merchants Of Ybor

Check them out here

2018 Tampa Activist Of The Year: Scott Shoup's Picks

Selecting an activist of the year is no easy task. There are so many socially conscious people doing good works that it's hard to choose. Here are my choices: I want to mention Allen Bray, Austin Willis, Sydney Eastwin, Torrie Grogan, Jen Derlis, Dezeray Lyn.  These individuals recognized the immorality and plain evil of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement's policy of separating children from their parents. These individuals  actually chained themselves to an I.C.E Facility and were arrested. By doing this courageous act of civil disobedience they put their lives on the line and should be recognized along with other important individuals acts of civil disobedience in this Nation's long history like the Freedom Riders, the Keystone Pipeline, and John Brown's raid on the Federal Armory to mention a few.  

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Ybor Paparazzi

Candy Lowe

2018 Tampa Activist Of The Year: Ana Lamb

For the hardest working volunteer...Ana Lamb. No question. Al though she is affiliated with LULAC, she works her magic for people without pay. I cannot begin to record all of the difference she has made.....starting with Luis Blanco and his family. She has appeared in attorneys' offices, atHomeland Security, at jails and other institutions dramatically effecting the lives of immigrants and refugees. But there are other things that make her a 
shero in my eyes also. 
She has included new immigrants in social and political events. She has organized teenagers (!) to begin political work on campaigns and causes. She also performs weddings! She is responsive to the needs of others and offers guidance and support. Ihave no idea where she finds the time while raising four children, but she is a remarkable volunteer, a kind and thoughtful woman, and a truly good friend to many. Thank you, Ana, 
for all that you do.
Jodi Cohen
For us....The voluntary time that you devote to covering Tampa is without precedent. And you've done it for, what, fifteen years!!  The Stogie is one place where we get ideas and information about local politics that is not available anywhere else.  It serves as a place to unite us and educate us.  You've stood up to divisive controversy and taken brave stances on issues.  You've taken photos that many of us have used without thanking you appropriately.  Many of those photos are iconic. One of Syd comes immediately to mind.   Tampa is a far better place with you and your work. Thank you for all that you do.

Thank you! Jodi.

Josè Marti and Tampa

Monday, December 24, 2018

2018 Tampa Activist Of The Year: Sadie Dean

She is a Florida activist who constantly shows up for marginalized groups. From canvassing all day everyday for weeks in low-income communities of color, to marching for sex workers, she never forgets those first and worst affected by injustice. Despite the loss of her close friend and organizer, Syd Eastman, she continued to advocate for and with prisoners, non-men, and people of color.

TheZulema Ramos

Ybor Paparazzi

Tampa Front Lines 2018

Tampa, Florida

YBOR ROB: First Amendment Audit (County Center)

Sunday, December 23, 2018

The 2019 Dream with Asher

Hello there fellow politicos! Are you excited for the next election cycle?

2019 will set the stage for 2020, both nationally and locally. Keep in mind that Florida won’t have a scheduled Senate or Governor election until 2022. That gives Floridian progressives time to work our local and presidential races.

In cities like Tampa, municipal elections are to be held in March. I already support some candidates for City Council.  John Godwin, Bill Carlson, and Orlando Gudes have proven to me that they belong on the Council. As for Mayor and other Council races, I am still undecided. What do you want to see in Tampa politics? I want a government that will protect and expand transit options, take justice reform seriously, and take Tampa away from the influence of Bob Buckhorn.

The presidential primaries are upon us, and we need to be prepared for what that will come with. For one, it will reignite old rivalries between centrist and progressive Democrats. I advise that my fellow progressives remain bold on the issues and push for “when they go low, we go high” tactics when interacting with less than pleasant individuals—we ought all end up on the same team after the summer of 2020, and we should do so by the setting the stage for what we want to see happen. I want our progressives to be tough and have the spinal fortitude to stand by the issues. I do not want our progressives to engage in pointless feuds, or waste energy while using reason to combat irrationality. I want our progressives elected, in power, and in a position to redefine political triumph in a way that accomplishes goals, such as expanding the ADA, and ensures cooperation through positive dialogue. 

I recall being an Organizer for the progressive Gillum campaign and making it a habit to introduce myself to the staffers from other gubernatorial campaigns while promoting a field of decency, mutual respect, and kindness. I had good relationships with the other staffers, and had a positive interaction with Gwen Graham (While I wore my Andrew Gillum t-shirt, no less). Following the primary, and moving forward into 2020, I cannot say that I have not encountered challenges. People from the right wing to the left wing have frustrated me, and I feel that it is important to do two things. Acknowledge the frustration, and move on. Be confident and bold on the issues, and speak out if you or someone who you care about is the butt of someone’s hostility. Examine the (sometimes) blurry line between needless drama and making an important point. There are opportunities ahead to elect wonderful people to different offices, and we need to hone in on our commonalities to achieve the best results.

What I want to see are genuine, strong progressives run and win. For President, I like Bernie Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard, and Julian Castro. For School Board, I would like to see some competent candidates to heal the poisoned Board, particularly in Districts 1 and 7 (West Hillsborough and Countywide, respectively). Maybe Robert Pechacek, Bill Person, Laurie Rodriguez, and Karen Clay will consider running. For County Commission, I know that I will support the re-election of Pat Kemp. For District 3 (East Tampa area) I like Sky White and Gwen Myers. For District 1 (South Tampa area) I like Jen McDonald, and wouldn’t mind seeing some other candidates to entice an issue driven primary for that seat. For the judicial elections, I know that I will support attorney Gary Dolgin should he decide to run.

Who do you want to see set the stage for 2020? Leave your comment on the Stogie or on Facebook, and please, remember that agreeing to disagree is a crucial step in respectfully containing a potentially hostile political discussion. Remember First Lady Michelle Obama, “When they go low, we go high!”

— Asher

Tampa Activist Life: July 2018

Free College Now Tour

Ybor Paparazzi


2018 Tampa Activist Of The Year: My Picks

Blake High School
Lets not forget the students who walked out of their classrooms 
to protest gun violence.
Hillsborough High School 
And many more.
March For Our Lives

Drinking Hideaways in Ybor City

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Ybor Paparazzi

Candy, Mona and Connie

Florida Elections Guru Ion Sancho

Ion Sancho, former Leon County Supervisor of Elections and a nationally-recognized expert on voting policy and procedure, told Tampa Bay Beat that DeSantis’ slow walking implementation of the constitutional amendment could have serious consequences.
“Basically, the Florida Division of Elections is putting a hold on its responsibility,” Sancho explained. “With the governor demanding legislation for implementation, it could be that the Division won’t act until May.” The “hold” will certainly affect important, local spring elections in the cities of Tampa (nonpartisan) and Jacksonville, Sancho, a Democrat, went on. Ex-felons will be deprived of their voting rights in those mayoral and council races. more

Friday, December 21, 2018

Email to Kathy Castor

In response to THIS NEWS, and without commentary, I post here the email I sent to Kathy Castor's office today:

As one of your constituents, I feel I should inform you of something. By accepting the position of head of the "revived" U.S. House panel on climate change, which effectively killed efforts to establish a select committee on a Green New Deal, something polls showed was approved by over 80% of registered voters, and by waffling on any commitment to bar members who have accepted donations from the fossil fuel industry from serving on this panel, you have pretty much assured that, if you choose to run again for re-election, you will likely be contested.
As a committed voter, I have to consider your complicity in the furtherance of my government's role in neglecting to address the most vital issue of this age.
As a known activist in Hillsborough County, I feel it is my responsibility to fervently spread the word that we, the people, must pressure you and others to immediately take drastic steps to negate the disastrous effects we have had on our environment. There is no longer a place for debate. As the people have made clear, it is a Green New Deal or no deal at all.

2018 Tampa Activist Of The Year: TheZulema Ramos

Zulema and I met when they started coming to climate justice meetings. Their energy drew me in immediately. From the day I met them, they have been consistent, kind, open, dedicated, and extremely active in the community - all while going to college! One thing about Z that make them truly a model for other activists is that that their personality is genuinely kind and uplifting. They understand that in this work, we have to support each other, encourage each other, and create an atmosphere
 of mutual respect.

 Another thing about Z that I reflect upon at times is that they deeply understand intersectionality in a way that motivates them to show up for every marginalized person, plant, animal and community whenever they have a spare moment. Finally, Z is someone you can count on. Even if they aren't able to make it to your event, they will always respond to your text with appreciation and an eagerness to learn more. We are so lucky that Z is in our community and is dedicated to empowering the marginalized, oppressed, working and non-working class of Tampa Bay. We love you Zulema - take care of yourself, don't work too hard, and take some time for yourself to just relax and eat dank vegan food in your pjs!

Dayna Lazarus

Ybor Paparazzi

Andrew Joseph

Candy Lowe Black Business Bus Tour 2018