Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Sandy Murman. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Sandy Murman. Sort by date Show all posts

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Sandy, Al, Ken And Stacy Avoiding Jim Norman

Four Republicans have quite noticeably stayed on the sidelines as Norman seeks the party nomination for a return to the county commission: His would-be colleagues.
Commissioners Ken Hagan, Al Higginbotham, Sandy Murman and Stacy White won’t make an endorsement in Norman’s race against Tampa businessman Tim Schock for the open District 6 seat. here

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Hillsborough County Right Wing Infestation

Florida GOP County Commissioner Sandy Murman says she is "probably" going to leave her district seat to run for a countywide seat in 2018. Murman faces a 2020 term limit. Jumping to a countywide seat would restart her term limit clock. here
Florida GOP Victor Crist and Ken Hagan could also be seeking new seats that would enable them to avoid term limits.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Throwing Hillsborough Transit Into Reverse

These are major, systemic problems. County Commissioner Mark Sharpe, who serves on the board, gets it; he changed his mind and supported a tax increase for HART, which would cost the average home­owner about 41 cents a year. But his colleague, Commissioner Sandy Murman, a fellow Republican, is still playing politics. Murman said she won't support an increase "even if it's a penny."

Even if it's a penny? This is the mind-set Hillsborough needs to change if it hopes to address transportation and job development in a meaningful way.

From a letter to the St. Pete Times, more.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Hillsborough County, Florida. Land Of Corporate Welfare

Recent giveaways
$3.4 million to Citigroup
$60,000 to an unidentified logistics operation 
$78,500 to a Tampa financial services firm. here
Need CASH, call Sandy Murman 813.272.5470

If Ms. Murman is busy, try Ken Hagan
Locals need not apply 

Friday, September 2, 2016

The Liberals Takeover Of Tampa

Hillsborough County Registered Voters
Dems 323,159
GOP 261, 279
Other 234,279
Ken Hagan
Sandy Murman
victor crist, Stacy White
Les Miller and Kevin Beckner being the only Dems. 
Murman is up for re-election.
Mr. Beckners seat needs to be kept blue.
There are more Dems then GOP.
Why do they get to rule?
The Tampa Bay Chapter of the Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Welcome To Movin' Murman

Where The Object Of The Game Is To Figure Out What Career Politicians Sandy Murman Will Do Next?

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Flipping The Hillsborough County Commission

I first met Julio the creator of this blog a couple of years ago as we were both waiting for the library downtown to open. He had just been to an event at Gaslight Park and wanted to post his Images. I was there for research on a book I have been working on. He offered me a guest blogger spot on his blog. I have to admit I have been slacking. He is going through a hard time right now and I want to help him. The following is something we have talked about many times. He never wanted to post this because he didn't want to call anyone/group
(Sunshine Citizens) out. But I will.  

The case off Jeffrey Zampitella
I just came across a new site 
Last year we had a chance to take out Sandy Murman. (We had a great candidate) The effort by the grassroots just wasn't there. 

Doing early voting up to election day Julio spent every day at the Jan Platt Library waving a Pat Kemp sign. Not once did anybody come and hold Jeff's signs. No one even came to put any up. The only sign there was the one Julio brought. 

Murman had people there that she was paying to hold her signs. (Notice how the GOP sticks together) 

Pat Kemp's people were everywhere

So you can put up all the fancy websites and Facebook pages you want but if the effort is not there on the ground it is all for not.

Friday, April 29, 2016

GOP Hillsborough County Commissioners: "A Profile In Cowardice"

Tea Party rules around here!
The county commission voted 4-3 on Wednesday night to reject the proposed 30-year, half-cent sales tax, refusing to put it on the November ballot and letting voters decide.
"Sadly tonight a majority of the County Commission has refused to give the citizens of Hillsborough County an opportunity to decide for themselves whether their future includes a better transportation system. Rather than a profile in courage this vote was a profile in cowardice.Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn
"I am very disappointed that after years of work this board was not able to build consensus, I do look forward to the continued dialogue at our upcoming meeting and I'm hopeful that we might still be able to come to a consensus on such an important community issue as transportation." Kevin Beckner
Matthew Durshimer was all for the 30-year sales tax. He said it was the only way Hillsborough would attract corporate relocations and a younger workforce. Only the 30-year tax, he argued, would allow the county to build a real transit system. "And if the answer is no, then expect all the problems of today to get worse tomorrow," Durshimer said, "and expect all the young professionals like myself to leave this commununity.
Sandy Murman wants the board to hold yet another transportation workshop in the near future. It passed unanimously. GO Hillsborough was meant to fail from the begining. It was all a sham. here

We can start with Murman! here
Please note, it was smart what they did. It would not have passed. 
To much for roads and not enough for rail.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Call Sandy Murman

Organizations around the state of Florida will be uniting to demand support for
which would protect thousands who are undocumented! Be sure to participate in Hillsborough County's!

Commission Chair, Sandra L. Murman
Phone:(813) 272 - 5470

Friday, April 20, 2018

Hillsborough County GOP Votes To Continue The Infestation

GOP commissioners voted 5-2 to move ahead with a plan to overhaul the structure of the Hillsborough County Commission including the addition 
of two seats. 
The proposal is being pushed by Republican Commissioner 
Sandy Murman. The proposal would give her more options to stay in office.
The commission’s two Democrats voted against Murman’s plan. Commissioner Pat Kemp said the move is aimed simply at protecting Republican controlled at-large seats in what political pundits predict may be a tough election year for the GOP.
"This is in my mind raw partisan politics, this is commissioners trying to draw districts for themselves to keep themselves on the commission." Pat Kemp

Friday, June 8, 2018

Hillsborough County Celebrates

In a surprise move, GOP Sandy Murman let a deadline pass without filing papers with the Supervisor of Elections office to resign from her current District 1 seat. Instead, she will stay in District 1 until she reaches the end of her term limit 
in 2020 and
(These words are cause for celebration)
says she has no plans to run for another seat. here
"There's no doubt I was going to win but my gut was telling me to finish out my term," said Murman, a Republican.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Tiger Bay City Council and County Commission Candidates In Ybor

L’Unione Italiana

Jeffrey Zampitella
Visit him here

Pat Kemp
Visit her here

Orlando Gudes

Gary Dolgin

Mitch Perry
Read what he wrote here

Marie of Tony's Ybor Restaurant
They provided the great lunch.
Visit them here

Pat and Jeff with friends

Florida GOP and Pro TBX county commission candidates Sandy Murman and Tim Schock had more important things to do and could not make it.
 "Murman is afraid to debate me because then she'll have to answer about her ethics issues that tainted the GoHillsborough process and wasted millions of dollars that ended with her vote to kill and chance we have of funding/building/operating a 21st century transit system."
Jeffrey Zampitella

Monday, August 19, 2019

Hillsborough County GOP Pulls A Fast One

At a Workshop where the public was not allowed to comment, the County rammed through a growth plan that includes "Sector Planning," which can result in tens of thousands of homes paving over our rural lands.
This "Sector Plan" was not on the agenda, and was not included in the backup materials for the meeting, so neither the Commissioners nor the public had a chance to review it, and the public had no opportunity for input prior to the vote. The County Administrator, Mike Merrill, handed it out to the Commissioners when we were seated at the meeting. Soon after, Commissioner Stacy White made a motion for us to adopt the document.
Voting YES: Stacy White, Sandy Murman,
Les Miller & Ken Hagan.
Voter Registration in Hillsborough County;
 Democrats334,070; Republicans269,899; Others255,409

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Hillsborough County Sprawlers

Sandy Murman
Ken Hagan
Victor Crist
Business as usual for a commission that just three months ago appeared ready to hold the line on further suburban sprawl. And challengers to several commissioners seeking re-election this year say the vote is evidence that 
change is needed.
In one of the first tests of Hillsborough County’s stated commitment to fight sprawl, commissioners are giving a green light to a contentious new suburban development in east county.
These folks are up for re-election. 
Check out who we could have....
Sky White, Kimberly Overman,
Angela Birdsong,
Mariella Smith, Elvis Piggot
and Mark Nash

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Hillsborough County GOP Assault Weapons Ban

and Sandy Murman - Victor Crist
Al Higginbotham - Stacy White
Not on our watch!
Remember This In November!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Right Wing Love Fest In Tampa

John McCain arrived in Tampa about 12:45 p.m. today with an entourage that included Gov. Charlie Crist and Sens. Joe Lieberman, Lindsey Graham and Mel Martinez. Included in the crowd were St. Petersburg Mayor Rick Baker, Republican businessman and fundraiser Al Austin, Hillsborough County Commissioner Brian Blair, former state Rep. Sandy Murman, current state Rep. Kevin Ambler and Tampa City Council member Joe

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Corruption Scandal In Tampa

Beth Leytham
Documents obtained by 10 Investigates detail how a senior political adviser to Mayor Bob Buckhorn and other local leaders is wielding influence behind-the-scenes of City of Tampa and Hillsborough County business, potentially in violation of local and state ethics laws. And the politicians she’s closest to – including several county commissioners - have allowed it.
"Go Hillsborough, our transportation plan for the future of Hillsborough County, was awarded more than a million dollars (so far) with no-bid contract to Parson Brinckerhoff and Beth Leytham. Beth Leytham who outlined the no bid process to the county administrator has been paid $190,000 for her own part in the deal. Beth Leytham is not paid as a political consultant and registered as a lobbyist as she should be. Instead lucrative taxpayer contracts are steered her way so that taxpayers are footing the bill. In the case of Go Hillsborough it was a no-bid contract. That's just wrong." 

Tampa's shady underword
Bob Buckhorn
 Sandy Murman
Ken Hagan
Are invoved

Friday, December 23, 2016

Tampa's Culture Of Corruption

More than a year after the Florida Commission on Ethics agreed to investigate several complaints filed against  County commissioners Sandy Murman and Ken Hagan and Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn, the cases remain unresolved. here
 They are accused of steering a $1.3 million Go Hillsborough contract to the client of a politically connected public relations consultant.