Saturday, June 2, 2018

Words From The Mayor

I didn’t decide to run for Governor because I like seeing my name on signs or because I grew up wanting to be a politician.
I've always believed that people should run hard on the issues that matter to our communities. I got into public service to make a difference in people's lives. And I decided to run for Governor because I knew we could rebuild Florida into a state that works for all of us, and it was going to take the right leader to help do it.
I believe in fighting for what’s right, and I truly believe I am the right person to help fix the mess Rick Scott is leaving behind -- but I need your help. here

Friday, June 1, 2018

Chris Cano for Florida State Representative District - 62

Today the people of West Tampa and the residents of District 62 gained a new candidate for their State House seat in Tallahassee. A familiar face and a name many may know well, Christopher Cano, filed for the Democratic nomination for State Representative. The only child of Sharon and the late Carlos Cano III has spent the last several years organizing in the community around many different issues from immigration reform to medical marijuana to teachers unions. Chris had this to say about his run to represent his hometown in Tallahassee:

“Public service is my calling. Whether it is through divine influence or just the innate will to help others, I cannot turn from it. It is why after high school I joined the Air Force. And, since then, I have spent the vast majority of my adult life in service to our people. Helping others achieve the American Dream has always been a focus of my work in public service. Yet, in these times, we see the American Dream under attack by divisive forces in both Tallahassee and Washington DC. I despise war for the lives lost, yet, I will not turn from a fight when our people are attacked. The powers that be see fit to place puppets in Tallahassee that attack our teachers, our nurses, our union brothers and sisters. These powers push legislation that attack our immigrant families, our communities of color, and our LGBTQ loved ones. With our civil rights and economic livelihoods under attack, now is the time to unite. Together we can get our great state of Florida and America back on track. Together let’s achieve the Dream.”

Friends, neighbors, and supporters are welcome to join Cano for a campaign kickoff at Wellswood Park, tomorrow, Saturday June 2nd from 2pm to 5pm located at 4918 N Mendenhall Dr in Tampa, FL.

Ybor Paparazzi

Syd Eastwin

Tampa Bay GOP Report Card

The Florida Education Association, a consistent critic of Florida Republican education policy, has joined the growing list of organizations issuing lawmaker grades.
Bill Gavano F - Tom Lee D
Dana Young D- - James Grant F
Shawn Harrison F - Jake Raburn F
Ross Spano F - Jackie Toledo F
Jeff Brandes F - Larry Ahern F
Chris Latvala F - Kathleen Peters D
Chris Sprowls F Lawrence McClure F 

Tobasco Media unveils R. David Walker for Commissioner of Agriculture Commercial

Ybor Bartenders

Christina at Tequilas 

Phone bank for Andrew Gillum in Tampa

Sunday, June 3-1:00 PM 
John F. Germany Library

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Hey Hillsborough County Remember Lawrence McClure

You should, you just hired him. He got an F on his report card. Didn't take him long to start undermining your children's education. What happened. you had lots of choices. Democrat Jose Vazquez, Libertarian Bryan Zemina and no-party candidate Ahmad Saadaldin. here

Ybor Musicians

Harmonica player Jim

Real Florida Progressive William Byatt

During the 2017 Democratic National Committee Chair race, members of the People's Progressive Caucus encouraged Florida's DNC members to vote for Rep. Keith Ellison to lead our Party in the four year battle against President Trump and the forces of greed that now control every branch of our Federal government. We supported Rep. Ellison because we feared that the opposing candidate, Tom Perez, would betray our values and his own promises and hamstring our capacity to communicate a vision of a bold, progressive American future. We lost that race, but the efforts of this Caucus and our allies led to significant portions of the Florida delegation casting their votes for Rep. Ellison.
Last week, Tom Perez seized the opportunity to prove our fears well-founded. After spending a year claiming to want "unity" with progressives, after spending a year asserting that the top levels of the Democratic Party should stay neutral in Democratic primaries, Tom Perez endorsed incumbent New York Governor Andrew Cuomo in his bid for re-election against progressive stalwart Cynthia Nixon.
This is unacceptable hypocrisy. Just weeks ago, Chairman Perez declined the opportunity to help elect America's first black woman governor on the grounds that he wouldn't involve himself in primaries.
Unless, of course, it's a primary that involves a long-time corporate Democrat, with deep ties to megadonors, who represents the dynastic element of our Party.
In the coming days the Board of this Caucus will be releasing a public statement to media condemning Chairman Perez's actions, and we will be calling on other Democratic Party organizations and institutions 
to do the same.
On Tuesday, June 12, the Miami-Dade DEC will be holding a general body meeting, where many of our members will be joining together to raise a motion of censure 
against the Chairman.
Until then, I ask all of our members to take action in whatever Party bodies and organizations they belong to. To raise motions, write letters, and push back. We expect this kind of self-serving hypocrisy from the President and his Congress, but we cannot accept it from our own Party.
- William Byatt,
Chair, People's Progressive Caucus of Miami-Dade

The Unabashedly Progressive Mayor Of Tallahassee

Progressive Wave Cresting in the South
Last Tuesday Stacey Abrams’ rewrote the political playbook with a resounding victory in our neighbor to the north. Democratic voter participation shot up by more than 20 percent compared with 2010 the party’s last contested primary for governor in Georgia. 
The results were loud and clear to Columbus Mayor Teresa Tomlinson: Democratic voters were rejecting “Republican lite” politics.”
The Tallahassee Democrat’s Bill Cotterell wrote last week:
“Down here, Mayor Andrew Gillum was quick to see the Abrams nomination as a sign that he can win on Aug. 28. There are some glaring Georgia-Florida differences, but there are also some similarities – notably that Gillum is running as an unabashed liberal counting 
on a large black vote."
The mayor had this to say “Last night, my friend Stacey Abrams won the Democratic primary in Georgia and in the process helped show the world that we need to toss out the old political playbooks that tell us what we can and can’t do, or who should and shouldn’t win.” 
Ways you can help him...
Visit him here - Send him cash here
Phone bank
6.3 - 1 PM John F. Germany Public Library here

He has plans to make healthcare more affordable through Medicare for All, increase spending on education and workforce training through a corporate tax adjustment 

and marijuana legalization, 

and raise the minimum wage in Florida to $15 an hour.


Tampa Paparazzi

Green Party of Tampa

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Florida Sundown Towns

Sundown towns were all-white municipalities or neighborhoods in the United States that practiced a form of segregation by enforcing restrictions excluding people of non-white races via some combination of discriminatory local laws, intimidation, and violence. The term came from signs posted that "colored people" had to leave town by sundown. Source 
Altha - Cedar Key - Coral Gables
Daytona Beach Shores - Del Ray Beach
Elfers - Flagler Beach - Gulfport
Holmes Beach - Longboat Key
Melbourne Beach - Miami Beach
Myakka City - Ocoee - Old Homosassa
Palm Beach - Samsula
Southport - St. Cloud
Venice - Winterhaven
White residents often reminded Blacks of the threat by bumping the backs of their cars while driving and flashing weapons at Blacks in town.
To combat this threat, Black travelers used a guide called "The Negro Motorist Green-Book" to determine safe places for Blacks to stop along their routes. more

Words Of Scott Shoup

"Tired of seeing uber-wealthy Democratic Gubernatorial candidates buying their field organizers and making a mockery of what real grassroots activism is about. Come join us this Saturday for a Andrew Gillum sign waving event. Bring your sign or be creative and make your own ( I'll have extras). Let's amp this real grassroots campaign up." Scott Shoup
Andrew Gillum Sign Waving
Dale Mabry Hwy & Kennedy Blvd - Tampa
June 2 at 2 PM info

Ybor Bartenders

LisaMarie At Elmers

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Dirty Rice Bowl
At Tequilas in Ybor

Coconut Creek police K-9 officer Brian Valenti

 Is in hot water after posting an offensive comment on Facebook related to Friday’s “die-in” protest at Publix, saying he hoped “some old lady loses control of her car in that lot.” more

Andrew Gillum Tampa Fans

Ybor City

Mayor Andrew Gillum

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

‘Unity’ Confab Fizzles; Cruz Campaign in Shambles

By any measure, the Janet Cruz campaign for state senate’s so-called “unity” event last Thursday in South Tampa was a failure.  Worse, it was an embarrassment.
The stunt was necessitated by what Tampa’s progressive community considers reprehensible behavior by Cruz and the Florida Democratic Party.  It was a lame attempt for Cruz to mend fences. more
By Jim Bleyer

Ybor Paparazzi

7th Ave

Meet Dr. Linda Jack

She is running for Florida House District 36
Visit her here

Rick Scott Receives Backlash From John Morgan

Ybor City Homeless

Meet God

Florida Store Bought Right Wing Media

Virtually every Gatehouse Media Florida newspaper from Jacksonville’s Florida Times-Union, the St. Augustine Record, Sarasota Herald Tribune, Ocala Star-Banner, Daytona Beach News Journal, the Lakeland Ledger and the Panama City News Herald ran an identical editorial defending Publix. here
Publix is also one of Gatehouse’s 
largest advertisers.

Ybor City, 30 neighborhoods in 30 days

Sunday, May 27, 2018

R. David Walker at the Trinity Democratic Club

In the race to succeed Adam Putnam as the Commissioner of Agriculture, no other candidate has the drive of R. David Walker. Walker is a 5th generation Floridian and a scientist. He has also kept a packed schedule during his odyssey to Tallahassee. This week Walker spoke to the Trinity Democratic Club and was well received by an enthusiastic crowd. R. David Walker is crossing the state, county by county, building his case for Commissioner while his campaign continues to gain momentum.

Asher Edelson on The School Board Scandal

The recent leak on our School Board is upsetting. It shows our community yet another example of how dysfunctional the Board is. The sheer level of hostility between the Board members is certainly disappointing. The interactions highlighted in the La Gaceta are eye opening, and there are more photos that need to be released to confirm what was in the article. What I saw on their page was unfortunate; school board members colluding with each on how to influence elections isn’t a great thing to have out. I remember Snively pompously disdained my idea on making Election Day a school holiday, and nowadays she’s intent on being just another
right wing politician.

Her interactions with candidates and other persons show me that their faction of the Board is morally bankrupt and ready to push for more control. I am not happy with April Griffin, either, who seems to be Snively’s boogeyman. I want to see a new “factionless” faction on the Board to fight for our county and be above
this foolish pettiness.

Asher Edelson

Knife, Stun Gun Pulled on Muslim Students at St. Augustine McDonald's

Ybor Paparazzi

Rachelle Settambrino
Professor of sign language - USF

Democratic Florida state Rep. Kim Daniels: Dolls Are Possessed By Demons

Ms. Daniels, an exorcist preacher whose bill requiring all public schools to display “In God We Trust” goes into effect this summer, has some thoughts about dolls in her new book on witchcraft.