Friday, July 1, 2016

Rick Scott Blames Obama For A Crisis The Florida GOP Created

Rick Scott took another cheap shot at the White House this week for a crisis he and his party had a big hand in creating. He declared a state of emergency for Martin and St. Lucie counties after a massive algae bloom in the St. Lucie River prompted beach closings on the Atlantic Coast. Scott, predictably, blamed President Barack Obama for not investing enough in flood control in 
southeast Florida. 

This from a governor who for years fought the federal government over water cleanup efforts and who collects huge sums from big polluters in the Everglades to push his political agenda. here

WE FIGHT BACK: Nationwide Class-Action filed Against Democratic Party and Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Guccifer 2.0 documents purportedly taken from the DNC’s own computer network.” The Guccifer 2.0documents include internal memos in which the DNC broke legally binding neutrality agreements in the Democratic primaries by strategizing to make Hillary Clinton the nominee before a single vote was cast. here

Tampa Bay Flotilla for Climate Action

7.10 - 3PM
333 S. Franklin St. Tampa

Thursday, June 30, 2016

America This Is Your Florida. Do Something About It. Help Us

Algae is everywhere in the southern part of the Treasure Coast, and it's spreading.  Last weekend, all public beaches in Martin County, and many in St. Lucie County, were closed. Ocean waters turned emerald green. here

Rick Scott and the Florida GOP are in the sugar industry's pocket. This is the stuff of destitute Third World backwaters.  This is Rick Scott's Florida.  This is "Big Sugar's" Florida.  This is our Florida.  America, this is your Florida.  Do something about it. Help us. The nation as a whole needs to hear more about this. A national spotlight needs to be shined on the likes of Scott and the sugar industry, with the clear message: in the wake of our own Love Canal, our own Three Mile Island, these people chose the status quo. And as a result, a beautiful coastal region that ought to be a national treasure has been turned into a toilet.
Tourist and locals beware: The toxins can cause nausea and vomiting if swallowed. Touching can lead to a rash and breathing may lead hay fever symptoms. Liver disease is linked to drinking water with toxins.

Allegations Donald Trump Bribed Pam Bondi

A Massachusetts attorney filed federal complaints Wednesday seeking criminal indictments tied to allegations Donald Trump “bribed” Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi by donating $25,000 to her political committee as she was reviewing complaints related to his now-defunct real estate school. here

LHNB Goods Delivery and Children's Arts Workshop

Love Has No Borders members launch our mutual aid Goods Delivery Program of food care packages, books, clothing and toys to resettled families in the Key Vista community in Tampa. 
This community celebrates a wide diversity of folks coming from every corner of the globe. 
Through sharing what we've got, we seek to enliven the beautiful and inclusive world we fight for. 
This will be a door to door delivery program for pre-signed up folks. Afterwards we will converge with the children to hold arts workshops, activities and share a fun afternoon with snacks and togetherness. 

Deliveries will go from 3-5pm 
Arts Worshops will go from 5-7pm.

Florida's Culture Of Corruption: Rick Scott

With another $100,000 donation earlier this month, the US Sugar Corporation has become one of Gov. Rick Scott top financial supporters. Since October, US Sugar has now given Scott $200,000 in donations for a political committee Scott runs called Let’s Get to Work. In hitting the $200,000 threshold, US Sugar became one of Scott’s five biggest donors since the start of 2015. here

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Fight For 15 Protest: Checkers In Tampa

From the Florida Fight For 15 campaign:
Bleu got fired for being sick after over heating at Checkers, we are marching and speaking at his work site . It is clearly retaliation for his involvement on our campaign. 2820 west MLK in Tampa.

Florida GOP Voters Taking It Deep

Massive toxic algae blooming around the southern half of the Florida peninsula, coating public health, tourism, business and real estate on both Florida coasts with dangerous scum, is the real consequence to taxpayers and voters of losing their bet on Republican leadership: Gov. Scott, Senate President Joe Negron, Attorney General Pam Bondi, Agriculture Secretary Adam Putnam, state representative Matt Caldwell, US Senator Marco Rubio, and all the insiders and cronies they corralled to serve on boards like the water management districts and Public Service Commission. This isn’t hyperbole. 
A real bet was made by voters. 
A real bet was lost. here

DR. FARID KHAVARI for Miami-Dade County Mayor 2016

No time for “politics as usual” when we face life-threatening problems.
We have had too many years of corrupt crony politics and stupid, wealth-transferring projects in Miami-Dade County.  Meanwhile, long-term problems were ignored, and now are growing into life-threatening emergencies.
Saltwater is rushing into our aquifer. Instead of fixing that, Mayor Gimenez wants to sell our water system so a private company like FPL can suck money out of us forever!
If we don’t get real plans and new leadership in Miami-Dade County, we should flee South Florida while we still can!
What will our homes be worth when there’s saltwater coming out of our faucets? When the ocean is in our streets? When there’s Fukushima event at the Turkey Point nuclear plant? And sewage all over the place? 
What good will new stadiums and fancy condos and nice slogans do us then?
Every day the people are gouged by tolls, red light cameras, even pet fees, to fund stupid projects that make a few people richer at our expense.  Every day more saltwater flows into our aquifer. 
People struggle to make a living, and now we face more FP&L rate hikes? Next we’ll be paying FPL for two new nuclear plants, even though they have problems cooling Turkey Point and are even taking water from the Everglades!
The good news is that solving these problems is the biggest economic opportunity in the history of Miami-Dade County!
But politics as usual won’t get the job done. 
Visit him here. He is running a grassroots campaign, help him out here

Only one candidate for Miami-Dade Mayor has solutions: Farid Khavari. 

The Ultimate Seafood Sauce: Tampa Bay Crab Chilau

Lights Out Death Cage Tea Dance w/Rev. Billy & Ronny

7.2 - 8PM
Skippers Smokehouse - Tampa

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Ybor City Chickens

7th Ave and 21th St.

Kevin Beckner Is Being Targeted By The Tampa Bay Partnership

As a result of Commissioner Kevin Beckner's NO vote on TBX June 22, he is being targeted by the Tampa Bay Partnership (TBXYes).
Targeting was made most clear when he received an email from the TBP VP, Public Policy and Advocacy, 
Ryan Patmintra .
The message was directed to all TBP members and MPO Board members. It summarized the vote count, identified those voting NO and the races they are in this cycle, if any.
Please support Kevin now as he supported us. Come to the fundraiser or visit his campaign website and leave a donation at
Thank you ... Rick Fernandez

Walk With Pat Kemp On The 4th

Temple Terrace - Lutz - Brandon

No On 2 Propaganda

In a new commercial designed to scare voters, No on 2 is falsely claiming that Amendment 2 would replace pharmacists with "budtenders."
The truth is fairly simple. Federal law's prohibition of marijuana legally prevents doctors from "prescribing" medical marijuana and pharmacists from dispensing.  However, in states where medical marijuana is legal, doctors may "recommend" medical marijuana that can only be dispensed in a licensed dispensary. 
That's the way it works in 25 other states where patients with cancer, MS, epilepsy, HIV/AIDS, and other serious conditions can find relief.

Not that this is a surprise. The No On 2 campaign, underwritten in part by a couple who have made a fortune running a drug treatment center accused of torturing its patients, has made up lies from the beginning.
They immorally delayed relief for hundreds of thousands of patients by keeping us under 60% in 2014—mainly by misleading voters about what the law actually said. 

Thank you to the Greenspoon & Marder Law firm, which has generously offered to match your donation, dollar for dollar.
Ben PollaraCampaign Manager,  United for Care

25 of the Most Ridiculous “Florida Man” Headlines