Thursday, July 7, 2016

Someone Get Carrie Celine Of Florida A Brain

3500 people got together on a beach in Martin County to send a message about the mess down there that anybody can understand. here

Carrie Celine didn't, she had this to say....
 "These protestors are using a crisis to promote their political agenda. They just want to get rid of farmers, not fix anything. When the algae goes away they will go back to their real jobs, telemarketing for liberal Democrats, believe that."

Free Lube For Florida GOP Voters Who Like To Take It Deep

The ecological disaster in the St. Lucie River and the Caloosahatchee River, including the Everglades and Florida Bay, is a toxic warning to taxpayers and voters that they cannot trust Florida INC. CEO Rick Scott or his board of directors who have allowed poor water policies to poison and degrade Florida's most valuable resources.
Scott implemented his agenda of promoting big business donors by killing growth management, stacking the water management districts, signing harmful legislation, setting in motion a political ideology that has ignored science and fact, and killing responsible government efforts to address environmental problems. here
Also avalable to DEMS who don't vote.

Florida INC. Investors Pile Up

Florida GOP Adam Putnam from Polk County, raised more than $200,000 in June.  That helped Putnam surpass $5 million raised. Putnam is widely considered a top challenger for the Florida INC. CEO post when Rick Scott’s term ends in 2018.
 Here are the top 10  Investors
$400,000 - The Voice of Florida Business
$325,000 - AIF PAC
$325,000 - Florida Jobs PAC
$256,275 - Florida Power & Light
$150,746 - Florida Phosphate 
$125,000 - Disney Worldwide Services Inc
$125,000 - FCCI Services Inc
$110,000 - Publix
$110,000 - US Sugar Corporation
$110,000 - Duke Energy

Food Not Bombs Food Sharing In St. Pete

7.11 - 6PM
Williams Park, Downtown St. Pete

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Still Helping The MCM

Lefty, as she is called by the family is at it again. In 2008 Wasserman Schultz sabotaged and undermined Joe Garcia and Raul Martinez to help the reelection efforts of reactionary Republicans Mario and Lincoln Diaz-Balart. Mario's district had basically turned blue and when Lincoln decided to devote his energies to plotting to become president of Cuba, Mario skipped across the district to claim Lincoln's redder seat. Today he's been challenged in that seat by Alina Valdes, a physician and a dedicated progressive. And-- wouldn't you know it-- Wasserman Schultz hasn't learned her lesson and is up to her old tricks again... working against Valdes on behalf of Diaz-Balart! Outrageously, she still hasn't been removed as chair of the DNC. here

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Get Your ‪Pat Kemp Yard Sign Now!

Support the most environmentally-conscious candidate + pro-governmental transparency, pro-transit & pro-equality; Pat Kemp 2016 (Patricia Kemp) -- a long-term local advocate for the future of Hillsborough County! here

Rally at Senator Bill Nelson's Office In Tampa

Visit them here

Florida INC. Destroys Tourism Industry

Tourists Beware

Florida Stinks

As bad as it looks, the stench is far worse, driving away motel customers, chasing off paddleboard and kayak renters and forcing residents to stay indoors. It smells like death on a cracker. Morgues don't smell as bad. here

Free Ice Cream From The Florida GOP

I followed them for a while. 
Not much enthusiasm from the masses.
At the Temple Terrace 4th of July parade.

Pick Scott's Email Accounts

Did you know Scott spent $700,000 in taxpayer money to settle seven public records lawsuits alleging he and several members of his staff violated state law when they created email accounts to shield their communications from state public records laws and then withheld the documents. here

Monday, July 4, 2016

Happy 4th Of July

"I hope our wisdom will grow with our power, and teach us, that the less we use our power the greater it will be." Thomas Jefferson

Sunday, July 3, 2016

5 Things You Didn't Know About Marco Rubio

Delusional Carlos Trujillo Of Miami

"Trump, has a very good chance of winning the general lection." 

Other Florida Trump supporters, 
Tallahassee lobbyist Brian Ballard, who previously backed Jeb Bush and then Marco Rubio; Florida House Speaker Steve Crisafulli; former Florida International University President Mitch Maidique; former ambassador and current congressional candidate Francis Rooney; St. Petersburg developer Mel Sembler and former U.S. Rep. Steve Southerland. 

Tampa Life

Britton Plaza

Shame On Soto's Optical Boutique

Let Soto's Optical Boutique know what you think about their homeless shaming and further marginalizing struggling communities by leading the charge in campaigning AGAINST direct aid, food sharing, money sharing and supportive mutual aid saying it 
"enables them." 

This action decontextualizes WHY these folks are on the streets in the first place; taking the onus off of poor access to medical/mental health care, veterans dealing with injuries and disabilities due to the STATE, lack of jobs, lack of education, lack of social services. Instead of dealing with these issues, Soto's would rather humiliate and dehumanize folks at a difficult time in their lives by photographing them sleeping- and using these images to belittle them on social media. here

Don't enable Soto's establishment by patronizing them... ever and let them know what you think of them here

Corporatist Dem Patrick Murphy Will Cost Democrats The Senate

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Free Bilal Kayed Tampa Week Of Action!

On July 8th, Love Has No Borders will answer the global call to action coming from Palestine for prisoner Bilal Kayed who has been on hungerstrike since June 15th to protest his unjust imprisonment under Israel's illegal administrative detention. Several LHNB members will be hungerstriking during the entire week of action in solidarity with Bilal, and the hundreds of other prisoners who have vowed to join his hungerstrike in solidarity. info

Local Treasure Joe Redner

Redner said he is running (again) because,
 "I just think I can have an impact on what's going on in the state of Florida. It upsets me. I think people aren't getting a fair shake."
The District 18 campaign will pit Redner against Republican Dana Young of Tampa. here
If there is anyway we can help you, please let us know!

Orlando City Commissioner Patty Sheehan On The Florida GOP

Marco Rubio, the senator from Florida, walked on our blood-stained streets with people from the Hispanic community. And he went right back to Washington – one of the few times he actually showed up for work – and voted against sensible gun legislation.’
‘If this doesn’t change your heart?’

Sheehan further blasted Rubio, a failed candidate for president, by adding: ‘There were people from [Rubio’s] office – it was [a staffer’s] hair stylist who got shot and killed. This was a personal connection people from his office had with these young people. And he still couldn’t find it in his heart to do the right thing.’

Sheehan is no less happy with Florida’s Republican Governor Rick Scott who has not been supportive of LGBTI equality for the most part.
‘My governor couldn’t say the word “gay” until he was called out on it.’
Sheehan said of all Republicans: 
‘I’ve called a lot of them out on it. 

“How dare you come here to my city – our city – and stand in front of the microphone and take up space….You loaded those bullets with hatred, as far as I’m concerned.” here

Shit In The Water At Davis Islands Beach

 A Health Advisory has been issued for Davis Islands Beach based on the criteria for enterococci bacteria recommended by the EPA. Samples taken on Monday showed the growth of enterococci bacteria. The beach will be re-sampled, next Monday, July 4th 2016. here

Give Hillsborough County Teachers A Raise

Back at the bargaining table, the Hillsborough Classroom Teachers Association is again asking for higher pay for 20,000 employees, including more than 14,000 teachers. here

Friday, July 1, 2016

A Career Built on Lies: The Patrick Murphy Story

Statement From Our Leader Susan Smith

Today the Democratic Progressive Caucus is joining the Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence in calling for a special legislative session to consider an assault weapons ban as well as expanded background checks for gun purchases. It's time to end the NRA's stranglehold on gun policy and to make these sensible changes to our laws.
Last month's mass shooting in Orlando should have been a wake up call for Governor Scott, Attorney General Bondi, Speaker of the House Crisafulli and Senate President Gardner. A special session is needed immediately to address the proliferation of military assault weapons and the ease with which they're purchased. Our safety is in the hands of these leaders, and they are ignoring the obvious dangers of today's gun culture while serving the interests of the National Rifle Association and weapons manufacturers.
Since the founding of our caucus, gun safety has been one of our top legislative priorities. Three years ago, we called on the Florida Legislature to revisit the Stand Your Ground law in a special session. Our calls were ignored. It is our hope that the slaughter in Orlando will finally force our leaders to put safety ahead of the interests of the gun lobby by calling a special session now.
We also urge voters to look at the records of candidates before casting their ballots this fall. Check campaign donations and NRA ratings to see which candidates care about you and your community, then please vote accordingly. here

Rick Scott Blames Obama For A Crisis The Florida GOP Created

Rick Scott took another cheap shot at the White House this week for a crisis he and his party had a big hand in creating. He declared a state of emergency for Martin and St. Lucie counties after a massive algae bloom in the St. Lucie River prompted beach closings on the Atlantic Coast. Scott, predictably, blamed President Barack Obama for not investing enough in flood control in 
southeast Florida. 

This from a governor who for years fought the federal government over water cleanup efforts and who collects huge sums from big polluters in the Everglades to push his political agenda. here

WE FIGHT BACK: Nationwide Class-Action filed Against Democratic Party and Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Guccifer 2.0 documents purportedly taken from the DNC’s own computer network.” The Guccifer 2.0documents include internal memos in which the DNC broke legally binding neutrality agreements in the Democratic primaries by strategizing to make Hillary Clinton the nominee before a single vote was cast. here

Tampa Bay Flotilla for Climate Action

7.10 - 3PM
333 S. Franklin St. Tampa

Thursday, June 30, 2016

America This Is Your Florida. Do Something About It. Help Us

Algae is everywhere in the southern part of the Treasure Coast, and it's spreading.  Last weekend, all public beaches in Martin County, and many in St. Lucie County, were closed. Ocean waters turned emerald green. here

Rick Scott and the Florida GOP are in the sugar industry's pocket. This is the stuff of destitute Third World backwaters.  This is Rick Scott's Florida.  This is "Big Sugar's" Florida.  This is our Florida.  America, this is your Florida.  Do something about it. Help us. The nation as a whole needs to hear more about this. A national spotlight needs to be shined on the likes of Scott and the sugar industry, with the clear message: in the wake of our own Love Canal, our own Three Mile Island, these people chose the status quo. And as a result, a beautiful coastal region that ought to be a national treasure has been turned into a toilet.
Tourist and locals beware: The toxins can cause nausea and vomiting if swallowed. Touching can lead to a rash and breathing may lead hay fever symptoms. Liver disease is linked to drinking water with toxins.

Allegations Donald Trump Bribed Pam Bondi

A Massachusetts attorney filed federal complaints Wednesday seeking criminal indictments tied to allegations Donald Trump “bribed” Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi by donating $25,000 to her political committee as she was reviewing complaints related to his now-defunct real estate school. here

LHNB Goods Delivery and Children's Arts Workshop

Love Has No Borders members launch our mutual aid Goods Delivery Program of food care packages, books, clothing and toys to resettled families in the Key Vista community in Tampa. 
This community celebrates a wide diversity of folks coming from every corner of the globe. 
Through sharing what we've got, we seek to enliven the beautiful and inclusive world we fight for. 
This will be a door to door delivery program for pre-signed up folks. Afterwards we will converge with the children to hold arts workshops, activities and share a fun afternoon with snacks and togetherness. 

Deliveries will go from 3-5pm 
Arts Worshops will go from 5-7pm.

Florida's Culture Of Corruption: Rick Scott

With another $100,000 donation earlier this month, the US Sugar Corporation has become one of Gov. Rick Scott top financial supporters. Since October, US Sugar has now given Scott $200,000 in donations for a political committee Scott runs called Let’s Get to Work. In hitting the $200,000 threshold, US Sugar became one of Scott’s five biggest donors since the start of 2015. here