Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Tampa Hoods

Ybor City

Democratic Progressive Caucus of Tampa Bay: Understanding The Power of Local Government

October 26 @7 pm

Seminole Heights Library
As part of our educational mission, our meeting this month is all about Civics! In order for us to influence local government, we have to know more about it.
The special election for their empty Board of Directors position will occur at this upcoming meeting.
These 3 wonderful people have stepped up.

Michelle Kenoyer
Rebecca Fiore 
and Marcus Klebe
Join them here

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Jeff
He is from Houston

High Speed Ferry Project Threatened!

After 5 years, $150,000 and 2 exhaustive site selection studies only one site was ever found to be either environmentally acceptable or economically feasible. But now the future of the Schultz Ferry Park is very much in doubt. And as a key component of south Hillsborough transit plans, losing the ferry project jeopardizes the future of public transportation plans.

County Commission Chair Stacy White has expressed doubt about public support for the ferry project. He told us that he would like to hear from environmentalists about the Tampa Bay Ferry Project and the proposed Schultz Ferry Park. 

Commissioner White's phone number: 813-272-5740 His email:

The Merchants Of Ybor: Reservoir Bar

On 7th Ave
They donate their aluminum cans to children charities 
and the tabs to the Ronald McDonald House

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Fan Of The Stogie

50th St. and I4 - Tampa

Florida GOP Politicians Who Only Defend Certain Parts Of The Constitution

Take the Second Amendment:
"He has waged war on the Constitution," Sen. Marco Rubio said when President Barack Obama proposed background checks for guns bought online or at gun shows.
"We have seen yet again that we have a president who does not think the law, or the Constitution, applies to him," Lt. Gov. Carlos Lopez-Cantera said of Obama's background checks.
"Our right to bear arms is enshrined in our U.S. Constitution," Commissioner of Agriculture Adam Putnam felt the need to point out in a news release following Obama's proposal.
"Some on the left believe the Second Amendment is negotiable, flexible — even forgettable. I don't," Panhandle congressman Matt Gaetz once wrote in an opinion piece. "Our founders understood that America's strength comes from empowering citizens, not government."
Nice stuff gentlemen, but what about the 
First Amendment? here

Florida Fight For 15 Get 15 Cents

Floridian employees who make minimum wage can expect a bump in their paychecks come Jan. 1. The minimum wage for 2018 will be $8.25 per hour, the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity announced Friday. That's up from $8.10 this

Florida GOP David Rivera: Catch Me If You Can

Former U.S. Rep. David Rivera avoided criminal charges in an unlawful campaign-finance scheme he was suspected of masterminding. Now he’s evading the feds again — this time, U.S. marshals trying to serve him with a civil lawsuit. here

Florida GOP Wants To Punish Left-Wing Cities

Rep. Paul Renner of Palm Coast is set to become House Speaker in 2022. He thinks cities are too liberal, have gone "rogue" and need to be stripped of home rule power. here

Monday, October 16, 2017

Shady Ken Hagan's Phone Records (Must See Video)

Nearly two years after a unanimous vote to use county-owned cell phones as a way to preserve their text messages and other public records, most Hillsborough County commissioners are still choosing to use their personal phones for government business. here
All Hillsborough County commissioners answered questions about the phones, except Florida GOP Commissioner 
Ken Hagan. 

Guardian Angels still patrol Tampa Bay streets

LHNB Oct Care Package Delivery In Tampa

10.22 - 3 PM
Key Vista Apt
We will be distro-ing dozens of care packs of food/hygiene products to Refugee folks and families in the Tampa community.

Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida: Turning Florida Blue 2

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Culinary Heights: A Lee Elementary Benefit Dinner

Monday, Oct. 23rd at 6 p.m.
Ella's Americana Folk Art Cafe

Join the community supporting Lee Elementary rebuild after it suffered a devastating fire.
Enjoy a creative and exquisitely delicious dinner prepared by six talented, acclaimed, and generous chefs from The Heights. Each chef presents a course of reimagined and elevated classic Kids' meals. Don't be fooled! This definitely won't be chicken fingers and ketchup. Each of the six courses will be paired with a local beer or drink.

Featured Chefs:

MARY PAFF - Anise Global Gastrobar

GREG BAKER - The Refinery
BRIAN LAMPE - Rooster & the Till

SUZ - Ella's Americana Folk Art Cafe


 Tickets are selling fast!

Puerto Ricans Coming To Save Florida

I am not very politically savvy, but that could mean we are 90 days away from the Florida Legislature going from Republican to Democratic for a long, long time.
And that’s because Puerto Ricans will vote — and they will likely vote most Republicans out of office. here

Tampa Community Forum: Police Reform

November 1 at 7 PM - 9 PM
Seminole Heights Library

Poverty Reduction in the City of St. Petersburg

For the second year in a row, the annual September data release by the U.S. Census showed a large reduction in the number of African Americans in poverty in St. Petersburg

Petition Picnic In Tampa

Saturday, October 21 at 2 PM - 4 PM
Capaz Park - Tampa, Florida

Saturday, October 14, 2017

The End Of The Once Mighty Florida GOP

For the second fundraising quarter in a row, the Florida Democratic Party raised more than the increasingly beleagured Florida GOP. here
The Rick Scott, Trump effect?
Did they tarnish the GOP brand so badly that it is over 
for the grand old party?

The Tampa Taxi Driver Who Found Bigfoot

Tampa Taxi driver Tim Fasano moonlights as a Bigfoot hunter in the Green Swamp of central Florida.

Ybor Space

Reservoir Bar

Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida: Now I Realize 2

Why Florida Needs Bail Reform

Florida taxpayers spend well over $1 billion per year keeping people locked up in county jails. Many of these people are low level offenders who simply can’t afford bail. Some of them are awaiting trial and haven’t been convicted of a crime.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Rising Progressive Stars In Riverview

Angel D'Angelo 
Jamela Passmore
 Elvis Piggott 
Kimberly Overman 
Sky White
10.14 - 1 PM
Riverview Public Library

Ybor Paparazzi

Bartender at The Reservoir Bar

Rick Scott's Opioid Crisis

The Florida Democratic Party’s Amazing Display Of Incompetence

Florida GOP Bobby Olszewski, won a special election to serve as the newest member of the Florida House. His own party was trying to keep him out of office. So was  the Florida Chamber of Commerce and the Central Florida Hotel & Lodging Association. 
Florida Dems didn’t recruit anyone to run. Even though House District 44 voted for Clinton over Trump just last year. 
A Dem named Paul Chandler filed on his own. The GOP accused him of being ineligible to run. Democrats urged him to drop out of the race — and called him “malicious” when he didn’t. Chandler did finally drop out, but only after his name had been printed on all the ballots. So when a brave replacement finally stepped up, he didn’t have money, time — or even his own name on the ballot. Yet despite all that — 44 percent of voters still voted Democratic.
This is why Democrats keep losing. Because, while rallies, protests and petitions are great for rallying the troops,
 if you don’t 
give them candidates to rally behind, you simply can’t win. 

Investigate Rick Scott’s Role In Tragic Nursing Home Deaths

In the days and weeks following Hurricane Irma, 14 elderly Floridians have died unnecessarily after they were left in the suffocating heat of their nursing home with no power. Several calls for help to Gov. Scott were sent to voicemail, then deleted, and no help was sent.
Tell the Florida Legislature to investigate Gov. Scott and his administration’s role in the tragedy that led to the death of 14 Floridians in a nursing home. here

No Nazis at University of Florida

Protest Richard Spencer
10.19 - 1 PM
University of Florida Performing Arts
According to Facebook
As of Midnight Octorber 13 
2,700 Protesters
Will be there!

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Vote Jae Passmore For Hillsborough County Commissioner

This is what we have:

Caps On Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

Slithers Out

 Worked to derail Go Hillsborough

Supported barring discrimination against LGBT

Here is who we could have!
Check her out here
Please note: This blog takes full responsibility for this post. 
Not endorsed by any candidate.

Blacks Caught "Making Eyes" At White Women In Jacksonville

"Notice to all (n-word): Any of you black apes caught 'making eyes' at a white girl will be beaten with bats and your mothers won't get anymo' bananas-That's a promise." KKK

Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida: Turning Florida Blue

Florida's Culture Of Corruption: Jose Oliva

On Aug. 18 he received a $100,000 check from U.S. Sugar.
What does U.S. Sugar expect in return for this investment? He is expected to be the next speaker if the GOP retains the majority in the Florida House.
.Sugar has aggressively fought the push to force agricultural interests to relinquish some of their land to build a water-storage reservoir in the Everglades Agricultural Area. It relied on the House and the governor to weaken the proposal last session, and succeeded.
The mega-check was not all that unusual.
 $100,000 check to Rick Scott
 $285,000 check to Adam Putnam. here

Florida Has Second Worst Drinking Water In The Country

Florida’s drinking water is the second worst in the United States, according to a study administrated by the Natural Resources Defense Council. here

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Tampa Bay Dems Who Put People First Instead Of Powerful Interests

Janet Cruz - A (95%) 
Ben Diamond - A (100%) 
Wengay Newton - B (85%)
 Victor Torres, Jr. - A (100%)
Guillermo Smith - A (90%)
 & Sean Shaw - A (90%)
Thank you all!

Jackie Toledo Gets An F On Her Report Card

She just got elected and already scores
Bad For Floridians

Constitutional Rights
Education Package
Homestead Exemption Amendment
Judicial Term Limits
Living Wage Rules
Local Meetings Secrecy
Open Carry Penalties
Shoot First Expansion
State Budget
Union Decertification
Workers Comp

The Green Party Of Tampa's Council Has Failed Us

Less than five people attend the green party meetings. Ahmad Saadaldin is the hierarchy behind all of this. In order for the green party of Tampa to be a real party of revolution for the people. (not just the upper-class) we must change the council!! their failure to care for the community's in which I had to battle them to even attend marches! So if you really care about the green party of Tampa and you want to change this corrupt Council then let's do it! 

we must attend the next meetings in Mass! We will protest against their gross incompetence and downright neglect of the communities that need us the most. until the council members are removed from their office and real revolutionaries are voted in through consensus, not just placed in power.They must either resign peacefully. will you fight for a third party. 

I have given all I have to this group and the only thing I have received is resistance to the plate of homelessness and many other issues in which they show no regards. I will not give up!!!! Let's do what's right for the green party as a whole! . Please message me this cannot go any further. Your brother 

WTF: A Cuban White Supremacist

Meet Christopher Rey Monzon, AKA "Chris Cedeno," a Cuban-American white supremacist from Hialeah who carries either Confederate or white-nationalist flags and iconography at local liberal and progressive rallies. here
My late aunt had a saying about people like this:
"Se tragó la bandera con palo y todos"