Many of the politicians who decide how many tax dollars will go to benefit Tampa Bay’s professional sports franchises are also accepting free tickets to those teams’ games. Tributes also include beer, wine, liquor, and a number of casual food items such as burgers and Cuban sandwiches. Occasionally, crab cakes and sushi may be added. And access to politically-influential business leaders is always on the menu.
Just re-elected Florida GOP Sandy Murman received three luxury box tickets to the 2016 Outback Bowl for her husband.
Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn, is a frequent guest of local sports teams.
Florida GOP State Senator Tom Lee, who is not allowed to accept any gift worth more than $25 as a state legislator, received a pair of suite tickets to the Feb. 2016 Monster Jam at Raymond James Stadium.
Florida GOP Al Higginbotham – 2014 Bollywood Emmys held at
Raymond James Stadium.
Charlie Gerdes – 2015 FIVB Beach Volleyball, St. Pete